Monday, April 19, 2010

Hiie :D okay , first , me and belle is damn pathetic today lor ! D: cause we two swept th whole netball court by OURSELF ): i guess some of th sec1 forgot luhz , thn we must clean up luhs , painful . th broom sucks like ttm , my hand got blister . i burst it ! :DD . Hhah , today class was super boring ! D: i dunno why ley , but dnt was alright , i like th video tht mr gey made , its so nice ! ;P . Hhah , ohya , im supposed to prepare my presentation uhuh ! O: i havent do yet siaa . alamak , nvms ! ^^ . next monday thn pass up . tmr got maths common test , shit th mama . my maths sucks like shit luh , HAIZ D: i might FAIL it ppl . wish me lucks ! :D . thn wednesday is SPA TEST . wth right , my spa test always suck like shit derh luh . i know D: HAIZ . all tests suck, why AHS so many test one ah ? O: aiya , nvm , get use to it since im like , alre in th sch ? Hhah . :D but actually , overall , AHS is quite a bad AWESOME sch ! :D . Hhah , aft sch .. aft sweeping th whole court . and fyi , we swept for like .. 30 mins luh , and th court is still like not very clean .... OMGS . okayy , thn we mrt-ed to whitesands , went to macs ! Mac value lunch upsize ! :D . spicy fries rocks lar ! :D Heheh , i know everybody loves it . :D alright , thn aft tht , we went to err .. ohya ! library ! to study , we so guai right ! Hhah , we studied for maths test . I wrote & replied some letters :D . Heheh , and it rained , it was so cold tht me and belle decided to get out of thr . so we went to popular to buy files ! :D . Hhah , yupyup , th ring folder is niceniceeee . loves to it yah ! oh , & thn i bused home alone . as belle met teresa laopo/waiyu ! :D . Hhah , okayy , im done posting abt today ! :D . hw are not finished by me always . i always go sch do derh luh . aites , buhbye ! :DD

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