Friday, April 30, 2010
Hiie :D hhaha , hmm , today went to sch with a OMG heart , LOL . geog test lor . D: i bet i will fail , so sad siaa . ): okay , nvm , dunt care liao . thn first period is mr ong , science , he so funny luh . say yihong until like .. wah , thrice ? repeat the same things over & over again laa . LOL . but quite funny . thn hammond turn around & told me : Mr Ong de left nose very big . Got hair . WALAU , CANNOT CONTROL LAUGHTERS . laughed like crazy . mr ong looked at me luh , and said smt like , can you please do your hw ? O: i was like . wtf ? LOLS . hhaha , so i was like , do lor do lor . :D hehehe . ughh . then was music . ughh , we really sang an jing , & we were really ANJING . i guess i was like singing th loudest , sian . LOLS . uhuhuh ! aft music was recess ! funfunfun , ate prawn mee :DD . actually not very fun lar , but aiyo , LOLS , dk how explain , sua . aft recess , elit ! :D . Ms Nisrin put us into groups & i was with hammond , eugene & ian . O: i was th only girl , i did most of it luh :D . nvms , im a good girl . quite fun luh , hehehe , hammond do halfway , guess what he go do ? HE GO & POO SIA . hahaha ! damn funny laugh die me . hehehe , thn ACC , same group as elit :D . laughed like crazy , cause paint halfway , hammond tht tip or smt drop off LOL . eugene laugh until like want cry liao luh , hahahah ! i was laughing like crazy too btw :D . aft ACC , thn maths , nth to say -,- thn geog . blabla . test luh . -end of sch- hehehe ! went to meet jess & alisha . ate at kfc (: hmm then come back home , SLEPT . idk lar , damn tired cause slept very late last night mahs . ohyeah . ian just now sms me , guess what he said ! " I didn't know you last time from A&A one " . OMGS . he's a stalker !! ;P ppl in 1 respect beware ahh :DD . hahaha , im just kidding . uhuh , alright (: LOLS . okok , buhbye ! :DD
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hiie :D SHUYI HERE BLOGGING WITH ANABELLE'S LAPTOP (: hhehe , alright . i wanna talk abt some stuffs . start with hammond & ian during chinese class . we are supposed t write compo lar , thn ian wrote his fav place is zoo . & forest .. below , th conver :
Hammond : Eh , ian , your father is elephant right ?
Ian : -bueysong look on his face-
Hammond : Oh , i know ! Your big brother is hippo , right ?
Hammond : Then your younger brother , hmm ;x lemme think ..
Ian : OMGS . not happy alre .
Hammond : OHYA ! your younger brother is KING KONG ! :DD
HAHAHA , laughing like crazy in chinese class , cant concentrate on compo . HAIZ . ohya , thn right , class was awsome . 1pm left class , owned PE ! :DD awesome us lar ! hehehe . oh , supported seniors ! they played damn well luh . tho they lost by 3 points nia . nvm , jiayou . you all alre veryvery pro . while waiting for th prize presentation , did hw with wanyi :DD . hehehe , finished some . on th bus back , slept with belle . dunt think wrong hor :D hehe , alright , gotta go , buhbye ! :DD
Hammond : Eh , ian , your father is elephant right ?
Ian : -bueysong look on his face-
Hammond : Oh , i know ! Your big brother is hippo , right ?
Hammond : Then your younger brother , hmm ;x lemme think ..
Ian : OMGS . not happy alre .
Hammond : OHYA ! your younger brother is KING KONG ! :DD
HAHAHA , laughing like crazy in chinese class , cant concentrate on compo . HAIZ . ohya , thn right , class was awsome . 1pm left class , owned PE ! :DD awesome us lar ! hehehe . oh , supported seniors ! they played damn well luh . tho they lost by 3 points nia . nvm , jiayou . you all alre veryvery pro . while waiting for th prize presentation , did hw with wanyi :DD . hehehe , finished some . on th bus back , slept with belle . dunt think wrong hor :D hehe , alright , gotta go , buhbye ! :DD
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Hiie :D omgs , i think i did badly for maths common test today . total had three quest , i only did two . So dead ;x HAIZ . alright , i shan't worry over spilt milk . Worry abt geog test more realistic sia ! Im so gonna die in this test lar . Landforms ? OMG . i suck at it .. ;x uhuh , ohya , i should've posted this yesterday .. my conversation with hammond :
ShuYi : Hammond , your mei how old ah ?
Hammond : I not sure leh , i think 26 , 27 , 28 .
ShuYi : Huh ?
