Monday, May 31, 2010

Hiie :D ohyeah . class outing is like , in mess .. :/ uhuh , i sms ppl , they also nvr reply me , not my fault luh . today woke up blaaaaaa . then went giant :D buy tumbler , LOL . omgggggg , its damn big laaaaa . i dunt think i can finish drinking 1.8litres of water per training , O: hahahaha :D nonetheless , i still bought it , whooo ~ hahahaha , LOL ! ate thr too . damn full . oh , then daddy ask me buy drinks for th whole family siaaaa . using my own money . uh , i did laaaaa , so now , im BROKE ! D: saddddddddddd . then went home to change , went AHS :D pass worksheet to mdm norliza (: oh , saw her outside sch w her familyyyyyyy , ^^ hahahaha . hmm , then went home , dunno why very tired , plus it was raining , SO I SLEPT . i still cant really believe how i managed to do that siaaa O: ahahah , proud of myself , so healthy , :D LOL . then wake up , walk to anabelle's hse . on the way , saw alester . wthhhhhhhhhhh . badbaddddddd . then went west :D bought notebook , for netball uh . coach wants us to have one , so buy luh . hahahaha . uh , i dunno what to write in it siaaaa . i very scared ley :X tmr maybe she will killllll us again laaaaaaa ): this is pathetic D: ah , fine , k , bye ! :D

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Okay , supposed to do some resulting in our gathering . th bbq is confirm cannot derh D: aww so sad . so now three options for one respect ppl :D here are the three :
1) Class Tee .
2) Still meetup , but just gather , maybe just watch a movie or smt laaa .
3) Meetup , not bbq anymore , but everyone just bring a dish .

K , so ive only received three ppl's opinion huh . i need th whole class :D
anabelle - 1
eugene - 1
irwin - 3

tht's for now , buhbye ! :D
Hey :D hahahaha . oh , my finger's much better :D thanks for concerns (: uh , not that black alre , become purple . but its still swollen . looks like ian's finger , LOL . wth -,- holidays are for us , to rest , enjoy la . give so much hw & project for what sey :X uh , BUT THE GOOD THING ? eng project . BIOGRAPHY ON ANY SPORTS PERSON . & so i think me & anabelle doing on XABI ALONSO ! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD manymany loves to him laa ! :D hahahahahah ! thanks many to anabelle ! :D so , hmm , ACC . gonna do a blog :/ i totally suck at blogging laaaaaaaaa . ofc , im still gonna do it , have to start finding suitable blogskins lerh ^^ . hehehehe , once i made it , will post url here , then you ppl help me rate it okay ? xDDDDDDD hahahaha . today in a good mood . later going to meet nicolette . o-o kk . & i need go west plaza to buy notebook for netball . uh , yeah , coach vivien wants us to have one , & to write every training blabla inside it O: ahahah . but you know , she isn't very polite huh . GET THAT BLOOD Y BALL . LOL . hahahaha . but still .. :/ i think im gonna get a tumbler soon :D yay me ! LOLS . alalala . bloghopping nao ! kinda bored . AN.JELL is shiok , LOL . i mean , i want them be a real band la , i confirm one of their supporters , o-o hahahaha . taekyung :DDDD jang guen suk :DDDDD LOLS . he smile tht time , whooo , i melted . LOL ! :D k , bye ! :D

-is it my fault ? .. :/

Saturday, May 29, 2010

coach vivien damn scary . all i can say is tht luh . o-o hands hurt . pinky got like injured . its black & purple nao D: typing w one hand , looks like a retarded laa . poor me , LOL . simone pained today , hope she's alright now :D hahaha . her training is like so tiring la , w so less water breaks , sadden . haiz . then training ended . o-o late for like one hour -,- she's so on time , LOL . aft training went to eat w anabelle's family . alester lim . wtf . he make th idiot cat come near sia . if only i can skin you . i will if you're not anabelle's brother . rawr . LOL . then blaaaaaa . eat finish , drove to koi :D oh , damn nice . my peach green teaaaaaaaa :DDDDDDDDDD yums , thanks to anabelle mummy :D LOL . hmm , now is damn sian . like got nth to do sey :X i dread trainings , so tiring la -,- ah , fine , bye .

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hiie :D oh , sch holidays techinically starts :D yay , celebrate ! :DDDDDD but , homeworks & projects are coming in , ain't so happy bout it yeah . ughh . trainings on , tuesdays , thursdays & sats . so cant go out on those days , heh . hmm , tmr have training , quite sads . gonna have aching muscles even thought my muscles havent recover yet O: rawr . LOL . today went to pray . o-o then ikea :D saw mrs lim & nicholas O: hahahaha . ooh , then went to expo . O: i didn't know thr were so many fairs now eh . bought some things , blaaaaa . went back home , slept :D mainly cause my mum woke me up at 8 just because she wanted to pray , uh . i wanted to sleep until like 10 plus leh :X oh , whatever , k , bye ! :D

