Thursday, June 25, 2009

ps. stopped blogging.(:

finally finished BOF. was nice.but ending very abrupt.and kimbum rocks like hell kkays? hyun joong also.(: nbm, i know can liao.(: was preparing like siao for psle.hahah, today did prelim paper.was 88/100.(: tmr going e!hub with gwen.(:dont know,suddenly dont feel like going out.just want read book at home. yesterday read book until 1 plus.(: smsed anabelle, then nehh reply.diao==" then sms reply.hahah, talked. self-intro? nbm, yesterday went toa payoh thr but clothes.mummy bought 2 pants for herself.i got 3 shorts.i played loads with brother.starting to find him cute.lols.(: maybe later going out for dinner.daddy and mummy these few days good mood.hahah, cause i guai mahs.xD (: okayokay.want go read book le.byes.might stop blogging for a while.(:

Saturday, June 20, 2009


KIMBUM'S MINE! haha, seriously and totally.of course there still my DYT.(: i will never miss him out. just now watched trailers.then saw one they say.breakthrough performance female , ashley tisdale, hsm3.breakthrough perfomance male, robert pattinson, female performance, kristen stewart, male performance, zac effron, kiss, robert pattinson and kristen stewart, fight,robert pattinson vs cam gigandet, song, miley cyrus"the climb", hannah montana the movie, twillight.(: robert pattinson is voted this year's most popular male and hansome guy! and he won the biggest prize, most got his name.(: happy for him.dont worry zelia, he's yours.(: i wont snatch.haha, very nice.(: now at gwen's hse, cause mummy and thaddeus brobro go zoo ==" later maybe go home eat dinner take some things go her hse again.(: mwahahah! post later, soon.(:

house (:

gwen's at my hse now (: sleeping over of course xD post later bahs . or maybe tmr (: hahah .
(continued) we smsed lots. mostly i managed to contact dao samuel. and if yingchang's reading this. i tell youe. youe wont be bothered cause he's in the normal stream.(: nbm , i find out myself.youe dont want tell dont tell lahs.i also can find out.(: um , somebody was funny.smsed gwen alot.gwen was having heart attack.): hahah,i bet its true luhs, gwen!hahah, gwen, laz kkays.(: was bored , asked yingchang what to do. he said."Night Walk At Neighbourhood".wth?night walk at neighbourhood.threw with rotten eggs first bahs!hahah.(: and its like so quiet,look out alread siaosiao.hahah.i scared gwen lots.hahah!replied many letters.and played tictactoe and hangman.(: seriously love football.(: mwahahah, i dont know whats got into me.==" nbm,gonna stop posting first, later got A&A , then go eat with gwen.then come back.she come my hse or i go her hse luhs,hahah!then later at night , i go her hse sleepover.(: cool.

Friday, June 19, 2009

- day out .

- wake at abt 8. washed, bathed and smsed(: go gwen's house to wake her up , mwahahhah! then she say 11 , then that time was like 10.15 ? so i went down playground(: played , played , on my own. nbm (: then smsed her , told her i at senior citizen corner. she came down , 10.45 (: then walked to bus 3 , then " eh ? i thought should be th other side ? " so me and gwen walked to th other side. then saw bus 3 , ran for it. then in the end , got another bus 359 behind. diao ==" waste our energy . went thr , went library. havent open , lame. then waited . talked too(: went in , stomach rumbling. mwahahah! so went to macs . mummy "qing ke" , then me and gwen eat luhs , hahah. then finish liao say byebye to mummy , me and gwen went shopping. hahah , then bought the name sticker thingy. went to e!hub. walked around , see ppl play bowling , wondered how uncle lizard plays bowling(: must be funny luhs ! then i went for piano lessons again , gwen went back home. finish at abt 3.30 , bused back home. saw many ex-meridians. they talked to me , replied of course. (: went home , ops. forgot thaddeus donut. shit, nbm. then now posting. later still have tuition w/ sisters and brothers , okaye (: i hope they dont laugh at me. hahah (:

Thursday, June 18, 2009

pictures (:

gwen ; teresa and yingru (:
me and felise , she chio , i chou (:

me and wenyi (: mummy and nuer (:

teresa laopo (: chiobuhh .

felise ; dearest (: chiobuhh .
gwen ; my qingaide (:

jessica ; meimei (:

anabelle ; TWIN(:

alisha ; elmochio (:

reply (:

teresa and cheryll ; my laopo and xingann (: ♥

teresa ; thanks laopo . i owe youe 2 (: lunch , okaye , perf. mwahahah! hannah montana , th movie , perf. too (: if can go gv more perf. mwahahah(: lovelove.

