Saturday, December 5, 2009

sian ma , so decided to blog . blog abt what nehs .. that i myself also dunno .. LOL ! song playing , haruharu . hahahs , has been playing in my head since just now . so i might as well on it . btw , changed song . heartbreaker. hehs , xDD that song like .. totally rocks can ? hahaha , you're my heart heart heart heart breaker ~ okeh , im crapping hehs , guess so . totally know im a crapper when im bored . well , blog is officially dead even tho i blog now . no visitors ! no tags ! no viewers ! nothing ! awws , sad , but nvm . i talk to myself then . xP hahahah , so yeah . going out with rhonda again . seems like almost all my outings are with her . even those unplanned ones . just i was free , was at ehub , she whitesands ; library . so we met , LOL ! kinda .. in a sense , that's called outing . btw , on the bus back with eunice that day we saw this MAJOR FLIRT GIRL . so she was like doing all those talking , joking and laughing DAMN FREAKING LOUDLY . so yeah , well , i tried to look . but this guy watching dunno what show on his ipod blocked my view . didn't have a good look of her . heard her laughing and talking VERY CLEARLY . hahaha , so yeah . hahaha , and just remembered . new moon's ending was damn abrupt . me and teresa chorused * what the hell * LOL ! okeh , so yeah . hahahaha , it was what the hell . just , bella , marry me . BOOMZ ! smt like telling us , hey , wait slowly for eclipse . LOL ! so yeah , irritated la ! diaos . ending so abrupt , hahahah , just like hot shot lo . the movie re-edited some scenes from the book .. was different . so i was surprised when edward fought demetri and felix . the book wasn't like that ! so yeah , i was .. hahaha , kinda thinking hard of the details . checked alr . from my new moon book . im right . they edited the version of new moon for the movie . wasn't that much original huh ? hahaha , but it was still good , no matter what . ( mostly cause of taylor ! ) but heh , im biased. can imagine that from someone who's obsessed . (: (: im nt leaving xabi alonso tho . both are mine . selfish , yeah , but , cant help . ah ! hahahha , okehokeh . gtgs , byes , miss me yah . xPP

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