Hammond : Around thr bahs . You leh ? Got MAID ?
ShuYi : I have maid , but just now i say MEI leys . ;x
Hammond : Laughs & spits some water out .
HAHAHA . damn funny luh . today aft sch , stayed back in sch to pei sara (: thn walked to mrt with junel & anabelle . on the way , saw jianrong & julio . uhuh , something funny happened , LOL . thn junel came my hse , belle went court :DD . Then went to tuition . The end , oh . Jiayou seniors for tmr match yeah , will be supporting :DD . Kk , gotta go , buhbye ! :DD
ShuYi : Hammond , your mei how old ah ?
Hammond : I not sure leh , i think 26 , 27 , 28 .
ShuYi : Huh ?
Hammond : Around thr bahs . You leh ? Got MAID ?
ShuYi : I have maid , but just now i say MEI leys . ;x
Hammond : Laughs & spits some water out .
HAHAHA . damn funny luh . today aft sch , stayed back in sch to pei sara (: thn walked to mrt with junel & anabelle . on the way , saw jianrong & julio . uhuh , something funny happened , LOL . thn junel came my hse , belle went court :DD . Then went to tuition . The end , oh . Jiayou seniors for tmr match yeah , will be supporting :DD . Kk , gotta go , buhbye ! :DD
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Hiie :D wah , today sch's alright luh . started with reading programme ! :DD th magazine talk about sean kingston wor ^^ . Hhaha , veryvery nice , cause i was doing hw , SHE is CLEVER STOOOPID :DD . She dunt even know anything lar . But she walk to me & belle thr for a moment , & walked back to th front luh . Mdm Norliza didn't come , Ms Teo took over , class was in chaos . Nobody listened to her lar , poor ms teo ): Alright , haiz . LOLS . hmm , john paul was kinda angry with ian , aww . dear moniter , dunt be angry over this kinda ppl yeah :DD . be happy ^^ . Alright , now belle's beside me nao :D . LOVE DIE HER YEAH :D . LOLS . hmm , tmr got maths common test , mugmugmug ! JIAYOU ALL ONE RESPECT PEOPLE . PASS WITH FLYING COLOURS YEAH ! :DD . aft sch , went to whitesands macs to eat . sat with alisha & denise (: Okay , gotta go , buhbye ! :DD
Monday, April 26, 2010
-Will start dedicating posts :D . Want me to dedicate ? Send me your pic on msn yeah :D . Alright , today maths got 25/25 . But tht's cause paper easy , nth to be proud of :D . Okay , buhbye :DD
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Hiie :D Ohyeah , yesterday man utd won tottenham spurs with two of giggs's penalty & i one of nani's rare imba shots {: hahaha . wowwwwwww :D now watching bolton & portsmouth . yesterday didn't watch . very happy mah , then went out to eat supper , shit .. FATS are gonna be my best friends again ! & no netball training lerh , i bet my weight horhorhor :X Hhaha , alright , today can CANNOT go to gwen's church lar . must go see grandma . {: ah , well . then i shall try go next week luh ! but still , meeting gwenniiieeeeee & khaiiiiiiiiiiii on monday , {: LOL . i shall try my best to see if hehsi's anywhere near me :D got chance i ask him go luh (: Hhahaah :DD . ohya , & rmb in my last post i said anabelle had a new blog ? Its a wrong link . th link is ... i forgot ?! okayy , nvm . LOL . next time i go check , then tell you guys bah :DD buhbye !
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Hiie :D hhaha , :D . today morn' helped anabelle did her blog . {: view & tag her please , tag me also ah ! :DD . LOLS . nobody online , BORED ! D: Its so boring luh , hais . nth to do . havent finish geog hw :/ nvms ! btw , people ! RELINK ! Hhehe . :D currently listening to SEOUL by super junior & snsd . ^^ LOLS . Hhaha , watched a video just now . . donghae so cute !! :DD . he purposely go dance wrongly , hehehe , thn make th others behind him dance wrong . KYUHYUN SO SEXY :DD . LOLS ! ^^ . henry's muscles are like WTF ! Hhahah , so sexehhh :D their chinese also veryvery good luhs . {: aiyoo , siwon looked so innocent :D . Hhaah , ryeowook . :D okok , stop crazying . buhbye ! :DD .
