Friday, July 29, 2011


This shall be a wordy post.

You know humans are such unique creatures. They roam the seven seas searching for love, peace and joy yet they never realize what they've been looking for has always been beside 'em. Its like, we choose to tire ourselves with never-ending tasks that only seems to fulfill our egotistic mind. Have we ever stop to think, what if this all doesn't matter already. I know i'm not talking sense, but if you actually take time to think.. Well this world is pretty much wonderful. There's so many people in this world i wonder how anyone can ever be "forever alone". No matter which direction you turn to, all you see is hordes and thongs of people walking around, smiling and joking around. However, which of those millions can you actually trust? Which can you put faith in them for your deepest secrets? Friends are just literally a comfort we all seek when we need someone. Many people abuse this word, slung it around like it means absolutely nothing. Why is there a need to seek comfort when we can find it within ourselves? Loving yourself is the first step you take to loving others.

-I love you inside out.

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