Sunday, November 11, 2012

a walk to remember

“Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in others people's sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.” 

just finished watching a walk to remember, it's still as good as I remember it to be. the book was better by leaps and bounds, everybody if you haven't read this book/watch this movie, you have to :-) 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

blow me one last kiss

extremely self absorbed post today so if you can't stand my face, get out of here :-)
 leaving for china in less than a month and despite how stoked I genuinely am, I feel a tinge of regret for the trip but having said that, my jacket, pretty colour isn't it 

 HAZARDOUS: just all bloody unglams from here onwards

 sometimes I wonder how I can be so unglam effortlessly 
 NOW: I present to you the king of all unglams............
 don't judge ok i don't even know where the hell that came from....... folks, I'll be leaving for chiang rai in 10 days' time!!! haven't start packing nuuuuuuu :-( i haven't got all my necessities and pad and shower foam and all those shit, ok you get what I mean la hor. but mr yong said we could get 'em cheaper at the super huge supermarket we're going on the first day so hehehehe i'll bring an empty luggage :3 nah jk, actually quite stoked about this trip yayyyy. i just hope nothing goes against plan. can't wait can't wait can't wait!! 
i hope you enjoyed my self absorbed post ~self denial~

Thursday, October 25, 2012

lone wolf

A wolf pack is like the Mafia. Everyone has a position in it; everyone's expected to pull his own weight.

Everyone's heard of an alpha wolf- the leader of the pack. This is the mob boss, the brains of the outfit, the protector, the one who tells the other wolves where to go, when to hunt, what to hunt. The alpha is the decision maker, the capo di tutti capi, who, from ten feet away, can hear the change of rhythm in a prey animal's heart rate. But the alpha is not the stern disciplinarian that movies have made him out to be. He's far too valuable, as the decision maker, to put himself in harm's way.

Which is why in front of every alpha is a beta wolf, an enforcer. The beta rank is the bold, big thug who is pure aggression. He'll take you down before you get too close to the boss. He's completely expendable. If he gets himself killed, no one will really care, because there's always another brute to take his place. 

Then there's the tester wolf, who's very wary and suspicious, who doesn't trust anyone he meets. He's always scouting for change, for something new, and he'll be hiding out at every corner to make sure that, when and if it happens, he's there to alert the alpha. His skittishness is integral to the safety of the pack. And he's the quality-control guy, too. If someone in the pack doesn't seem to be pulling his weight, the tester will create a situation where the other wolf has to prove his mettle- like picking a fight with the enforcer, for example. If that beta can't knock him to the ground, he doesn't deserve to be the beta wolf anymore.

The diffuser wolf has been called many names through the years, from the Cinderella wolf to the omega. Though at first he was thought to be a scapegoat and at the bottom of the hierarchy, we know now that the diffuser plays a key role in the pack. Like the little, geeky lawyer to the mob who provides comic relief and knows how to keep all these other strong personalities calm, the diffuser throws himself headlong into all the intrapack bickering. If two animals are fighting, the diffuser will jump between them and will clown around, until suddenly the two angry wolves have taken their emotions down a notch. Everyone gets on with his job, and no one gets hurt. Far from being the Cinderella figure that always gets the short end of the stick, the diffuser holds the critical position of peacemaker. Without him the pack couldn't function; they'd be at war with each other all the time. 

Say what you will about the Mafia, but it works because everyone has a specific role to play. They all do what they do for the greater good of the organization. They'd willingly die for each other.

The other reason a wolf pack is like the Mafia?

Because, for both groups, there is nothing more important than family.

yay hi i'm back for a short post. anyway many many many many many thumbs up for the book 'lone wolf' by jodi picoult! you guys should have a read, gonna re-read this tonight again :-) it is indeed a heartwarming story I actually feel guilty reading it, give it a try I promise you won't regret it

anyway lately ahs have been adopting an authoritarian regime ruling system. sigh just so tightly controlled and all, I wouldn't even be surprise if suddenly out come a youth movement. sigh. but no, you have to come to the realization that all these forcing and threats and just, demoralization, will not motivate the students at all. this way, you'll only gain haters and well despite this all coming from a good motive, you adopted a really bad approach. just try to put yourself into our shoes. firstly you cannot assume that everybody are equals, God made us different, unique in our own very special way, you yourself should know that best. so let's say we're really equals, can you run as fast as us? play a game of basketball as well as the school team players? if no, then why are you stereotyping? i'm so very sorry if we disappointed you and didn't meet your expectations but could you dig deep into your heart and for once just admit your mistake instead of blaming it all on others? maybe you can start by encouraging the sec1s and sec2s, instead of just plain threatening to kick them out of the school, you honestly have no rights to dictate our future. you want to control us so much, why be a principal? do you even have what it takes to be caring, loving, thoughtful and wise? sigh there's a lot of angst directed at you right now, we all know the root of your actions, well they are kind, but you are being unkind, which defeats all purpose. 