Friday, April 23, 2010
Hiie :D today is a happy day ! idk why luh O: Hhaha , now right i think tht , Ms TeoYiZhi very good siaa , although she always check skirts and socks . but her teaching very good . made me understand abt landforms :D . woot , LOLOL . ohya , so tht's it :D . LOLS . hmm , today lessons aren't quite boring , i always like fridays lar :D . idk why also . dunt ask ^^ . hmm , elit test was okay i guess , not very diff as i guessed , but i didn't have much time to do th last page , so yeah .. :/ it kinda like suck ? th part on two sound devices used in my poem {: Hhehe . :D yupyup , that's about th elit test . mrs chuah didn't give back th maths common test , im freaking angry O: why cant she just give us our test paper , thn somemore when we ask for it , she say , : You ask for it somemore , i will burn it !! So bad right ): Hais , so we didn't dare ask for it lor , i wanna know my marks D: alright , i shall wait somemore ! :D . music , we didn't do presentation , caused we asked cher for a delay , i guess she was angry OKAY with it luh , she just merely told th class abt it ? embarassing enough luh O.O ! aft sch , went to dnt workshop with belle . her product kinda like , broke . talked to mr tay , realised tht he is a ARSENAL supporter , most importantly , he , like me , LOVES DISLIKES liverpool ! :D . wow , ohyar ! MR GEY SUPPORTS MAN UTD !! woot , he also dunt like liverpool derh , yay ! ^^ . ilikethis ~ LOLOL . thn , talktalktalk with mr tay , he very funny & cute luh , LOLS . thn say buhbye , go watch AHS c'div'boy bball match {: watch a little while only , thn walked to mrt with belle . HUP 2 , 3 , 4 ! :DD . belle would understand this lar ! btw , yixiu damn daomei ! :/ lost her handphone siaa ! D: poor things . haiyo , next time be more careful yeah ? :D hmm , thn mrt-ed back to whitesands , i bought APPLE PIE & COKE , waste my money , hhaha :D . LOLS . alright , i gotta go , buhbye ! :DD .
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hiie :D im chionging my eng tuition hw currently D: i dunt think i can finish . today is alright , but im so scared of cai lao shi now tht whenever i see her i will be a nerd .. :/ HAIS . saddening . ): today class is alright luhz , not say very boring . during recess , we go help simone & yixiu buy food from their enterprise day luh , see we so good . tom yam rocks :DD . Hhah , ohya , travier go take my letter to sara and read ! D: dunt like him liao lar ! so bad . baddy . :D Hhahs , today had combined assembly . if im not wrong , they were like talking abt some random international friendship week stuffs . yupyup , hhaha , th bitches and beaches part was funny ! aft assembly went to tamp with belle , sara , junel & xiaoxuan . saw quite alot of ppl today . cant really rmb all , i think was darren , yingru , harris , ruben , blabla . oh aites , i think i shall stop here and continue to chiong hw ! btw , i think i failed my spa test today ! ): sorry wanyi ! sorry loads . manymany sorrys to you ! ah , shit ! tmr have art sey ;X havent do the work . alamak . alright , buhbye ! :DD wish me luck eh ? ohyahor ! tmr got two periods of chinese , first period ! suck ttm , her lessons are interestingBORING ! D: i have such "awesome" chers . hope mrs chuah gives back our maths common test soon , im craving for my results ! :D
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Hiie D: today is suckish , i hate today ): HAIZ . you know why mahs ? cause when come back tht time hor , tio scolded by cai lao shi . cause nvr tuck in shirt & wht blabla , fold skirt . you want to humiliate yourself , wear your own home clothes , dunt wear our sch's uniform .. HAIZ . daomei :/ i know luhz . nvms . (: i bought a shirt liaos ! aft having this crave for shirts for so long , i finally bought one for myself :DD . yipee dee dooooodle ^^ . LOLOL . szeming bought her sch bag also ! its damndamn nice luh , nicenice ! :D , not bads ! (: hahah , thn went back with gwenLLX ! :D . Hahah , hmms .. :/ today dunman sec & AHS got bball match , but AHS coach say dunt win today , dk why . O: Hahaha , :D he got his plan lar . hhah , alright , not in a good mood today . gotta reply belle , praise & sara today , bye :D .
