Friday, December 4, 2009

damn jealous now , taylor swift get to kiss my taylor . okeh , so , taylor ! woots , omg ? okeh , im obsessed with him ! gosh , can you believe me ? yes you do . ^^ hmms , taylor and his packs make me go crazy over him . like duh , hot . totally hot . that's the best word to describe him . anyway , went out with , teresa at first , and later part , eunice . xDD hahahahah ! so it was fun . met teresa first at macs . went to take neoprints . ^^ hmm , and then go ehub lerh . run there la ! damn cold . aww . brrrrr ! hahahah , buy ticket . go arcade ! :D hahahahah ! had fun . played so many times the car la . play until i wann die liao luhs . ^^ hahahahahah ! hmm , then went in . nice ; shiok . wahh seh , love taylor . without abundant wig . xP hahahah , JBJBJB ! jb stands for jacob black , nt johor bahru ! hahahahahah ! shiok sia ! i love him ! okehokeh . come out .. buy smt . meet eunice . mrt-ed to tamp . ^^ then went urban write . then artbox . xDD hmm , bought myself a christmas present . a planner for next year . hahaha , okehokeh . thens .. went open plaza . shiok . i was the only one nt dizzy , they gt dizzy easily . wasn't even considered fast , but yeah .. hahahah ! okehokeh .. so .. yeah , camwhored . ^^ and bacl alr . IM DAMN JEALOUS THAT TAYLOR LAUTNER KISSED TAYLOW SWIFT CAN ? shit taylor swift ! suck la ! steal my taylor from me , zz ! haiz .. sian ! i gonna go break them up lerh , okeh , byes !

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