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hiie :D ahh , results back :/ bad , not good at all . training , coach didn't come :D LOLS . hmm , day stared w two periods of chi . shit sia , ohmygod . watched 三国演义 :X like wth -,- it was filled w old ppl , LOL . recess ! :D yays . oh, then geog ! i wanna finish watching DANTE'S PEAK ! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD its damn nice , but ruth's leg keep sticking in me head :X very scary . th acid ahhhhhhhhhhh ! D: poor grandma ruth siaaaa . oh , then art , cher didn't come , woot :D then english . file file file . SOON , SPRING CLEANING . hahahahha , i stayed near cher to help her translate stuffs to chutong , :D ohyeah . results given out soon . think my results is average bah , considered lan lerh luh ! ): oh , ok , i wanna watch show , bye ! :D

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Harlo ! :D oh , tiring day ; pain everywhr . ohs , yeah . its because of th captain ball thingy la . hahah , nvm , had fun w wanyi & belle . ohs , have two particular person to mention in my blog today . uhuh , first . yes you , you ! gohyihong . ah , shouldn't have made fun of chutong yeah ? you dunno how much effort she put in ehs , before presenting , she was SO nervous la , keep asking me if she write wrongly how . and then ? what she get , laughters . ahhhhhhh , & when mrs chuah was talking to you , you laughed . you actually laughed . ohwells :X ms nisrin is damn right , but why only aft ms nisrin say then you apologise ? why dont you have th same attitude towards mrs chuah eh ? LOL . jys . Jeremy , your stamina pro luh , dunt need run around like siao right . LOLS . i promised them i'll mark you , yes i did . but i did a poor job of it . he was too fast , gah D: oh , well , he's sec4 , his stamina ought to be much better than mine anyway , hahahah . hmm , when you said good game , i wanted to seriously shout at you . oh , nvm . if your name is jeremy & you're thinking : is it me ? well , its not you , its him ! :D yays , i finish talking ! :D well , class have been boring , well , much boring for me to take it . just hope tmr will be better . gotta do movie review , uhuh ! D: so sian sia , walau . efffffffffff . sad me ): i dunt have th slightest idea on how to do it :/ badbad . i left my paper , th notes in class under my table . shit . speaking of tables , ahhhhhhhh . i have to clear those things under my table like , tmr ?! D: so sad , my bag's gonna be , hahahahhahahaa , just see how much stuffs i have under my table la ! ): im so gonna die tmr . results are coming back , im gonna do a very bad job D: so sad . k , bye !

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

TIRING . yeah , only word to describe me nao , smt to describe coach , 厉害 , 我服了你 ! D: wth , was painpainpain . im so sure its gonna get SOOOOO much worse tmr . soyeah . wanyi's unglam , wanyi , you know what hor . so bad D: poor thing ): my butt bone , shit it . was doing crunches , i shifted body weight to butt cause back very pain , well . BAD CHOICE . LOLS . i shouldn't have done this la , i rather my back break nao , then this irritating butt hurting like SIAO . sowell . training was tough , tough but kinda fun . hadn't been using so much of me muscles since mr chee left meridian , left us for smt else . & this ahtan came :X so yeah , LOL . uhuh , PE cher went to china , wells , i love it :D LOLS ! :X nth to say . bored to deaths in classes . SEL is boring like shit D: awws . her last day , so i didnt sleep . whatever :D im so guai , yays . ohwell . im like damn sad , aww , i miss some ppl yeahs . badly . like , erm .. :X lemme see , 6C'09 ! :D && th mdps chers ! :D awwwwwww ! D: alright when coming back , saw two chers :D whom havent teach me before , but i knew their presence , LOL . k , bye ! :D PS : TMR'S GONNA ACHE LIKE HELL . ):


Monday, May 24, 2010

Hiie :D ohyeah , mondays . :D hahaha , started w/ geog . watched show , yay mrs koh ! :D hahaha finally start watching show la , like waited so long . th show quite nice laa , not say veh boring until i want to sleep , xD hahaha . thn was eng . watched show again ! :D coach carter ah ? idk how spell :X hahah . hmm , hahaha ! thn wth la -,- fire drill . waste time siaa . walked to parade square , thn blabla :X and it was damn hot la alamak D: thn recess , lalala ! dnt ! watched show also ! :D veh good hor nao ! :D hahahah . ip man 2 ! wah , its damn nice luh . just tht its like .. freezing D: hahaha . my & szeming going die liao :X hahahaha . hmms , aft tht was chinese , sian . play dunno wht game , wanna sleep la . aiyo ,thn maths . worse , LOL . teached ratio , oohlala ~ LOLS . hmm she passed us a form saying what join what amazon race or smt , AHS one la . for all class com ppl . O-O i think i going , xDDDDDD yay ! :D LOLS . k aft sch wanted to meet khai & gwen but in th end smt cropped up at home & i went home D: D: D: thriple sads eh , nvm , next time . okay , enough , bye ! :D

Sunday, May 23, 2010

hahah ! today's offcially your birthday alre wor ! :D have a happy day ahead yeah . even tho it means you're getting older ! wakakah , nvm ! :D maturity is good okay , hahah . hope your wishes come true this year & everything 顺顺利利 ! :D yeah ! later will be going out w/ you , hope you enjoy yourself alright , k . & 加油 in everything you do , thn hongki will notice you ah ! xDDDDDD hahahah ! when you're feeling down also can come & talk to me ehs . okay , wishing you happy birthday again ! :DDDDDDDDDDD

