Friday, November 1, 2013

it must have been love, but it's over now

I feel like blogging about the whole year since I've decided to finally blog....... but then I have way too much photos to share and I can't really I can't

after months of not blogging all I can say is... I really don't remember how to blog already but here's a halloween joke since it was yesterday and I totally ditched my family cuz I was dying of cramps. oh and just a side note, singaporeans really need to up their game. my mum and bro went over to some houses to trick or treat and some rude people even slammed the door in their faces I mean c'mon if you don't want you could have just said. but really ugh angry

"what is a mummies' favorite type of music?"

"rap (wrap) music"

oh dear lord please just save me dave days is so funny it's literally killing me now 

here's another one just for the fun of it 

"what is the difference between 2 witches?"

"you'll never know which one is witch"


dear lord I shall stop here ok bye 5 more papers till the end of O's it's been a fast journey I can't say I have absolutely no regrets but I'm also happy that our secondary school journey is coming to an end cause honestly I think I met too much hypocrites, backstabbers, manipulative bitches and attention seeking whores for a lifetime. 

oh oh I love my current group of friends tho. there's never a serious moment with them and honestly they are so much fun to be with. they make screwing up a paper fun, how's that? bunch of keepers, that they really are. :') can't wait for after O's hahaha there's gonna be a onesie sleepover and then class chalet and MAYBE just maybe we'll crash prom cause we just cool lyk dat. yup and guys press on for the last lap don't give up!!!!!!!!!!

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