Friday, June 4, 2010

Hiie :D hahahah , fun dayyyy . out w one respect class commiteeeeeeee :D hahaha , went around sinagpore . to find stations , do tasks & earn points , wakakah :D i asked alot of ppl on th way . daddy , mummy , weijie & mr idham :D hahaha . o-o then john's iphone , rawr . hahaha . our facilitator was eugene .. :X another eugene , LOL ! okay , so we started at victoria concert hall . man , i miss that place loads :D all th memories of intense choir training w mr liew :D hahaha . then we went to find for places around it , like th parliament hse , asian civilisation , kranji war memorial , supreme court blablaaaaa . you know what ? i should've listen to th guide during post PSLE activity . didn't know it would come in handy , but nvm :B hehee . then walked from raffles place to city hall . wthhhh . hahahaha . MACS ! :D waited thr for quite long , like 15mins . wasted time . for mcvalue lunch :D whooo ~ LOLS . thnthn , we ate . then off to douby ghourt :D to find some cathay building ? O: LOL ! ;x then uh .. ohya . decided to go to th labrador park . what shit . sucha bad choice . & to add to it , JOHN'S IPHONE DIED ON US . yes , it died on us . th bat was like flat ); how sad . so , we were like lost . hahaha , LOL . then we found our way back , & found it . but we saw one holiness also . so we decided to not waste time thr but to make it to jalan besar stadium , which is just opposite grandma's hse :D whooo . LOL . so we splitted . john , yaron & calvin one group . me , anabelle , eugene & ian one group . we decided to ask john's group to make their way back to AHS first , while we made our way to jalan besar :D oh , then we are like supposed to make a video with th theme as soccer . so me & belle acted ^^ . whooo . it was funny . i was preparing for a penalty . then belle's th gk :D so like .. hahahaha laaaa ! ;D damn funny . god , it was unglam . made way back to AHS :D was late for like 8mins ? ohoh . hahaha . yupyup , then had to ans some ques , o-o sucked . i kinda wrote crap for it :D LOL . thn they announced who won . & OH . we got SECOND . w th least ppl ! :D WE GOT SECOND ! ^^ . how awesome . onerespect just rocks like this :D hahahaha . then th most creative video is also us ! :D SO MY HEADPHONE ! WHOOOO ~ AWESOME MUCH . loveitttttttt ^^ . yays . thanks to everybody tht helped us today . many thanks & blessed be :D k . bye ! ;P going out for dinner , whooo :D

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