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hiie :D okay , first , me and belle is damn pathetic today lor ! D: cause we two swept th whole netball court by OURSELF ): i guess some of th sec1 forgot luhz , thn we must clean up luhs , painful . th broom sucks like ttm , my hand got blister . i burst it ! :DD . Hhah , today class was super boring ! D: i dunno why ley , but dnt was alright , i like th video tht mr gey made , its so nice ! ;P . Hhah , ohya , im supposed to prepare my presentation uhuh ! O: i havent do yet siaa . alamak , nvms ! ^^ . next monday thn pass up . tmr got maths common test , shit th mama . my maths sucks like shit luh , HAIZ D: i might FAIL it ppl . wish me lucks ! :D . thn wednesday is SPA TEST . wth right , my spa test always suck like shit derh luh . i know D: HAIZ . all tests suck, why AHS so many test one ah ? O: aiya , nvm , get use to it since im like , alre in th sch ? Hhah . :D but actually , overall , AHS is quite a bad AWESOME sch ! :D . Hhah , aft sch .. aft sweeping th whole court . and fyi , we swept for like .. 30 mins luh , and th court is still like not very clean .... OMGS . okayy , thn we mrt-ed to whitesands , went to macs ! Mac value lunch upsize ! :D . spicy fries rocks lar ! :D Heheh , i know everybody loves it . :D alright , thn aft tht , we went to err .. ohya ! library ! to study , we so guai right ! Hhah , we studied for maths test . I wrote & replied some letters :D . Heheh , and it rained , it was so cold tht me and belle decided to get out of thr . so we went to popular to buy files ! :D . Hhah , yupyup , th ring folder is niceniceeee . loves to it yah ! oh , & thn i bused home alone . as belle met teresa laopo/waiyu ! :D . Hhah , okayy , im done posting abt today ! :D . hw are not finished by me always . i always go sch do derh luh . aites , buhbye ! :DD
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Hiie :D im gonna talk abt soccer alright , now i mean . so those who aren't interested you can skip this post . & those who dislike man utd you also can skip this post . :D you dunt like man utd , your prob , i like , my business , no need for your comment okay (: okay , so i shall start with yesterday's man of th match . :D paul scholes . alright , you played well last night , with the perfect heading , i like that alotalot okay ^^ . okay , hahah , so yeah . yesterday baby rooney love also played very well uhs , with alot of attempts , goodgood , nvr injured jiu hao ! :D . van der sar was awesome ! :D okay , he blocked like so many on goal shots from tevez , adebayor , belamy , blabla . why do i like man utd ? cause it's a awesome team , with awesome players , who play awesomely ! :DD HAHAHA , oh& i just kinda realised smt yeaa . th world is unfair . no lar , i realised that i havent been meeting anyone from MDPS since i went to AHS . apart from , ( th AHS people lar ! ) .. alisha , teresa , omgs . saddening . and some others due to tuition causes and well . mygods . didnt i promise them i'll meet them . okay , i seriously needa got to gwen's church next sunday alright . :DD i promise gwen ! tho like guaiguai derh hor . xD . nvms , i will go lalala ~ ah , im freaking bored . super random . HEY APPLE . HEY . HEY APPLE . WAZZZAAAAAAAUPPPPPP . * BLEHBLEHBLEHBLEHBLEH * jiahuiiiiiiii , yanzhuanggggggggg & jiaxue , hahah , annoying orange reminds me of you people . be proud of yourself . :D HAHA , gonna post pics buhbye ! :DD
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Hiie :D second post , as promised in my previous post . :D ohwell , im currently watching man utd vs man city ! i seriously hope man utd would win , && tht rooney love will not get injured . man utd can do without you dear ♥ . Hahah , yupyup , you must agree tht he is a good player . oh && ! i rmb smt , just now was reading newspaper . thn i went to th sports corner & guess what i saw ? i saw four players , they said : Best four players of the season . and it was , fabregas , rooney , drogba & tevez ! arsenal , chelsea , man utd & man city , finally no liverpool . HAHA , so what's with torres ? :D i know , he's not performing well this season ley , with all those injuries . just like rooney . ahh . ohmygoshhh . nice attempt from rooney dear , lucky you're not injured . jiayous ! you rock baby . ♥ okay , alright , go & watch liao buhbye ! :DD
Hiie :D yay , i finally changed my blogskin . this skin is easy siaa . only took 15 mins ? cbox cooperated with me well finally ! HAHA , i always forget my password derh luh , finally rmb-ed . :D happy ttm :D . okay , but i know i make until very ugly luh . i changed some of the base codes . :D cause i didn't like it much . budden , i like th bolds . cause its blue ! :D HAHA , LOL . alright , people , tags are wanted . and i cleared my old tagboard . starting afresh . hehehs , so yeah . ah , today's a saturday , im stuck at home , doing nth ! D: sadden . nobody sms me larrrrrrr . :D come & sms me <3> Hehehe . okay , i know what to do lerh , i shall random jump blogs :D . okay buhbye ! maybe i shall post again later :D . buhbye !! :D
Friday, April 16, 2010