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hiie :D yeah , tmr's anabelle's birthday yeah :D so , happy birthday in advance love :D LOLS . later going out . er , dunno how explain . but guess i wont be able to post later . gonna come back late . o-o yeahs , LOL . okay , leejiahui , stop saying i like him la . i dunt okay . hahah . you stop suan-ing me , i stop suan-ing you xDD tho i know you like i suan you la , hahaha ! :D LOLS . kk , hyped :D hmm , k , gtg , bye ! :D

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hiie :D fridays , me fav :D LOL . started w/ science , bored dead . heard hammond & yihong sing th whole period . like uh ? outta tune boys . hahah . it was .. :/ i shadn't say , so bad xDD . hmms , thn music ! :D yihong performed luh , >< okay , lucky have th youtube video help to cover his singing . hammond was in front of me , & he was singing , rawr . okayy , i got used to it alr lah nao . just i wish he wouldn't sing . recess ! :D breaded , LOL . thnthn , elit ! did filing , oh god . i couldnt find some things la , omg . deads :X thn ACC . no test yay ! :D LOLS . supposed to have elit & acc test today , but both also cancelled . so sad maths not cancelled lah ): hahah . maths test .. uh , okay la . didn't have time to check seys , aiyo D: LOL . thn geography ! :D sucks , but aircon , WHOO . hahah . END OF SCH . yay ! :D ate at tamp w belle , wanyi , jiahui , jiaxue & gracia . yeah . fun , keep laughing . & hahaha , cheesing ! :D LOLS . thn one uh , man came . i was singing i know you want me .. WTH . th guy was laughing , i think he thought i was singing to him la , LOLS . thn open plaza , i miss th spinspinspin thingy alotalot ! :D wakakah . nobody wanted to spin w me lerh sia . k , then when walking to mrt , saw meridian chers . uh , chinese chers to be exact . hahah :D k , bye ! :D

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hiie :D i like today , dunno why :/ heheh :D chinese , bored . talked like hell , woot , she didnt care actually xDD so nvm ! (: then was , uh , recess LOL . ate chicken rice ! :D ohya , btw , sara came back , as chio as ever ! :DD then when i went back during recess , uh , brendon fell . uh , poor thing . then zihao , eugene lian & some other guy came into our class , irwin got pissed & shouted at them ? uh , yeah . well , in th end , brendon got to th GO . general office lah xD . ahah . thn during geog , he keep saying its pain uhs . sad hor . yeahs . thn cher gave us th airplant , or smt la . i left in in sch , wth ;x LOLS . thn aft geog , art . art presentation sucks like shitty , LOL . hahaha . dunt wanna talk abt it luh . thn was .. uh , eng ! watched show , lalala ~ hehehe . thn MALAY . but mr koh made us run , like wth ? LOLS . hate him la , aiyoz . run for 8mins , he added one min cause he claims tht we did not put in effort in running ? whattheeff . he what ? god uh , read our mind . whatever . LOL . thn was science . lalala , i wasn't even listening , like what shit science la . dunt care . then end sch lerh ;D prepared for netball . coach didnt come , oh & uh , i got gastric & jiahui stretched her muscles , poor her uh , yeah . thn blabla skipped some parts of netball . LOL . aft netball , changed into p5 camp shirt :D off home ! ;D bought bubble tea & sausage , thanks to anabelle ! :D hehhe , kk , bye ! :D oh & jiahui , wanyi , jiaxue & yanzhuang so funneh today uh ! :D

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hiie :D ohyeah , funny day , LOL . jokes day actually :D heheh , its damn .. funny :D laughed alot . hmm , chinese two period . went library , borrowed three awesome books yeah :D heheh ! :D yay me ! ;D then was recess lerh , went recess with wanyi also :D cause jiaxue & jiahui weren't thr , LOL :D wanyi very welcome to join us during recess wor :D hahah ! (: then its two period of science . & also our joke session la :D hahaha . damn funny . hammond & eugene keep saying jokes lor . hahah . make th whole science lesson , i learnt nth , wakakah . one very funny .
got two guys right they help god do smt , so in return , god grant them a wish . god told them when they go down this slide , they must shout what they want , & they'll get it when they reach the end . th first guy shouted money , then when he reach th end , he have alot of money la . then th second guy accidentally slip & fall , so he said : SHIT ! thn at th end of th slide , alot of shit pour on him xD . hahah . & coffee or bread more quiet ? ans is coffee ! cause coffeeTIAM , breadTALK :D wakakah :D hahah , wanna know th other jokes ? ask us ! :D damn funny ones . thn maths lerh , aiyo , reviserevise for maths test on fri :D im gonna revise tmr xD . yay ! :D hmm tmr sara coming back , if nth goes wrong , tht's it ! :D onerespect welcome you eh ;D aft maths was elit . did hot seating ah ? blabla . hammond be camera man halfway , he want poo :D wth right , LOL . hahah . thn was STINT . aiyoz . boring like shit . jiamin did smt to caleb ah , i didnt really notice it , LOL . thn off to interview . ew , it sucks , LOL . i mean i sucked . i was blabbering some weird kinda things which i really also dunt understand , so yeah , LOL . k , thn bused home , 359 again . tuition & bye ! :D