and, well, everybody's definition of getting good results differ. i'm sure if you ask a top scholar from Oxford, his definition of good results would be different from a student in let's say, our school. henceforth, stop trying to force your structural belief on others and force others to admit that, oh no i really didn't do well or oh i did better than you ok sorry i should shut the hell up and stop complaining about my results. because at the end of the day, if someone who is doing well is still dissatisfied, this just goes to show how much that person wants to succeed ok? and you have no right to doubt any of that, or bring that person down. if you and I, we have conflicting definitions of getting good results, then i hereby express solemn regret and apology, but do stop what you're doing cos it's irritating the shit out of me. 


well done all classes that did improve, one way or the other, she has no right to define little improvement as no improvement. applaud yourself and continue working hard guys let's show her how wrong is she for doubting our abilities. one day she'll come to realize how wrong she is for bringing us down, ahs unite

Saturday, October 20, 2012


everybody, you're permitted to laugh your ass off right now. 

having said that, i really want to catch this movie but it's nc16 dayumz!!! such a waste. let's just use this as an example to talk about censorship. shouldn't we have the freedom to decide on whatever we want to or don't want to watch? in a society whereby the ability to differentiate right from wrong is so heavily emphasized, why are they not practicing what they're preaching? moreover do you really think watching one or two movies about drugs and sex will enhance some raging hormones in teenagers and cause them to turn astray? i mean seriously, what do you think we are, have more faith in your citizens. furthermore this is such a great movie and by limiting the age range you're just depriving anybody less than 16 of age. such days its hard for a good movie to come by. 

sigh i'm just really angry that I couldn't watch it in the cinema, I really really really enjoyed the book. and btw i'm short on books right now, anybody wants to intro good books!!! sigh pie, I really want to cuddle in bed with my winx club blanket and read a good book (the weather nowadays is really cut out for this too) so please somebody recommend books pretty pretty please with elephants and giraffes on top

excessive sighing these days because sighing seems to be the trend, or no. it's just because everything happening is so sigh-worthy that I just can't seem to control myself. besides cramping the entire day, moaning about how i have no books to read and well just staring into empty space, i'm doing nothing else. talk about no life. 

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha did i mention how sucky my results are? well sigh pie they are really disappointing, each time i see my results i tell myself i need to buck up, i need to work harder, i need to have better time management, i need to have better stress management. but i just can't seem to strike a balance between work and play, which brings us back to Aristotle's golden mean. sighhhhhhhhhh i'm the most socially awkward person ever and nobody, i mean nobody, will work out, now go think about what i mean. i need to confide in someone, sigh 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sad sad sad sad

I'm just so damn bloody disappointed in my results I can't begin to tell you how. But conclusion: never go to an exam hall unprepared that's like the worst shit ever ok :-( sigh pie I'm really disappointed in myself mainly because I know I can do better, BUT THERE'S NOTHING I CAN DO NOW. Hence I should just accept the fact and move on from here.

Like yiphan said, I need to fall put bottom before I rise to the top, let this be one hella of a lesson learnt and I will improve from here. Having said that, thank you to everybody who attempted to cheer me up today, love love love you guys :-) sighhhhhhhh life sucks now

Sunday, October 14, 2012

when you say nothing at all

brbrjbvrjfbrhbf3rhfbref attended a wedding and just suddenly boomz, the desire to get married just. hahaha out of your mind shuyi out of your mind! catching up on glee and it feels darn good. my very own glee marathon watching all my favourite episodes right now and bitch, that feels great :-)

now look at this cutie3.14 and fawn all over it

love love love love love love this song hehe *-*

Friday, October 12, 2012

i am titanium


okay haha this is a really depressing moment because i suddenly lost all drive and motivation in life after the exams, wat even. i'm supposed to be feeling, free? but hey i'm actually glad i have all this free time now to do things i genuinely enjoy :) like watching xfactor usa, xfactor uk and then xfactor australia, reading books that i honestly never thought i'll read and draw :) life is good! 