Hiie :D oh so nothing much happened today . except for th parkinson thingy .. HAHA , hammond was damn funny luh , keep making us laugh . until mrs koh damn angry with us . i really trying hard not to laugh liao lor , but . he still keeps shaking his whole body , hahaaa , funny sight . :D yupyup , so aft sch , went to ivy's class for a while ah . so sweet of ivy & olivia to give us some things even tho they alre stepped down . btw , th sec4 seniors have stepped down officially yesterday . sad eh ? yupyup , coach vivien is gonna be strict , so yeaa , jiayous . alright , gotta go , mum nagging . buhbye ! :DD parkinson disease - hammond , LOL . :D
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Hiie :D posting a longlong post today , i dunt care eh . :D HAHA , must read ! ^^ . LOLS . okay , alright .. erm , start with mummy didn't send us to sch today , cause she had fever D: sad rights , so instead , belle's dad send us thr . :D yupyup , so i really wanna thank her dad . so yeah . currently trying to learn how to sing "if we ever meet again" errrr , not sure if i could do so . its a whole song ley . and i needa sing it tmr . D: in front of whole class , shit it . ahh . i need th lyrics and everything luh , aiyo , how can liddat derhs ! O: okay lar , im gonna try my best alright ! :DD . HAIZ , i need them to cooperate sey , ;X and please dunt lip-sync i beg you alright ! :DD HAHA , oh and erm , training today is funfunfun ! i love defender drills . its damn fun . i gotta work on my figure of 8 tho . my footwork still not that accurate , but i know i will improve lalala ~ anyway , my square is badbadbad like shit siaa . i dunno why , cant catch th seniors ball luhz , sad me . D: LOL . smsing vivian now , hoping to change th song to DOWN ! i love down .. okay , she wants baby . SO MUCH BETTER THAN IF WE EVER MEET AGAIN . rarrrrrr :D . LOL . okok , im fine with it okay ! BABY ROCKS :DD . okay fine , aiyoyo . okok , ah , baby . GO PRACTICE TH RAP PART LALALA . :DD i love down sia . dunno why suddenly feel like listening , then TADA . woots . okok , i gotta go memorise song alright , buhbye ! :DD
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Hiie :D today had fieldtrip lar , was quite boring indeed . ah , & i got back my hmt and elit test paper , you know what ? SUCKED . D: ah , later then tell you my marks eh :/ i know it does sucks seriously . ); fieldtrip was hawt siaa . what rainforest , so hothothot . awws right , it was damn hot seriously ; sweating in a forest ( small one laa ! ) isn't that much fun you know . ah , i know . HAHA , when we went , lucky , we had th back seat . sat in a row lar , anabelle , sara , szeming , me & wanyi . thanks wanyi for sharing her earpiece w/ me ! :D . HAHA , LOL . thn blabla , i have nothing to comment abt th place , i have totally no memory of it yeaa ? HAHA , alright , i know i suck big time . ahh , i know okay . replying praise's letter , thankyous to my maid for not washing-machining it . :D Hhaha , ah ? okay , SHUYI RMB BRING EVERYTHING TO SCH TMR . dunt forget anything ah , these few days keep forgetting ? yeaa .. HAIZ D: realised smt , iHATEyou . i really do . and actually i dunt hate *insertnamehere* , alright , i shall edit somethings in my brain , LOL ! haiz , poorpooor meeee , today keep wanting to get back point for hmt , so i kept like telling th cher wht to do , guess she things im a bitch now . alright , nvm . i dunt like her too okays , not like she's wonderful or smt ? yupyup , she's like .. okay , no comments :D HAHA !:D . oh erm , marks ......... elit 19/25 & hmt 40/50 . i know it sucks , okay , i dunt like my hmt marks , so low siaa ! D: HAIZ . this is my lowest common test paper ley ;X i dunt like it at all lar . aiyo . okay , eheh . ohya ! shit sia . HAIZ , im so gonna get back marks again , tmr :D . alright , gotta go , buhbye ! :DD
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Hiie :D im back from training , HAHA ! :D . it was raining like shit siaa , but nvm , i had simoneeeee ! crazy random lovely stead x3 HEHE , we two can communicate well siaa , talked like SIAOSIAO today ! laughed till butt pain . ohya , belle threw a ball to me in netball , i picked it up laa . but instead of picking the ball up , I DID A SPILT & FELL ON MY BUTT ohgoshhhh right ? it still hurts luh , D: HAIZ . but nvm , i forgave her liao , LOL . okayy lar , thn aft training , went to subway with anabelle and her mum uhs . :D yumyumyum , :D of course , i did my part by telling them all my opinions of laptops lar :D . LOL , alrights , today's a funny day lar , i love netball . LOL , okay , buhbye :D . tmr got fieldtrip :D . wish me good luck yeaa . :DD
Monday, April 12, 2010
Hiie :D just back from rachel's hse , funfunfun ! :DD . HAHA , we went thr , thn eat macs ! x3 yumyum , im so gonna get fat yeaa ? YES ! D: simone tag th photos of me alre , you guys wanna see , can go my profile to view . i didn't lock my photos , not my friend also can view , LOL . okayy , i look damn ugly in ALL th pictures so yeaa . it was damn fun , HAH . we pushed rachel into th swimming pool and took vids & shots of her while doing so , it was awesome . LOVES to them ah :DD . HAHA , okay , i gotta go tuition soon , buhbye ! :DD .