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hiie :D ohyeah , tuesdays . hahah ! :D hmm assembly in hall . ooh , some npcc thingy oh . hahah . thn was reading period . ughh , kinda wanna sleep (: hehehe . thn eng ! went to lab to do some kinda survey oh ? hahah . recess ! :D ate , cause got netball afterwards :D heheh , thn .. uh . maths D: borings . PE . leant some uh .. thingy ? LOL . hahah , spent two periods on it . make my butt so pain cause i fell , due to not balancing myself properly D: ohyeah , poor me huh :X yeah , did kicks & punches , ahaha , i so did wanted to punch someone . oh , eugene & hammond were going around testing our IQ . i pwned eugene :D hahah , LOL . szeming more pro , you know why she got th correct ans ? cause she heard eugene telling anabelle th ans , LOL ! :D hahah . aft PE , eng .. :/ uh , showed some kinda movie . abt basketball ? szeming & hammond were kinda excited i guess , hahah . after all , its their sport , isn't it ? xD . uhuh , thn was SEL . read book :D im into in once again . tmr have student council interview , ohno . dunt they know how much i suck at interviewings ? except for th nanjing one :DD it was in chinese , so yeahh :D hheh , hmm , netball .. was kinda tiring , yet time passed so fast . hahah , aft netball , walked to mrt with anabelle , simone & rachel . rachel bought me & belle coke float ! :D YAY YOU ! :D hahah , thn we went popular . & PS : TH TRAIN WAS GODDAMN CROWDED . hahah . popular find book , havent have stock . SADS . ): thn bused home , 359 again . im gonna take 35999999 :D heheh :D wish me luck tmr uhs , its cai laoshi D: im so scared of her , just her D: okay , i might die of nervousness , hahah . k , bye ! :D

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hiie :D yeah , LOL :D today sch ends early , kinda like today . very slack :D heheh xD . there was no assembly , actually , assembly in class . shiok , bo attire check :D woot (: geog , filed blabla . thn she told me redo my brochure ): wth , fine :D english , ms teo again . she uh , made us do somethings , LOL . recess :D dnt ! :D watched a movie . called uh , th other end of the line :D its a nice show , just abt love story . cher keep teasing yaron . we keep teasing joycelina :D hahah , cute . thn finally finished , chinese . boring until i wanna die , LOLS . poems & stuffs . end of class :d yay ! maths .. even worse la . she is so boring . yeah , did some kinda uh ? polygon ah ? or smt liddat xD . wasnt very much listening . aft sch , went to sweep netball court :/ with anabelle & simone , so poor thing huh . onleh we 3 , hahah . yeah , thn finished :D walked home , damn stuffy la . ): uh , took 359 again :D heheh cause imma kind soul :D yay me ! :D btw , sara & junel's gonna buy jelly bangles ;D yay ! :D hahah , k , bye ! :D

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hiie :D LOL ! :D blogshop opened yeah , so hey ppl , come support :D im sure some of it will catch your eyes ! (: yeah , th taiwan sprees & bags are awesome leh :D just go view luh , thn help spread :D & try to buy k ! ^^ . LOLS . today is yet another boring day , wonder why all th sats & suns are boring . sch ! :D oh sch , you're starting tmr ! :D LOL , i sound retarded luh . k , bye ! :D im bored ):

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tag Replies ! :D

Eugene : i meant is i told cher derh marh ?
Reply : Hahah ! yeah , i know liao :D
Szeming : Tagged !
Reply : Hahah , thanks babe :D
YuanRu : Hey , link me up ! ;DD
Reply : Harlo ! :D Sure , linked ! :DD
Jessica : posted , HAHA , loveyou too ! :D
Reply : Hahah , thanks , loveyou too :D LOL .
Sara : ello !
Reply : Hiie back to you :D
Joycelina : Tag Tag uh:D
Reply : Thankyou braaaaaaaa :D hahah , loves .
Teresa : Tagged ! Sorry , vehh long nehh tag you . ><" You zai lo ! No MYE . -.-" Anyways , stay happy chio & cute . (L)
Reply : Hahah , thanks for th tag dear (: nvm ! :D yeahs , shiok , LOL . i not chio & cute . happy tho (L) .
Jessica : Hello . ooo- , postpost ! haha , ok , stop thinking abt man utd , tho i know you love it manymany , lovelove (: stay happy !
Reply : ! Hahah , dunt think tht is possible yeah ? I'll try (: LOL ! loves .
Jiahui : hello chikopei ! :D
Reply : hello back chikopei ! :DD
Cheryll : Xingann , here's a tag for you . Meet up soon . Takecares . Misses & Loves , (L)
Reply : Thanks for th tag dear :D sure , meetup (: you too :D
Teresa : Laopo/Waiyu . A tag fr you .Meetup soon k . Post moremore ! Stay happy . Miss & love you manymany (L)
Reply : You too yahs ! :D meetup , okay lar ! :D we will :D k , loveyou too .

im done , finally :D alrights , keep th tag rolling in . btw , third post for th day :DD hahaha ! :D
Hey ppl :D blogshop done alre . , visits :D & support lar ! ^^ . Hahah , alright , im still bored death . finished my geography brochure , dunno who to send to zomgs . LOL . k , bye ! :D second post of the day , still so short & sweet :D
Hiie :D ohyeah , dunt like sats & suns , tho can play com all day . nobody to talk to , nobody's online . saddening . ohyeah , short & sweet post today yah . rewatching zhongjiyijia & zhongjisanguo . finished rewatching coffee prince , bof & devil beside you alre :D k , bye ! :D

