Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hiie :D ahaah , today woke up lateeeeeee ! ;P dunno why ley , normally will wake up at around 8 plus . today 10am siaa ! whoa . thn got awoken by mummy's screaming LOL , she saw a cat . ahaaah , like mother like daughter :D then gwen came down , suddenly , gwen scream . shocked dao . then i screamed . whoa . she screamed cause my neighbour's god bark , i scream cause i saw a cat run past . o-o whew , lucky this level have dog sey , if not i seriously want die of everyday seeing cats liao lor . thn went to ruben's hse , saw *ahem-ahem* , ahaaaaaa :D oh , then went minimart buy something , gwen bought MARS BAR . mars :DDDDDDD uhuh , thn walked to west . makannnnnnn ^^ . ahaaaa . oh , i didnt have any appetite , so i only drank carrot juice , its like DAMN ORANGE ! :DDDDDDD orange rules . currently thinking of a sports personnel . duntknow whether its still a good choice to do on xabialonso , or rather zidane , like weijie said . maybe messi will do . drogba can also lehh . ronaldo also . theiry henry , zlatan ibrahimovic , actually all w good history can :D JIU SHI STEVEN GERRARD CANNOT ! ;P wakaaaaaah . ohs , uhuh . aft eating w gwen . went to check her eyes , oh , her right eye got degree , left eye perfect , LOLS . thn bought magnum gold . cause its like damn cheap ? $3.90 nia oh . then went to sherra's hse , yay ! :D LOL . i dunno yay what siaa . thn walked home , blaaaaa . i decided to sleep , i also dunno why . cause im too bored at home , nobody jio me out laaaa ! :D wakaaaah . hello ppl , go out leyyyyy . k , byeeeeeeeee ! :D

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