Saturday, June 20, 2009


KIMBUM'S MINE! haha, seriously and totally.of course there still my DYT.(: i will never miss him out. just now watched trailers.then saw one they say.breakthrough performance female , ashley tisdale, hsm3.breakthrough perfomance male, robert pattinson, female performance, kristen stewart, male performance, zac effron, kiss, robert pattinson and kristen stewart, fight,robert pattinson vs cam gigandet, song, miley cyrus"the climb", hannah montana the movie, twillight.(: robert pattinson is voted this year's most popular male and hansome guy! and he won the biggest prize, most got his name.(: happy for him.dont worry zelia, he's yours.(: i wont snatch.haha, very nice.(: now at gwen's hse, cause mummy and thaddeus brobro go zoo ==" later maybe go home eat dinner take some things go her hse again.(: mwahahah! post later, soon.(:

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