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hiie :D ahaha ! :D i like fridays , sch ends early . plus today no zao cao , damn SHIOK ! :D hahah ! yeah , so started with science , i was practically counting th mins of th clock siaa . it was SOO EXTREMELY BORING . he showed us some random clips tht did not help us , but it confused us lar D: hahah , thn was music . went to spring lab ! woot :D hahah , thn had some like note reading test or smt ! hahah , th girls won th guys :D cause we rule , LOL ! xD . thn was recess . ate th chinese kitchen thingy again (: kinda awesome . sat beside ***** **** , hahahah ! :D me & belle was laughing our heads off at his accent , but it was damn cool . he's kinda shuai :D hahaha ! thn was elit ! grouped , with anabelle , szeming , eugene , hammond & chutong :D hahah ! thn blabla , ACC . same group . MY DRAWING WAS FUGLY ): hahah . thn was maths . did sums ): bored to death . she go through , thn th end ! :D geog , ewwwww . we went to autumn lab ! hahah , did brochure luh , did halfway onlehh . gonna finish it tmr onlehh :D i have no time t do it nao ! hahah ! :D thn SCH ENDS ! :D get it ? hahah ! yeah , thn walked t mrt with anabelle , wanyi , junel & xiaoxuan :D thn saw jiahui :D hahah , on th train . she keep POKEEEEY me ! so i defended myself , wakakah :D thn was damn funny lar , yuxuan was supposed to alight at tamp , thn when th train was at tamp , she sat down . i ask her : thought you going tamp ? she freak , okay , bye . LOL was laughing :D JIAHUI CALL ME CHIKOPEI . hahah ! :D some weird reason tht i dunt wanna say here luh :D k , enough laughing . took 359 with xiaoxuan . belle went mama's office . homed :D k , bye :D

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hiie :D okay , today kinda rocks , but i was sad , havent gotten over yesterday's matter . nvm , dunt talk abt it lerh :D k , went to sch . chinese two period . did filing & newspaper nia . thn recess . chionged alot of things . went to library print slides thn go photocopy . went for a quick bite LOLS ! :D aft tht was geog . boring dead ;x yihong & bryan was damn disgusting , keep wanting to squeeze cher's butt . LIKE WTF ? LOL . thn brendon say , one day while they are doing tht behind her back , she'll move backwards & they touch her butt :D tht'll be a funny sight , hahah ! :D thinking of it will make me laugh ^^ . funny ;D thn was art . she didn't come . LOL . waste our energy siaa ! O: ahahah ! k , thn was eng . mdm norliza didn't come too ! wah , whats happening to all out chers ? ALAMAK . thn was PE . haiz , damn tiring lar , my stamina deproved like SIAO ): many sads t myself . thn was raining like SUPER HEAVY . was wet while walking back from PE to science . mr ong gave back our science common test paper with th damned waitage of 80% . i passed by 3 marks woot ! :DD hahah ! 18/30 , th highest in our class . travier , which is , 23/30 . pro sia ! O: hahaha ! :D thn second highest is jesslyn , YAY ! claps for her yeah (: hahah ! :D aft science , end sch alre :D mrt-ed with szeming & anabelle . thn me & belle went to kfc . idiotic shaoye came & spoil our mood ): tho we still laughed , wasted much food D: all thanks to him lar ! D: hahah , LOLS . k , thn we went t library :D wah , i found hunted , i read it again ! damn nice , tmr asking belle to bring frostbite for me ! WOOT . simply love th series :D LOLS . kk , thn aft tht , went to meet nicolette ^^ . thn bused home with anabelle . 359-ed again , ahahah . walked home , th end :D k , tmr sch ending early , & its my favourite FRIDAY ! :D yay everyone :D k , bye ! :D

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hiie :D okay , short post yeah . got tuition like , nao ? LOLS . im gonna pwned it abit :D LOLS . k , hmm , started day with chinese . I GOT A FREAKING LOW MARK . okay , well . & i cried , hahah . i know its damn lame lar , but really th lowest mark in my life lar ): so i was damn sad . thn eugene & hammond said alot of jokes , you wanna know ? ask them in sch lar ! :D ohya , got one i find damn funny . here :
Hammond : LAOSHI , ian got act in movie leh !
AhZhang : Zhen De Ma ?
Hammond : Yah ! Shriek , forever & always !! :D
LAUGHS LIKE CRAZY . & th other one , th one abt why kingkong took th arrows but killed himself :D hahah , guess ! wanna know ans ? tag me luh ;D kk , thn aft chi , recess :D thn science . AARON IS CUTE ALRIGHT :DD thn was maths , boring die . gave back maths test O: OMGS . damn low lar . only 8/10 D: okay , nvm , dunt care , thn was elit . cher scolded vivian . aww ): she off-ed th fan . was damn hot lar . aiyoz . LOL . k , thn STINT . err , nth to comment :D LOLS . boring . aft sch lerh ! :D thn went tamp with szeming & anabelle . ate smt tht szeming recommended , thn eat lar , very nice . YUM . :D thn mrt-ed . 359-ed with belle . i walked home . BTW SNGSHAOYE , I DID NOT LOSE . I DID NOT CHEAT . ): k , bye :D

