Thursday, November 24, 2011

don't wanna go home

YOU DOPE. you actually believed she was so nice to grant you your wish, ha in your face you got owned by an old woman who unbelievably looks like a witch and acts like one too.

i've been keeping busy all the time, just to try to keep you off my mind.
oh and some juniors, namely chloe&faith (ha if you ever see this, hello!) suggested that i should change my blogskin and i don't see why shouldn't i, so i might. these few days. when i get inspirational cause i tend to change EVERYTHING about that blogskin wth wth. i know i'm just so fussy. OH and some netballers are going overseas soon y'know. -whines- i wanna go too, have a break from training but i'm just this poor fellow here cause i'm financially disabled. :(
technically i should be surfing the net for some awesome books to hunt but haha i recently have loads of books :3 like 5 more for the week and its more than enough since i take average one book per day! i realize that i have nothing to do so i shall go hunt for blogskins. now i have more people to stalk. MORE PEOPLE = CHLOE AND FAITH HAHAHA.

if you ever see this dear, i'm not abnormal, i'm just bored.

can anybody hear me.

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