cheryll ; xingann. yeh , youe promise me lerh , so cannot give me empty promises uhs ! hahah , okayes , i believe youe (: when youe come back must immediately sms me uhs , loveyoue (:

no mood );

siansian ); i cut my hair again , omg . fine , its like damn idiotic kkays . actually is bet with my cousin , lose bet then he want me cut hair , diao! nbm , i no mood liaos. haihai); i bet he now damn happy luhs. eff. okaye , its like damn hort and i bet everybody will laugh at me (: nbm , i dont mind (: laugh bahs. hahah (: but seriously i hate this hairstyle , nbm . whats done is done. i leant my lesson , next time dont bet with cousins , no mood post liao. maybe later (:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

happy !

today mood is happy! hahah , morning wake at abt 9 ? then daddy fetched us for breakfast . went to central. ate bachormee , haish. reminded me of somebody , then only ate few mouths , then dont want lerh. eff siah. then walked around , bought bbt(: then daddy say want go home sleep a while. then abt 12 wake daddy up cause sent mummy to driving class. lools. then went to tampinese , daddy bought me little miss fickle , heineiken tee and elmo tee (: love that guy manns! hahah , then also bought thaddeus mr. messy. hahah (: very cute mahs, mwahahah . then walked around the basement thr , bought famous amos cookies (: mwahahah (: very yummy! then was happy , thaddeus also have . (: then went back home , posted (: now want go A&A lerh , sian siah==" haish , wish me good luck bahs (: mummy say next week go for treatment , yipee (:

labels : mummy , hope youe pass your driving test! (:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

HYPERpillow sisters (:

th HYPERpillow sisters (: i think , dont know . names not confirmed , hahah! but should be this bahs . anyway , congrats to my deardear felise dajie and alisha elmochio(: patch lerh , happy for them (: hahah , today goodgood mood . finished grade 3 piano lessons lerh! hahah , very good . no need worry liao(: hahah , then was shopping at whitesands with mummy. mummy bought me slippers again , just bought one , now another(: then daddy say tmr bring me go somewhere , so damn freaking excited now lahs! hahah (: just now when come back from the piano lessons , saw uncle freddy! omg , from the car i waved and waved . he finally saw me , then bought me sweets and lollies (: i simply love uncle freddy , even when im just a baby(: mwahahah! then daddy talked loads with him , finally said goodbyes. say uncle yantao too(: chatted . then go town park for a while , cause daddy want see his friends . then daddy need go work lerh , so me mummy and thaddeus came back on our own (: come home eat then online , currently in e-buddy with yingchang , cheryll and wenyi (: just now with zelia also , hahah! okaye , escaping to blogs , byes .

labels : dearest felise and alisha (: congrats! love<3

Monday, June 15, 2009

DSS family (:

gwendolyn ; nuer ; xiaomei (:

me ; mummy (:

wenyi ; mummy ; ahma (:

teresa ; nuer ; erjie (:

felise ; nuer ; dajie (:

DSS family ; wansui (: hahah(:

nice day (:

today was fun . last night was nort fun ): hahah , brother was kicking me until i fell siah . omg , was pain . fell to the ground , from the bed. haish . then was angry w/ him in th morning , not for long (: then went to aunty usha's house pick toys , mwahahah . then came back , thaddeus was happy. hahah , then daddy brought me and brother to town park to fish . i got 8 fishes , daddy got 5 fishes , thaddeus got none . was happy. then went to playground , swing loads. hahah (: then daddy say go home , cause thaddeus want sleep le. diao. then went home , prepared for tuition. 3 go tuition , 4.30 came back!(: hahah , sat down , on the com and started talking w/ wenyi mummy , fel dearest , teresa laopo and gwen qingaide (: then we wanted a family. so its officially called the SDD (: siaodingdong actually (: hahah , now still talking , going offline soon tho. fel sister offline liao. left wenyi and teresa): daddy nagging for me to eat , hahah . okaye , he win , i go eat le (: bye .

Saturday, June 13, 2009

anabelle , alisha , teresa , felise and cheryll

anabelle, alisha, teresa, felise and cheryll ; my xiaotwinneh, elmochio and laopo, dearest and xingann(:

anabelle : its great being xiaotwinneh with youe kkays? iloveyoue. meet up soon . miss youe damn alot liao siah. just meet w/ youe yesterday ==" okaye , your xiaotwinneh mad abt youe lerhs , hahah xD very very siah . pls, dont leave me. promise ? (: ♥

labels : dont leave me , iloveyoue (:

alisha : elmochio(: its great talking to youe(: thanks thanks . for letting me tell youe everything. it feels awesome , but im still feeling bad . but i will listen to youe, try not to think of that already kkays ? yeh , thanks and iloveyoue veryvery much(: ♥

labels : thanks elmochio(: iloveyoue .