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hiie :D okay , so basically , today is a boring day ( except th show part ! :DD ) hmm . started off w/ reading period . cant believe it manzxc . AHS having readin period might kill me sometimes , i'll die of boredom , want t sleep too muchyyyy :DD thn was eng lar , supposed to watch tht show man , thn got some technical probs , ): delayed much . didn't like tht luh , aiyoz . thn started watching luh , hahahah ! :D FUNNY MAN . I LIKE SANKA . HE'S TH GODDAMNED FUNNY ONE THT MAKE ME CANT SHUT MY MOUTH . I WAS LAUGHING LIKE CHIKOPEI . hahaha ! :DD but it was really damn funny . hahah ! :DD i think of sanka & his lucky egg i wanna laugh alre . maybe i shall rewatch it someday . its a good show :D hmm thn recess , go GO for awhile . thn canteen :D bread-ed w/ belle again , JIAHUI POKED ME AGAIN ): hahah ! :D thn aft recess , boring maths ): HAIZ . her lessons are boring , plus she's doing a boring topic , so yeah , ULTRA BORINGNESS :DD yeah , thn was PE . i run halfway hor , thn twisted leg -,- damn pain luh , budden rest for awhille thn okay lerh . be worried , :D hahah ! thn when walking back to class from PE , hammond & eugene very funny luh ! :D ( vaguely rmb th speechs )
Eugene : you all thursday pwning right , eh , hammond , we pwn with them .
Hammond : Okay luh .
Eugene : We say our dayima come alre .
Hammond : Aunty menses come & visit us :D
thn was malay . went eagles nest lar , thn got magazines mah . GOT TWO ON SOCCER . I READ BOTH . ONE OF TH MAGAZINE INSIDE GOT DAMN LOT OF XABI ALONSO . HAHAHA ! :DD DAMN HAPPY . yupyup , so yeah ! :D so i asked for like someone who has a phone , to take pics :D vivian had , so i used hers . pics credited to vivian :DD hahah ! :D thn eng , continued watching , end alre . ending quite nice luh :D hahah , hmm , thn was .. SEL ): social emotional learning , hahaha , LOL . cuifen jie came in . talked in chinese , for th benefit of chutong . weirdweird one :/ LOLS . k , boring like siao . thn sch end lerh ! :D mrt-ed to tamp for a while . belle bought aunt anne's :D looks yummy t me uh :D thn mrt-ed back to whitesands . it started raining ): uhm , thn i bought cup walker . hazelnut chocolate , its damn nice , try it :D k , bye ! :D

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hiie :D hahah ! :D today still okay lar sch , :D started off with geog ): sucks , how can you ask me t rmb stuffs like temperatures & climates when your hair is so hilarious ? HUH ? ;x hahah ! :D thn it was eng , mdm norliza showed us a movie ! :DD it was damn nice , very funny . name called cool runnings , have not heard of it before yeah . but i did laugh my heads off at some parts ! :DD hope t watch it again tmr . we're watching cause we're touching on film studies k , not relaxing or whatsoever :D actually it kinda feels good , & feels like back to aft PSLE in primary sch , ah . i miss meridians ): ah , well . MAN UTD LOST TO CHELSEA BY ONE POINT . & SO , GUESS WHAT ? IM IN A BAD BAD MOOD . dunt come & piss me alre . thn was recess , aft recess dnt . mr gey showed us our presentation . ahwell . thn he stopped at one part when he was playing mine and said , " Btw , shuyi , you know man utd lose hor ? " WALAU . DUNT NEED HE TO REMIND . I ALSO KNOW RIGHT . SADS ): you see ? but , im gonna get over it , & wait for next season :D hahah ! :D aft dnt , chinese , damn boring , dunno what we did . we just talked (: hahah ! :D thn was maths . boring shit too . SCH END ! :DD haiz , it was raining . my shirt was damn wet lar i tell you . hahaha . can see th inside one ): thn , me & belle wanted macs :D so we went ! same old things ((: LOL . k , aft tht , i was freezing . laughed like hell with belle . it was soooooo funny ! :DD hahah ! soyeah , thn i pei belle take 359 . in th end , decided to go my hse ! :D LOLS . thn slack , watched coffee prince :DD ! & i send her home , k , bye :D

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day :D okay , so yeah , today's officially mother's day . later going out to celebrate . why is kim jae-wook so shuaii ♥ hmm , he's like damn hawt lar , thn right , he speaks korean & japanese , how can it be more cool leh ? AHAHAH ! :DD alright , short post , cause going out . k , bye ! :DD - still dunt like my fringe yeah ):

Saturday, May 8, 2010

BOOMZ . I CUT MY HAIR . IT IS SO NOT NICE ): ah , well . my fringe is like , damn short nao , i rather i cut bangs D: HAIZ . i regretted to ask th boyboy t cut shorter yeah . hahah , & th boyboy who cut my hair was th cute one , th ahma who cut anabelle's hair was th experienced one , so yeah . im gonna post pics soon . OF MY UGLY FRINGE . I HATE IT . UGHH . belle's one damn cuteeee i tell you , heheh xD . SO CHIO ! LOL . thn mine damn ugly , LOL . it looks like my p6 fringe ley , ;x th one where i always let down one O: ah , fineeee , i shall live with it , & wait till my fringe grows , yeah ! :DD hahaha ! veyr funny luh , th person cutting my hair , keep asking me weirdweird ques ;x . like , you like S.H.E ? their singing very nice hor ? what sch you go ? weirdweird , & some others , but i duntwant say here , hahaha :D LOLS . nah , i'll post th pics another day . NO GO MY FACEBOOK SEE . add me , i sure accept one , view & delete me if you wanna :DD hahah ! :D k , bye ! :D tmr mother's day , HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY IN ADVANCE MUMMY :DD .

