Sunday, February 3, 2013

happy birthday aligoh :)

 Zipai polaroid success #1!!! : )
 w this really reaaally cute girl 
 waiting for Aston to set his DSLR properly was...... but the photo turned out well so we forgive you small boy
 only 5 of us came.... andrea was taking the photo hehe
 y u so cutie 
 birthday girl............
Happy sixteenth birthday Aligoh!!!! -inserts many many hearts here- thank you so much for being such an awesome buddy during OCIP. Remember on the first night of OCIP I had cramps + bad gastric, you made food for me and tucked me to sleep, was reaaally grateful for that. And then subsequently I fell sick with stomach flu and tonsilitis, you helped me throughout the 5 days that I was down, despite working very hard building roads in the day, you still showed so much care and concern for the sickly me. :3 thank you aligoh, i'm super happy that we became good friends through OCIP and we shall remain this way yeah (: bunking with you was really crazy and fun too! keep smiling ok, cause that smile brightens up our day! stay retarded, crazy and fun-loving babe. all the best for your east zones!!!! which is gonna start soon right? and your upcoming nationals, i'm sure you can lead your team to champs! love you love you love you :-) 

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