Hiie :D ohyeah , funny day , LOL . jokes day actually :D heheh , its damn .. funny :D laughed alot . hmm , chinese two period . went library , borrowed three awesome books yeah :D heheh ! :D yay me ! ;D then was recess lerh , went recess with wanyi also :D cause jiaxue & jiahui weren't thr , LOL :D wanyi very welcome to join us during recess wor :D hahah ! (: then its two period of science . & also our joke session la :D hahaha . damn funny . hammond & eugene keep saying jokes lor . hahah . make th whole science lesson , i learnt nth , wakakah . one very funny .
got two guys right they help god do smt , so in return , god grant them a wish . god told them when they go down this slide , they must shout what they want , & they'll get it when they reach the end . th first guy shouted money , then when he reach th end , he have alot of money la . then th second guy accidentally slip & fall , so he said : SHIT ! thn at th end of th slide , alot of shit pour on him xD . hahah . & coffee or bread more quiet ? ans is coffee ! cause coffeeTIAM , breadTALK :D wakakah :D hahah , wanna know th other jokes ? ask us ! :D damn funny ones . thn maths lerh , aiyo , reviserevise for maths test on fri :D im gonna revise tmr xD . yay ! :D hmm tmr sara coming back , if nth goes wrong , tht's it ! :D onerespect welcome you eh ;D aft maths was elit . did hot seating ah ? blabla . hammond be camera man halfway , he want poo :D wth right , LOL . hahah . thn was STINT . aiyoz . boring like shit . jiamin did smt to caleb ah , i didnt really notice it , LOL . thn off to interview . ew , it sucks , LOL . i mean i sucked . i was blabbering some weird kinda things which i really also dunt understand , so yeah , LOL . k , thn bused home , 359 again . tuition & bye ! :D
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