Friday, April 23, 2010

Hiie :D today is a happy day ! idk why luh O: Hhaha , now right i think tht , Ms TeoYiZhi very good siaa , although she always check skirts and socks . but her teaching very good . made me understand abt landforms :D . woot , LOLOL . ohya , so tht's it :D . LOLS . hmm , today lessons aren't quite boring , i always like fridays lar :D . idk why also . dunt ask ^^ . hmm , elit test was okay i guess , not very diff as i guessed , but i didn't have much time to do th last page , so yeah .. :/ it kinda like suck ? th part on two sound devices used in my poem {: Hhehe . :D yupyup , that's about th elit test . mrs chuah didn't give back th maths common test , im freaking angry O: why cant she just give us our test paper , thn somemore when we ask for it , she say , : You ask for it somemore , i will burn it !! So bad right ): Hais , so we didn't dare ask for it lor , i wanna know my marks D: alright , i shall wait somemore ! :D . music , we didn't do presentation , caused we asked cher for a delay , i guess she was angry OKAY with it luh , she just merely told th class abt it ? embarassing enough luh O.O ! aft sch , went to dnt workshop with belle . her product kinda like , broke . talked to mr tay , realised tht he is a ARSENAL supporter , most importantly , he , like me , LOVES DISLIKES liverpool ! :D . wow , ohyar ! MR GEY SUPPORTS MAN UTD !! woot , he also dunt like liverpool derh , yay ! ^^ . ilikethis ~ LOLOL . thn , talktalktalk with mr tay , he very funny & cute luh , LOLS . thn say buhbye , go watch AHS c'div'boy bball match {: watch a little while only , thn walked to mrt with belle . HUP 2 , 3 , 4 ! :DD . belle would understand this lar ! btw , yixiu damn daomei ! :/ lost her handphone siaa ! D: poor things . haiyo , next time be more careful yeah ? :D hmm , thn mrt-ed back to whitesands , i bought APPLE PIE & COKE , waste my money , hhaha :D . LOLS . alright , i gotta go , buhbye ! :DD .

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