ENJOY THE FEW DAYS PEOPLE, before we get back our results sigh pie 

Saturday, September 22, 2012



anyway hi guys i'm back for a short update. it has been a hectic few weeks which practically went by like this. 

1) wake up at 620am every morning with blood shot eyes and a fatigued mind
2) drags myself to school and stone every single moment I get
3) sleep during refresh/joke around with da st john boys
4) attempt to sleep in class
5) wallows in self pity 
6) getting all depressed and worried and stressed that I just zone out
7) block out the world and live in my own bubble of depression
8) study till 10pm damn fucking tired and then sleep.

isn't my life interesting lol. 

today was supposed to be a happy day because I was supposed to meet up with the 2F people. but in the end changed to tomorrow and I just so damn stressed I don't even think I'll have the mental strength to go tomorrow lol. oral was pretty ok, ms haryati laughed at me cos i said "71 years old young lady" >< so obvious that its a make up example lmao. but anyway it was overall a very bad day because i lost myself after lunch and i was raging to everybody. i didn't want to implicate more people so i threw my phone aside and started to immerse myself into my extreme moodiness and i was contemplating over my purpose in life and why am i even alive. but its ok i'm over that stage now. it was a rough afternoon. 

a shout out to all the people who stayed by me despite my impertinent mood swings and bullshit every single day. thanks guys your efforts to keep me sane and alive is greatly appreciated :) my best friends are my only supporting pillar now without them i wouldn't have surpass all these crap. i think you guys are the bestest bestest bestest people i can ever wish for in this whole wide world. thank you thank you thank you :)

ok this is a practice for the composition essay on monday. skip it if you find it too boring ok? and the question i'm going to be talking about on is "Do you agree that stress in secondary school is beneficial for students?"

What is stress? The literal meaning of stress describes it to be a negative impact that takes a toll on one's mental and physical well-being. In my opinion, stress can stretch one's potential and bring out the best in our younger generation, however, too much stress will cause adverse effects and this would most definitely backfire on the Ministry's plan of cultivating young talents. 

Firstly, too much competition with foreign talents in Singapore can cause the local students to doubt their abilities and henceforth not put in more effort in their studies. This can be clearly seen in many schools in Singapore, whereby the local students have to compete with the elites of the elites- the China scholars. Facing such a strong and potential threat, many Singaporeans will lose their drive and determination to work harder to beat these talents, as the local students know that it is highly impossible to be better than the scholars. Increased in competition in school also means increased in stress level for the students. This might cause them to slacken and Singapore will lose many potential, intelligent and creative thinkers. Therefore, increasing competition and stress level in schools will not benefit the students. 

Secondly, high stress level can cause students to perform below their "norm" during the examinations. When there is a large competition in school, students are more likely to fight for the top few positions in school. However good this seems, the students would also be more likely to fawn over the examinations and spend more time stressing themselves over doing well rather than studying smart. This could cause a lot of precious time to slip away and ultimately, this would affect the student's performance during the examinations. Furthermore, stress can cause a student to forget what he/she memorized during their revision. This would implicate panic and the student would no doubt do badly for the examinations. 

However, I do concede the fact that certain levels of stress is beneficial for the students. Stress would propel students to do their best and push them to overcome their limits. Students would also be able to have breakthroughs and this would indefinitely stretch their potential further. However, I do not believe that by implementing high stress levels in school would benefit all students. Most students in this generation cannot withstand high pressure and are likely to crack under stress. This problem can be easily mitigated by the school coming up with innovative ideas to motivate students, instead of suffocating students with barricades of stress and pressure. Such ideas can include having certain famous personalities to talk about their success story, safe in knowing that this would no doubt interest and motivate students. 

By reducing the stress level in schools, I believe that students can help each other and together achieve great results to bring glory to the school. I strongly believe that stress isn't the most feasible method in motivating students to work hard. With that, I would like to end of this essay with a shout out to all leaders of schools in Singapore, review your education system and start by putting yourself in the students' shoes. If you can't take stress at your age, can we at ours? 

I think my essay is highly irrelevant and provocative but its just something I came up with in like 33mins so forgive me ok. good luck for EOY everybody and do well, don't crack under stress. 


"Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one." (I vaguely realized that I just contradicted my essay lol I was crapping hehe) enjoy your extreme mugging days everybody it'll all be over soon. endure!!! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012


 unglam hahahaha
 ok i'm damn unglam too.......
 further prove that i'm unglam
you owe me 999 more pictures, scouts honor :)
 hahaha this girl is forever glam. :-)
 pretty girls :3 hahaha so pretty right omg
Surprisingly I had fun that night hmm well. i'm not posting all the pics because the birthday girl wanted the birthday party to be private but here.......... are some pictures that are worth remembering of and well, that i like lolololol. anyway the girls were all super amazin' and pretty ;) so proud of all my netballers, able to doll up and be girls (i mean like..) ok you get what i mean ya? I really laughed a lot that night and hehe i think i'm super fortunate to have friends like them :) ok i realized i like to say the word ok. i'm doing a quick post right now cause yaron is bugging me to do english project.... ahh tata guys, for now. :) ENJOY THE PIKCHAAAAS. 
amazing brother yihong lent me his shirt because i was too cold awww this is what friends are for right :) AND HEY I LOOK SEXY OK HAHAHAHAHA.
 the guys had fun shuffling hahaha soonching becomes handsome x10000
ending off this post with this picture of JPK that I like a lot :3 hehe bye guys :) 

Saturday, September 1, 2012


hi bestfriend :-) 

-and then we have brendon the ultimate gamer-

ok hi guys i'm gonna post about yesterday :3 firstly, happy teachers' day lovelies. class party was a success and 3D really cooperated, thanks guys xxxxxxx love you all to the moon&back :) anywayyyyy Valerie was uber disappointed cos she planned a lot of stuff for that 1h class party which turned out to be only half an hour so....... cheer up vice chair we all saw your effort :) ALL THE PHOTOS IN HER CAMERA and she only can post next friday ahhhhhhh. hahaha dancing to oppa gangnam style with weijie cos only he would be unglam with me, he never fails to make me smile hehe. basically class party went pass with me dancing and highing to every song and taking photos with people i like in the class HAHAHAHA OOPS. LOVE YOU 3D 

oh oh oh and i found out that my 6 weeks trip to the beijing satellite campus, WELL THE SCHOOL HAS WI-BLOODY-FI -dance around like penguins- ok i'm a happy kid i won't be cut off connection from the world!!!!!!!!! and guys be jealous, i'm gonna be spending a white christmas. just that its a lonely white christmas without all of you with me :( SO SAD -STARTS CRYING- ok lol what is this, extreme moodswing or extreme moodswing. YOU DON'T SAY
and did i mention how much i miss them? :) 6C'09, BEST CLASS!!!! his hair so screwed but he still so cute :( omg how eyecandy number 2 la ok ;) hahaha noob. yes i miss them so much and we saw mrs lim, aww she looks.. the same. like seriously, the same. meridian changed so much i almost.... idk it was a shock. the 4 of us just awkward penguins in meridian until the guys decided to be sociable and sat down with us :) keith is a maniac hahaha he changed so much omg -gasp- WELL the whole afternoon/evening was spent reminiscing fond memories and sheenanigans HAHAHA it was a good time :-)  ok i officially declare we should have more of such outings, just finding random awkward places to go and just sit for hours and talk. love you guys forever xx 

Friday, August 17, 2012

good time

Promise you'll never forget me

Before you came into my life I missed you so bad, SO CALL ME MAYBE. ok high a bit hahaha but seriously, meh. have like my bro's friend at my house right now and he's actually peeping at what i'm writing right nowww. like, hello, privacy. my mum is the one and only person who would volunteer her house as a childcare centre -__- but ohwell, he's cute :) somewhere only we know is on replayyyy. :3 have been listening to more youtube covers, reading more exotic books, nahjk just reading my norm. 

and seriously guys, i'm not even kidding, eoy is coming. HAHA OH AND I GOT ACCEPTED FOR OCIP. -happy- gonna be away almost the entire holiday.  not even gonna be in singapore for 7-8 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOO MISS ME PEOPLE.

I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin. This could be the end of everything.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

all about us

 I can drone on and on about how life sucks but I'm not gonna do it, because. I'm not a pessimist. Judging by the shit everybody's throwing me I should be qualified to sink into depression now right? But no, heh i'm happy with my life. 

