Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hiie :D ohyeah , tuesdays . hahah ! :D hmm assembly in hall . ooh , some npcc thingy oh . hahah . thn was reading period . ughh , kinda wanna sleep (: hehehe . thn eng ! went to lab to do some kinda survey oh ? hahah . recess ! :D ate , cause got netball afterwards :D heheh , thn .. uh . maths D: borings . PE . leant some uh .. thingy ? LOL . hahah , spent two periods on it . make my butt so pain cause i fell , due to not balancing myself properly D: ohyeah , poor me huh :X yeah , did kicks & punches , ahaha , i so did wanted to punch someone . oh , eugene & hammond were going around testing our IQ . i pwned eugene :D hahah , LOL . szeming more pro , you know why she got th correct ans ? cause she heard eugene telling anabelle th ans , LOL ! :D hahah . aft PE , eng .. :/ uh , showed some kinda movie . abt basketball ? szeming & hammond were kinda excited i guess , hahah . after all , its their sport , isn't it ? xD . uhuh , thn was SEL . read book :D im into in once again . tmr have student council interview , ohno . dunt they know how much i suck at interviewings ? except for th nanjing one :DD it was in chinese , so yeahh :D hheh , hmm , netball .. was kinda tiring , yet time passed so fast . hahah , aft netball , walked to mrt with anabelle , simone & rachel . rachel bought me & belle coke float ! :D YAY YOU ! :D hahah , thn we went popular . & PS : TH TRAIN WAS GODDAMN CROWDED . hahah . popular find book , havent have stock . SADS . ): thn bused home , 359 again . im gonna take 35999999 :D heheh :D wish me luck tmr uhs , its cai laoshi D: im so scared of her , just her D: okay , i might die of nervousness , hahah . k , bye ! :D

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