Tuesday, July 31, 2012

all about us

 I can drone on and on about how life sucks but I'm not gonna do it, because. I'm not a pessimist. Judging by the shit everybody's throwing me I should be qualified to sink into depression now right? But no, heh i'm happy with my life. 

Short update. I changed my seat in class, yips is good. best thing of all he wakes me up in class meh, which is like almost every single period, but nyehh that's not the main point. Applied for OCIP, wanna go for the china immersion at the end of the year, rejected ms wee's offer to go australia because lol why would i wanna go overseas thrice. ahh 3D's really sweet nowadays and aww i'm proud of my babies - lol although nobody helped me with the stupid class board and i had to paint it with belle. lubs my baby girl too. :) despite how much her art is abstract HAHA. and yay my loves in 3D. meh my clique has expanded. thanks yaronica for always being there for me, lol i know i'm bullshit but heh you're a very good friend, so cheer up boy. and weijie, thanks hehe you're a constant entertainment :-) julio too keke. one day we'll take a photo together and it'll be my fav fav fav. 

Thanking the people who stayed in my life and wasn't tired of taking my bullshit because honestly, i'm a person full of bull crap. lol my life revolves around you guys <3 meh thankyou thankyou, so much. :-) i'm not someone who would take the initiative to text so if i text you first, you're god damn important which means i really wanna text you. 

tomorrow is John's birthday, HAPPY SEXY BIRTHDAY JOHN PAUL KOH i miss you guise so much. my 2F darlings. meh wanna go china with you all again! love how you're there despite you deserting me for like what, 6 MONTHS, YOU THIS ASS CRACK. you whore. you son of a very nice mum ^-^ enjoy your 15th because i enjoyed mine. meh i'm gonna give you a very abstract gift, forgive me if you erect or ejaculate HAHAHAHAHAHA

ohyeah girl stop making him jealous. lol no, stop screwing with his feelings. known him for 12 years, first time see him so sad/jealous/angst/idek over a girl. meh stop being a flirt. 


"You can't get a book long enough to suit me." - CS Lewis. 

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