Short update. I changed my seat in class, yips is good. best thing of all he wakes me up in class meh, which is like almost every single period, but nyehh that's not the main point. Applied for OCIP, wanna go for the china immersion at the end of the year, rejected ms wee's offer to go australia because lol why would i wanna go overseas thrice. ahh 3D's really sweet nowadays and aww i'm proud of my babies - lol although nobody helped me with the stupid class board and i had to paint it with belle. lubs my baby girl too. :) despite how much her art is abstract HAHA. and yay my loves in 3D. meh my clique has expanded. thanks yaronica for always being there for me, lol i know i'm bullshit but heh you're a very good friend, so cheer up boy. and weijie, thanks hehe you're a constant entertainment :-) julio too keke. one day we'll take a photo together and it'll be my fav fav fav. 

Thanking the people who stayed in my life and wasn't tired of taking my bullshit because honestly, i'm a person full of bull crap. lol my life revolves around you guys <3 meh thankyou thankyou, so much. :-) i'm not someone who would take the initiative to text so if i text you first, you're god damn important which means i really wanna text you. 

tomorrow is John's birthday, HAPPY SEXY BIRTHDAY JOHN PAUL KOH i miss you guise so much. my 2F darlings. meh wanna go china with you all again! love how you're there despite you deserting me for like what, 6 MONTHS, YOU THIS ASS CRACK. you whore. you son of a very nice mum ^-^ enjoy your 15th because i enjoyed mine. meh i'm gonna give you a very abstract gift, forgive me if you erect or ejaculate HAHAHAHAHAHA

ohyeah girl stop making him jealous. lol no, stop screwing with his feelings. known him for 12 years, first time see him so sad/jealous/angst/idek over a girl. meh stop being a flirt. 


"You can't get a book long enough to suit me." - CS Lewis. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The fault in our stars

"I'm in love with you," he said quietly.
"Augustus," I said.
"I am," he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you."

This book touched me in so many ways :-) Would give anything just to meet Augustus Waters, falling in love with a fictitious character is so much easier than any bull in real life. Oh well, i'm gonna reread this amazin' book and let it do wonders to myself. 

没有你的爱, 这个我只是一半

Thursday, June 21, 2012

turn up the music

 elephants are so darn cutieeeee, man, how i love them. :) hehe anyway talking about elephants, let me write about my dream (: all in all, i dreamed about elephants, duh. I dreamed that I adopted a 3 year old elephant called Elfie and it was the prettiest thing I ever saw in my life (or dream!) ~hands down~ oh my darling Elfie when will I actually meet you in rl :( damn it, so anxious to grow up and support myself so i can provide for elephantsssss. Determined to adopt one. :))))))))))
 Like Simone said today, happiness is created by the mind. And rather often, people force themselves out of happiness for sake of, nothing. There is a certain type of sadness you can get addicted to :-) albeit how unpleasant being sad is, being sad is part and parcel of life and well, its beneficial. talking about this just reminds me that I haven't completed my holiday homework and god am I depressed about it. but am i doing anything about it? no, that's where I realized I have really bad time management and I tend to comfort myself. Giving myself excuses every single day doesn't help a shizz and I can't really be bothered anymore. SCHOOL PLEASE FASTER START I need someone to discipline me cuz i'm just way too... slack?
And that monster is yours truly. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

and its all coming back to me now

 i'm just like thinking of her now :*
 the retarded things 2F would do together :3
 my darling :3

i'm just like ~oh god i miss my 2F~ while watching france vs england RIGHT NOWW. ok lol its like 2 weeks into the holidays and yup i've been less productive than gays. nahjk. reading every single day way into 1/2am then waking up at 10am, my lifestyle resembles such a pig now i know i know. and hey i'm actually thankful for the people that stayed in my life okie, and those who actually/eventually/unfortunately left. :) ok glee-ing every single day, watching them sing and act is like........ watching my babies grow up, somehow. i'm a proud momma y'know. ;) anyway insomnia in a few days keke and i'm excited for it yay! ^^ I'M GONNA HAVE SO MUCHY FUNNNZZZ *-* renewed passion for Alonso, when will it ever die down? hopefully never, ALONSO HAS BEEN MY EYECANDY FOR 5 YEARS- and counting. :B god knows how much i adore that hotass.

and yes people, please watch that. :) i go crazy over that song and its been in my head the entire day :)) i really like glee and i dont understand how and why people dislike them but ohwell. preferences, ~reminds self~ back to the match. this is an untimely post because i realized i've neglected my poor poor blog. ok bye. :))))))))) TATA lovelies :*

Saturday, May 5, 2012

all the memories we made

sudden remembrance of fond fond fond fond memories. :* god knows why am i so embarrassing and childish HAHAHA