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Hiie :D Okay , this is my 200th post in this blog . Wootwoot , claps for me yaa . :D yesterday was freaking pissed with rayner ? dunt ask why , i dunt wanna think abt it . i guess i shall forgive him , we shall remain as friends . :D see , im so forgiving , HAHA , no lar . i just feel th need to forgive him cause i was kinda like screaming profanities in facebook last night . ohgoshhhhh . can you believe it ? ohnooo , nvms . i shall apologise later HEHE xD . alrights , later needa go pray . for ahgong yeaa . :D ahyes . i actually cant send my project to mdm norliza as i didn't take down her email address ? wth . okay , i smsed her alre , guess she havent wake up , HAHA , cause she nvr reply me marh . aiyahs , if not , die liao lor , nvr pass up . ah shit . okay , fine , gotta call mdm norliza soon , if she doesn't reply meee . D: alrights , tag me people ! buhbye ! :DD
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Love AHS Netballers manymany x3 . Thanks fr all th laughters , th badbad stomachache , HAHA ! :DD . && moremore bonding sessions to come alrights , lovelys . ;- ♥
Hiie :D ohmigoshhhhhh . im fat like hell . not gonna eat todayy . No laa , you see i say liddat right , later i confirm eat agains :D . that's me luh , unable to keep my promise derh , always compromise to myself . :D HEHE . as you know lar . HAHA , i want a netball . :D someone get it for me please . i'll LOVE you back in return . i really want one you know ? yesyes ! okay , get me one , thanks . :D LOL ! harhar , okay lar . you know rights , daddy gave me $2 today onlyyy . & he wants me to get like wht ? breakfast & lunch for myself . guess i'll have to eat cup noodleeeeeeeee again . nehmind , its alright , i LOVE cup noodles ♥ . Hahaha ! People who know me well will know i eat cup noodle for like almost everyday of the week . yupyup , this much people , this much . HAHA , alrights , im getting nags from my brother . okay , i shall upload a pic of my bro in short hair soon , okays , buhbye ! :DD
Hiie :D ohmigoshhhhhh . im fat like hell . not gonna eat todayy . No laa , you see i say liddat right , later i confirm eat agains :D . that's me luh , unable to keep my promise derh , always compromise to myself . :D HEHE . as you know lar . HAHA , i want a netball . :D someone get it for me please . i'll LOVE you back in return . i really want one you know ? yesyes ! okay , get me one , thanks . :D LOL ! harhar , okay lar . you know rights , daddy gave me $2 today onlyyy . & he wants me to get like wht ? breakfast & lunch for myself . guess i'll have to eat cup noodleeeeeeeee again . nehmind , its alright , i LOVE cup noodles ♥ . Hahaha ! People who know me well will know i eat cup noodle for like almost everyday of the week . yupyup , this much people , this much . HAHA , alrights , im getting nags from my brother . okay , i shall upload a pic of my bro in short hair soon , okays , buhbye ! :DD
Friday, April 9, 2010
Hiie :D today bought rachel's present laa , but still , aft sch was damn fun luh ! :D i love SIMONE , ANABELLE , RACHEL , YIXIU AND TH OTHER FRIEND . THEY ROCK . :DD jokes rocks . okay larh , actually i also dunno post what luh . aiyah . thn come back home tht time , saw shaoye . went back with him , as in same bus laa . i feel damn short , whatever ! D: HAIZ . nvmnvm , i will grow derhs . LOL ! yaya , okok , i going out lerhs , buhbye ! :DD .
