Monday, May 3, 2010
Hiie :D so erm , went out today :D with anabelle , sara , john , soonching , aaron & jay ? LOL . actually we had ntotally nth to do with th boys , except in th movie theatre . like , seriously ? LOL . hahah , met anabelle first , thn bused & mrted with her . reached , thn john paul ask us t go century square check . so we walked , thn sms him , he ask us go back golden village siaa ! ;x wasted so much of my energy , LOL . thn , th boys bought th tickets first , we went to dabao macs to sneak inside cinema , :D , LOL . Hhaha , my bag was damn heavy , carrying two upsized cokes , one fries & one mcnugget . LOL . okay , thn see time , walau , damn early onlyz . like 12 , movie start at 1230 mahs . so we went open plaza , swing-ed belle , she got dizzy , damn fun , so i stopped it for her luh . heheh , :D i so good right , LOL . thn boys sms say go in . so we went in , paid th boys money back , thn ask soonching buy cheesy hotdog for me & belle :D you know what ? it sucks ROCKS ! :DD . loveit , LOL . okay , thn we went in lerh . from left to right was , anabelle , me , sara , john , soonching , jay , aaron i think ? O: nt sure abt jay & aaron's position , didnt see mahs . (: thn a hell lot of advertisements came on , & finally , ironman2 started :DD . so yeah , we went to watch ironman2 , LOLS . kk , th starting was boring , th others was alright , quite nice , LOL . hahaha , thn blabla , they kinda like talked about protons & neutrons , and me & belle was like , O.O , atoms ?! th technlology in th movie is like AWESOME ?! Its so cool manzxc . LOL ! :D hahaha , love randoming with belle :D LOL . hmm , thn aft end lerh , we went to toilet , cause i want tie hair :D LOL . thn outta toilet , go espirit for awhile . belle find clothes , nth special and nice . (?) Went back to whitesands . took neo :D they damn cute , i damn suck ): LOL . hahaha , finish , saw teresa & her friend bahs , hugged teresa :D teresa hugged belle also :D thn me & belle decided to buy Geek Specs , be jealous :D tho i wear veh ugly lar . thn we three , with geekeh specs , went to take another neo :D LOLS . yeah , i look weird . like from harvard come out th guaikia . anabelle like oxford student hahaha ! :D cute rights ? :D LOL . so yeah , thn we went toilet , took a few photos , photos with sara , maybe she'll post it , maybe she'll not :D idk ! :/ & thn , we went aries , for awhile :D LOLS . thn went helen , bought donut . bused home , th end . didnt bring key , waited outside for awhile ): HAIS . LOL , nvm , at least got chair :D LOL . later still got tuition , chiong hw first alright ? BUHBYE ! :DD
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