teresa : laopo(: youe make me happy youe make me sad(: youe make me sotsot too . youe'll be thr for me no matter what . you'll always make me happy when im sad. thanks kkays ? i also miss youe lahs . sorreh ): yesterday ask anabelle come then gwen want youe come then now youe and felise .. hai . im so damn freaking sorreh kkays ? hai . paisehh , just patch then i go . okaye , i dont say le , sorreh . next time dont go better . no troubles . paiseh damn kkays . sorreh , iloveyoue(: and hope we can meet up soon yeh .♥

labels : dont say its not my fault . its mine):

FELISE TYX sister(: felise dearest , youe bring me joy and happiness kkays ? and teresa that one , pls dont blame her le. cause i will feel bad. if i nehh call her to accompany me , then all this wont happen. please, and thanks(: i know youe can help me. cause im feeling damn guilty now lahs. okaye , i shall now say anymore. sorreh ): ♥

labels : no words can explain the guilty in my heart ): sorreh .

CHERYLL xingann. deardear(: yeh , dont feel that youe shouldn't exist kkay? cause im happy youe existed . yup , promise me le , so cannot think of anything foolish . anything sms me kkay ? good (: ♥

labels : dont feel that . youe deserve it (:

bleh .

bleh siah. woke abt 9. played com for a little while then daddy fetched us to eat. went changi, ate timsum(: was nice , but very full . then daddy say want go beach . so went changi beach walkwalk. the nature reserve thr (: then saw many fishes, sea-horse and crabs(: then one lady let me fish for a while , thanks(: then fished some silver fish (: was happy , then a little boy hug me and clap for me , cute(: hahah. then say byebye to the lady and continue walking(: walkwalk then the beach at that angle very nice , so took pics . will upload the next time yup . then brother wanted to play catching w/ me . of course i agreed . and i won . hahah . then he bu shuang , so go complain . HAHAH . then saw many plants , funny plants . lools. then go car thr . wtf , the seat is like damn freaking hot kkays ? haish , nehhmind , hahah. then suddenly raining , daddy pray he doesn't bang into anything. cause he cant see , the rain thr too big lerhs): hahah. then came home , floor damn slippery siah. almost fell , hold on to brother . lovelove(: then reach home on com luhs , maybe later going movies (: hahah .

gwendolyn qingaide (:

gwendolyn qingaide (: happy birthday darling (: old le uhs , like me like that , mwahahah(: kkays , be happy . cause i love that laughters of yours (: HAPPY BIRTHDAY (:

Friday, June 12, 2009

mwahaha (:

mwahaha (: yesterday was boring but smsed alot . was doing prelim paper too . see i so hardworking , haha , jkjk (: then afternoon went to eat with anabelle TWIN (: haha , saw alisha , wenyi and jessica . played and had funs . no mood post liao . ):

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

umm ?

umm ? very sian . just now anabelle came my hse, played , talked , do homework . then go downstairs camwhore . will post pictures soon . then eunice came , went to library w/ her . did homework okaye . we is guai de luhs , haha! then went pop , bought a file . $0.90 only lehs . was happy . then bused back w/ her {: reached home , saw yongjin , gerald and aoyun . was unhappy yeh . then go home , suddenly got ppl throw bomb into my hse . then i go see , saw them , unfortunately . my mum didn't see , then she was quite angry . then my father was damn angry . so he go ask the minimart aunty to tell him who bought the bombs . then was embarrased siah . and i think daddy and mummy really want call police . omg , i hope its not real . or they die , i also kinda die . umm .. hai . dont care le lahs , very troubled now . anyway , gwen ; qingaide cut her hair until very chio uhs . CHIOBUH {:

alisha ; elmochio .

alisha ; elmochio . this post is dedicated to youe . whye youe become emo again . didn't youe say youe hate emos ? then whye are youe becoming one ? pains one's heart youe know . hai . youe promised many ppl once to be strong . youe promised me too , whye become like that ? alot ppl needs youe . dont just look at one ppl . okaye ? must learn elmochio . hmm , youe see , youe have : Cheryll , Tongxin , Brenda , Teresa , WenYi .. manymany more . so youe must pick yourslf up . i guess i overcomed that period of time, youe havent . but youe must . soon . cause i gonna make youe do so . so i dont care what , you're not gonna be only a memory kkay ? you're gonna be a real life figure that smiles always , and for crying out loud , its a real smile . not a fake one . okaye ? youe once promise me , and i want to hear that promise again ALISHA ; MY ONE AND ONLY ELMOCHIO

funny (:

funnyfunny{: yesterday cant go celebrate teresa's birthday siah . then was quite sad . but nehhmind , passed her her present. cant find the other siah , but will pass it to her when sch re-opens , yeh haha! then afternoon was dull boring lahs , slept for a little while , haha . then soon night le , sms-ed ppl , wished teresa;laopo happy birthday. then went down to playground , cause want eat ice cream , then mummy bought for me . eateat then very bored , so call zelia down to pei wo . then she come down le , we talked abt some things. then mummy ask me go west plaza help her buy tea . so call gwendolyn to pei wo . then said goodbyes to zelia. then me and gwendolyn walked there . talked abt some funny stuffs. was laughing my head off , haha! then buy bbt . bought tea then walked to void deck and talked at the senior citizen corner . then called anabelle . then told her we at old folks home , haha! then dunnoe what happen become gwendolyn sleeping at my hse , yeh haha. then followed her up to take things , haha. then come down , we talked like hell lahs. then i didn't realise we talked so loud until my mum told me today , haha lol right ? then daddy bought food to eat . so ateate then started to play com , haha. then now waiting for zelia or anabelle to come my hse {: haha , maybe anabelle not coming , hai . nehhmind , got zelia pei wo .. haha , lools . okaye , i go view blogs le , buhbye(:

teresa and gwendolyn (:

teresa ; im so sorreh . cant go with youe. nehhmind , hope youe had a great time yesterday . cause most impostantly , youe're 12 (: same as me <3>

gwendolyn ; thanks qingaide(: thanks for the laughters , and joy youe gave me , and i had great time when youe came over to my hse to sleep . thanks , and iloveyoue. youe very funny uhs , veryvery . haha , made me laugh like hell okaye . <3

cheryll ; xingann, thanks for the letters. and i miss those letter passing. those great time yeh . and thanks for keeping me company when im feeling lonely. thanks girl , yup. iloveyoue.

anabelle ; TWIN(: yeh , agreed , thanks for everything toos. oh , my rank ? youe and 6 charity first . felise , teresa and gwendolyn second. wenyi , eunice , cheryll and alisha third. jessica , and the rest 4th (:

Monday, June 8, 2009


ANABELLE TWIN(: dont be sad anymore okaye ? it hurts me yeah . and dont siaosiao lahs , dont kill your father , grandfather or yourself . there is more to life . its only a obstacle which youe will have to overcome , and im willing to be by youe while youe do so . so youe need to pick yourself up and be strong . winning is not everything , the most important is the process where youe learn more new stuffs and be even stronger! okaye ? must listen to twin uhs(: haha , anyway , for the feeling and fear of being lonely , i guess i have a solution . that is i will go with youe anywhere . but if youe want go with others fine with me , just dont make yourself feel lonely. cause youe never were lonely .. cheer ups twin (:


GWENDOLYN QINGAIDE SPIDERWOMAN(: sorreh , cant post pictures , cause uploading some stuffs , um , and i think she also dont want me to post her pic , so well ! haha , lools . thanks gwen, thanks , thanks , thanks a million <3> haha , but i wont miss youe lahs . cause i just need to get out of the house , take the lift up 4 floors and i'll get to meet youe! haha , nice joke mah ? a bit keesiao liao , haha . thanks for all the joy , laughters youe gave me , i had a great time yeah . and just to say .. you're a great friend , dont change , okaye ? lovelovelove!

new blog(:

new blog, haha! cause got ppl report abuse again , lools ? haha , nehhmind luhs , i dont mind de lahs. actually wanted to quit blogging , thanks to some sisters(: ive created another, but if kena report abuse again , maybe i'll just quit blogging. haha, was reminded of some night at the museum characters. DEXTER and ABLE is like totally LOVED , haha(: "Dumbdumb, i want gumgum " haha , and "QUIET .. my dumbdumb wants to speak(: " haha , cute. and also loved DEXTER for slapping lawrence, cool yeah? haha , nice movie . both part 1 and 2 (: oh ya , that day went out with FELISE dearest sister, WENYI mummy , EUNICE sister , ANABELLE twin , ALESTER and JESSICA meimei(: was cool . laughed my head off , literally . haha! then the guy beside go hug me , hug wrong person i guess , then was damn awkard lahs . haha xD then after the movie , went food hunting , but in the end ate nothing go tuition le . haha . very nice , darlings . next time go out again(: oh yah , went surfing for DEXTER'S pictures , some were really cute youe know . really should watch this movie . haha , lools . anyway , TERESA laopo , GWENDOLYN qingaide spiderwoman birthday coming le uhs , going older ! hehe^^ haha , hope all your wishes comes true yeah ? HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3