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Hiie :D today is a funfun day :D . training rocks . cause i didn't run , OMGZ . and im saying tht it rocks . HAHA , so yeaa , i skipped most parts , & only did basic passes .. plus ... erm , wht ah ? ohya ! i played game . then yy , waa she say i damn fake HAHA , cause im like playing game but did not train th drills ? Hehs , xD . tht's evil me :D . okayy larhs , i know im not evil laa ! belle now beside me , JEALOUS RIGHT ! i know ! hehes . i know you guys are jealous tht i have manymany steads . :D & right , i got another one , RACHEL . :D lovelys . :D ! okok , i know i have awesome netball friends tht LOVE ME the most ! :DD yupyup , you are all jealous . take deep breathes . :D haiya , okok , buhbye ! :DD
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Hiie :D . today's pathetic . i kinda like acted angry with my two steads , wanyi & anabelle . :DD it was funny when they really thought i was angry thn wanyi saw through my trick , whatever . HAHA ! played with other stead ; jiahui ! played like crazy siaa . thn you know wht , we were like playing on th staircase , when i almost banged into brendon ! D: omgs right , i know ! HAHS . he screamed like a girl , wait , even more than a girl ah . he screamed damn high pitched laa , thn i scare me , i screamed too :DD . HAHA , thn he laugh at me ); HEHE xD . nvms , tmr go class find him talktalk . ask why laugh at ME . :D thn jiahui keep like , tickling me . btws , HOT YO YEO YANZHUANG BABE . :D iLOVEthis ! hehes . ya luh , tht's it . :D ohya , aft sch , went playground . played with anabelle , alisha & teresa . thn gwen & eunice came , talktalk . went home liaos . :D yay , mummy bought macs for me , thankyous ! :D . now eating , yumyum . OKAY ! :D buhbye ! :DD .
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hiie :D waa . i hor , dunno wht to say liao . i stead with so many ppl siaa ! YOU OWNSELF SEE . i stead with ANABELLE , JIAHUI , WANYI , SIMONE & YIXIU . can you believe tht ? HAHA ! :DD . im a flirter . i flirt with my fellow netballers . :D no laa , JKJK :DD . okay laa , we're just veryvery supersuper duperduper bonded ! :D . i love c'div'10 netballers :D sec1 team rocks ! :DD . you make netball my lovelies . HAHA ! okays , i LOVE netball ! :DD . see im so random . training rocks my socks with good ppl :D . and meredith , grow wor ! :D . HAHA ! she's sec3 but she looks like sec1 , thn she say she's young at heart . LOVES to netball seniors too :D . ohya , when coming home tht time right , saw ivan dao . :D dunno why put happy face . maybe cause i today happy :D . HAHA ! okok , buhbye ! :DD
Monday, April 5, 2010
Hiie :D today went to sch laa , as usual . :DD . thns received some belated bday wishes also , alrights , thanks muchs . :D walau , bryan so lame can . keep saying i stead laiwei . pleaseeee luh . i where got ? AIYO . ;X he ahr , bueytahan . then he still say anabelle with jingjie siaa . funny rights . LOL ! okay laa , gtg tuition . buhbye ! :DD
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Hiie :D HEHE ! fever went down liaos , so happy ley [: yupyup , so th doctor still gave me monday mc laa , & one whole week cannot play PE , wootwoot . :DD YAY , stoopid mr koh cant say anything lerh , i got th doctor's MC lalala ~ blehs to him luh , always make us run , dunt like him luh . ;P yupyup , so i dunt like him luh . & thn yesterday night watched skyhigh nicenice ! :DD i love it sey . HAHA ! lalala , i dunt like the medicine tht th doctor gave me , makes my stomach pain always ); HAIZ . isn't it sad ? last night eat medicine finish liao cant even sleep lor , veryvery pain aiyo . i am very disappointed tht man utd lost to chelsea . HAIZ D: why did this happen t me ? anyone support man utd , come talk to me laa . always all i know th ppl all support liverpool . jiaxueeeeee ! valerieeeeeee ! all ley .. ]; saddened . okay laa nvm i used to it liao . lucky still got some ppl dunt like liver . LIVER SUCKS . yeaa :D . HAHA , alrights , needa rest liao , buhbye ! :DD
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Hiie :D just now junel , anabelle & jiamin cam my hse to do their dnt project . (; they havent do siaa , but mr tay very good , he ask them to bring th camera to sch show him ;D HAHA ! :DD so good rights ? yupyup , belle gave me a present today , also a wallet . th wallet looks familiar , like seen before somewhere ley ;X thn vanessa gave me a myuk pencil case , thanks loads girl (L) ! :D . HAHA , thn now high fever , superr HIGH . 39.0 degrees OMG ! ;X mummy gonna scold liao , better go rest , buhbye :DD . miss me yahs . ;P
Friday, April 2, 2010
Hiie :D & it is officially my bday ? :DD HAHA ! yupyup , happy loads today . but belle couldn't go out with me , was kinda sad for this part laa . ;X but went bugis stree with sara , junel & xiaoxuan thanks them loads for their presents . & pathetic me only have 2 presents this year ); sadsadsad rights ? i know .. ]; i know ! but nvms , i got them to pei wo during this year bday ! :DD loves to them manymany , of course must say out who send me msg wish me happy bday & facebook . okay , start from sms . Thanks ; yingru , shaoye , teresa , aunty lala , zishin , felise , rayner , junel , qing , ivan ong , cheryll , ivan , rachel , khai , ja'afar , kenneth , zehui , szeming , soonching , vanessa , sean , eunice.p , joyce , praise ! :DD facebook ; ms sharull , ysaac , valerie.h , junel , benjamin fheng , yingchang , gwen.l , simone , rayner , ivy , weijia , vivian , stephanie , eunice , cassandra , petrina , laiwei , yihong , rhonda , vanessa.h , hedy , sherra , vanessa.n , hanani , raelene , ivan chua , johnny , jinjia , amy , noel :DD ! done , finally HEHE , loves to them all alrights .
