Wednesday, June 10, 2009

alisha ; elmochio .

alisha ; elmochio . this post is dedicated to youe . whye youe become emo again . didn't youe say youe hate emos ? then whye are youe becoming one ? pains one's heart youe know . hai . youe promised many ppl once to be strong . youe promised me too , whye become like that ? alot ppl needs youe . dont just look at one ppl . okaye ? must learn elmochio . hmm , youe see , youe have : Cheryll , Tongxin , Brenda , Teresa , WenYi .. manymany more . so youe must pick yourslf up . i guess i overcomed that period of time, youe havent . but youe must . soon . cause i gonna make youe do so . so i dont care what , you're not gonna be only a memory kkay ? you're gonna be a real life figure that smiles always , and for crying out loud , its a real smile . not a fake one . okaye ? youe once promise me , and i want to hear that promise again ALISHA ; MY ONE AND ONLY ELMOCHIO

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