Friday, May 7, 2010

Hiie :D woot , hahah , love fridays , dunno why :D . hmm , started class with science , aiyo , bored to death liao . gave back spa , i falied , HAHAH ! :D nvm lar , i dunt like spaspaspa also ;x HAIS . SORRY CHENWANYI . hai lerh ni ye fail D: thn music , jiamin's group sang hey stephen , didn't quite like tht song last time , LOL :D kk , stomp presentation . followed yihong's idea again . effect still okay lar , but yihong keep say he want redo his solo part (: hahaa , vending machine :DD . recess :D shiok . aft tht got elit , O.O SHE DIDN'T COME . LOL . thn another cher came , hammond go disturb her . hahaha , damn funny :D . finish , ACC . drawdraw ;x mine so ugly lar ! D: maths .. :/ sian ttm ): dunno why , chuah have this special ability to make ppl wanna sleep during her lessons lar , aiyo :D im proud of it tho xD . hehehe :D aft tht , geog . got back geog paper :D 21/25 , not bad hor . first time my geog marks quite good wor :D hahaha ! aft tht sch end liao :D get th reason why i like fridays ? SCHOOL ENDS EARLY :DD ! hahaha ! shiok ! :D walau ! thn i ask ms teo whether i got fail my summary writing anot . guess what she said siaa ! she said , " Hmm , if you fail it , thn you can go and jump down th building ! D: " hmm , thn we decided to go tm lar . wanyi , belle , me , sara , junel & xiaoxuan :D but in th end , mummy called me ask me meet her at whitesands , so i ask belle pei wo to whitesands luh . belle bought her burnt :DD SHIOK . & im gonna read it soon ! yay us ! :D mummy blanjah-ed me & belle macs :D woot , damn shiok :D LOL ! thn talktalk with belle , damn cold in macs siaa ! D: when going on bus , someone tapped on my shoulders , it was shaoye . gave me one of my life's biggest shock lar . haha ! thn sms him , he say i nerd siaa ! haha , kinda lar . my frindge now is CLIPPED UP one wor . socks is like .. ABOVE ANKLE ?! hahaha ! kk , buhbye ! :DD tags are wanted , rawr ! :D

Ohya , suddenly rmb smt tht made me & belle laugh like crazy . ITS TH DAYIMA THING . BY YIHONG . when i say "we" , it means , me , belle , szeming , hammond & eugene yeah . okay , here :
Hammond : eh , yh , you have dayima ? O:
Yh : Yah ! i have what , i thought everybody also have ? O:
Yh : Huh ? got what colour ? ;x
WE : -laughs like crazy-
- Yh goes to ask other ppl whats dayima -
- we are still laughing -

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hiie :D hmm , today's a funny day . tho i dont quite like th 3 tests part O: yeah , hahah . no assembly , lighting alert :D shiok ! hehehe :DD . hmm , thn chuah came in , talktalk abit . but .. TODAY NO ATTIRE CHECK ! :DD woot , LOL :D happyyy . (: hmm , chinese two period luh . had chinese test also , i left one blank ! ): shit ! ): HAIZ . thn recess , sat with jiaxue , wanyi & belle :D . aft recess , geog , O.O i wonder why she go perm her hair again siaa . make th whole 45 mins .. hmm , i will try not to laugh lar , veyr rude hor ! D: hahah , but if you sit right in front of her , you'll know .. :/ aft geog , art . sian like hell . aft art , eng luh . summary test ;x still okay . thn PE . i pwned it again ! :DD wakakah ! im so pro ! i pwned with szeming ! ((: hmm , aft PE was .. science ! D: damn sad . those i study , bo come out . haizzz . aft sch stayed back in class for awhile luh . talked with joycelina , jesslyn , anabelle , & jiayun :D thn belle as joycelina know joey not , jesslyn say her cousin jolyn . LOL . make me laugh like SIAO . hahaha , my cousin JELLY lor :DD . Hahaha , tmr music . dead . kk , bye . :D

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hiie :D ohyeah , boring day . hate wednesday , cause we see chuah th most . maths & stint , :/ sucks . aww . & today first two period is chinese , hate th cher . nvms . LOL . dunt care her alre . elit sucked . i got veryvery LOW marks , shit . LOL . tmr have science , chinese & summary test , SUCKISH . ugh , shit laa . im gonna die tmr , aft sch go party , LOL . kk , bye :D - short post , dunt blame me . next time post long , tmr got 3 test , MUGGING IN PROCESS :DD