today went bugis , took neoprints first , post pics next time baa xD . HAHA , now i lazy , HEHE :DD . okay , thn went ilumna .. blabla . went to eat macs , thn bugis street ! :DD bought a shirt for mummy , she loves it very much , yay ! ♥ HEHE so happy laa . thn didn't buy anything liao . aft bugis street , went to ilumna again , to eat frozen yogurt ! ♥ yay , i love tht alrights . & we played truth or dare while eating , funfun ! :D . HAHA . thn went to a shop , bought domokun pencil case for someone :D not supposed to say it out here laa ! ;P okay baa , thn right , we walked to mrt station & went home liaos . okay , thn at home , mummy cut cake with me luh , :DD th cake was yummy , too bad i was having fever & th cake only can eat one small piece luh , HAIZ D: but nvmnvm ! :DD HEHE , finish th cake thn play com . iLOVEyou ! :DD i mean , ppl who wished me happy birthday , thanks loads ♥ ! much loves to them . & thanks junel , sara & xiaoxuan for spending my day with me ! many loves :DD
today went bugis , took neoprints first , post pics next time baa xD . HAHA , now i lazy , HEHE :DD . okay , thn went ilumna .. blabla . went to eat macs , thn bugis street ! :DD bought a shirt for mummy , she loves it very much , yay ! ♥ HEHE so happy laa . thn didn't buy anything liao . aft bugis street , went to ilumna again , to eat frozen yogurt ! ♥ yay , i love tht alrights . & we played truth or dare while eating , funfun ! :D . HAHA . thn went to a shop , bought domokun pencil case for someone :D not supposed to say it out here laa ! ;P okay baa , thn right , we walked to mrt station & went home liaos . okay , thn at home , mummy cut cake with me luh , :DD th cake was yummy , too bad i was having fever & th cake only can eat one small piece luh , HAIZ D: but nvmnvm ! :DD HEHE , finish th cake thn play com . iLOVEyou ! :DD i mean , ppl who wished me happy birthday , thanks loads ♥ ! much loves to them . & thanks junel , sara & xiaoxuan for spending my day with me ! many loves :DD
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Hiie :D today training so funny luh ! HAHA , cause jiahui say she stead with me , thn anabelle also say she stead with me . damn funny luh they too , keep snatching xD . Laugh die me ahr ! ;X laugh till stomach pain , pwned training once more ? O: cause was sick uh , rmb ? i got tonsillitis yeaa D: sadistic . i went to sch , but was pained throughout .. but i didn't want to go home , cause tmr's my bday ! YAY ! gonna stay up till 12 today . HEHE . bonded with wanyi when watching th match . woot . aiyoo . thn right , went home early , cause mym was waiting for me outside of AHS . so me & belle went out . i slept in the car , was pained . damn pain luhs . ); HAIZ D: went home alre , still sleep . HAHA ! i love sleeping ? xD . no laa , cause was tired & cold . thn wake up , 38 degrees ! omgs . thn my mother was like , omg , you okay not . want go see doctor . dunt want luhs ! HAHA . so i played com . HAIZ . damn daomei . tmr bday still flu siaa D: sadsad . okay laa , i go rest liao , if not mum nagging soon . BUHBYE ! wish me happy birthday & i want present ! HAHA ! :DD
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