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hiie :D hmm today lessons quite boring , started lessons with reading period siaa , OMG . i so wanted to sleep :D Hhehee , aft tht was eng . talked abt summary writing , LOL . wanted to sleep too , thn finally , recess bell RANG , woot i love tht sound totally :D hahah , recess ate chicken rice , whole week hor , confirm got one time is eat chicken rice derh lar ! aiyo ;x haha , drank h2o :D JIAHUI POKED ME ! ): wrote jiaxue a letter :D hehehe , she replied it lerh , so fast ! O: Alright , i reply her alre also :D tmr pass her bah . glad she alright & tht she's strong , good lucks babe :D iloveyou :D hahaha , thn boringz lar . all th lessons D: SEL , mrs chuah came in O: i thought today is church ppl siaa O: nvm . thn she called me , irwin , aaron & caleb out , O.O , i was like thinking , hmm , whats th matter . thn soonching go say , ooh , its to join student counsil . for goodness sake , me ? student counsil ? doesn't link ;x LOL . hahah , i was nvr guai :D . yah , LOL . hahah , so i was like shocked ? ;x so yeah , uh , nth else . k , bye :D

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hiie :D so erm , went out today :D with anabelle , sara , john , soonching , aaron & jay ? LOL . actually we had ntotally nth to do with th boys , except in th movie theatre . like , seriously ? LOL . hahah , met anabelle first , thn bused & mrted with her . reached , thn john paul ask us t go century square check . so we walked , thn sms him , he ask us go back golden village siaa ! ;x wasted so much of my energy , LOL . thn , th boys bought th tickets first , we went to dabao macs to sneak inside cinema , :D , LOL . Hhaha , my bag was damn heavy , carrying two upsized cokes , one fries & one mcnugget . LOL . okay , thn see time , walau , damn early onlyz . like 12 , movie start at 1230 mahs . so we went open plaza , swing-ed belle , she got dizzy , damn fun , so i stopped it for her luh . heheh , :D i so good right , LOL . thn boys sms say go in . so we went in , paid th boys money back , thn ask soonching buy cheesy hotdog for me & belle :D you know what ? it sucks ROCKS ! :DD . loveit , LOL . okay , thn we went in lerh . from left to right was , anabelle , me , sara , john , soonching , jay , aaron i think ? O: nt sure abt jay & aaron's position , didnt see mahs . (: thn a hell lot of advertisements came on , & finally , ironman2 started :DD . so yeah , we went to watch ironman2 , LOLS . kk , th starting was boring , th others was alright , quite nice , LOL . hahaha , thn blabla , they kinda like talked about protons & neutrons , and me & belle was like , O.O , atoms ?! th technlology in th movie is like AWESOME ?! Its so cool manzxc . LOL ! :D hahaha , love randoming with belle :D LOL . hmm , thn aft end lerh , we went to toilet , cause i want tie hair :D LOL . thn outta toilet , go espirit for awhile . belle find clothes , nth special and nice . (?) Went back to whitesands . took neo :D they damn cute , i damn suck ): LOL . hahaha , finish , saw teresa & her friend bahs , hugged teresa :D teresa hugged belle also :D thn me & belle decided to buy Geek Specs , be jealous :D tho i wear veh ugly lar . thn we three , with geekeh specs , went to take another neo :D LOLS . yeah , i look weird . like from harvard come out th guaikia . anabelle like oxford student hahaha ! :D cute rights ? :D LOL . so yeah , thn we went toilet , took a few photos , photos with sara , maybe she'll post it , maybe she'll not :D idk ! :/ & thn , we went aries , for awhile :D LOLS . thn went helen , bought donut . bused home , th end . didnt bring key , waited outside for awhile ): HAIS . LOL , nvm , at least got chair :D LOL . later still got tuition , chiong hw first alright ? BUHBYE ! :DD

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hiie :D OMG , its so bored nowadays . aww ! HAIZ . bored like , ttm ? Uh , nth to do . NOBODY online sey ;x what everybody doing siaa O: goshhhh . 刚刚发现原来你没有我想象中那么完美 ;x uhz , if not wrong , tmr going out with some ppl . i think so bah . everything nt comfirmed yet (: so idk , LOL . uhuh , very boring sey at home do nth . ughh D: ooh , jacob black's hawt , LOLS . i went to rewatch new moon on youtube just nao ! :DD . damn hot , love to his muscles :D LOL . uhuh , xiaozhu is damn funny canzxc ? LOLS . hahahah ! make me laugh till stomach pain dao :D hahaha , he's damn hilarious lar , omgs :D . LeeJunKi is so hawt :D Hhehe , xD . hot ttm siaa :D his eyes & lips are to die for :D . on par with xabi alonso , LOL ! omg , on " The Time Between Dog And Wolf " , junki keep kissing sangmi siaa ! walau , jealous D: ahh , watching th show nao ! its damn nice , go watch ppl , just tht some series doesn't have subs , so i dunt understand what they talking abt ? O: yupyup , its in korean , i dunt understand anything siaa ! :D wahh , but th show's damn nice , just now ive been , bloghopping , heheh :D . tagged few ppl , tagged by me , be honoured . LOL , no lar . facebook is getting boring , hais . D: nvm , i shall go watch my show liao , buhbye ! :DD

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hiie :D public holiday , wakakah . in th morning , wake up damn early . on tv , watched real madrid & dunno whose match , LOL . saw xabi alonso , happy-ed :DD . LOLS . aft tht , went to ikea for breakfast (L) . yumyumyum :D . hhaha , damn hojia :D . hehehe , aft eating , went to giant :D . uhuh , bought stuffs & back home . later i think going out . nth to post ? O: yeah , im trying to find smt to do currently , nobody's online ? rawr , (?) o-o okay , i shall end post here , buhbye ! :DD