Tuesday, November 29, 2011

something 'bout love

i'm feeling reluctant to throw away all my homework throughout this year xD i feel somewhat attached to them, okay -weird- :3 anyway training was fine today, ran the new route and did some physical stuff but overall its still acceptable. i've gotta keep improving my stamina, this won't do. :( and afterwards i ate with faithsy in subway HAHA had some meaningful talk with her ;) she's so cute. (: and then now i'm back to not knowing what to do and i'm kinda bored. being a babysitter really ain't my forte but i'm trying real hard to tolerate my bro. guess i should receive an award for this.

i wanna do something special for the netballers this christmas but i don't know what to do, should i or should i not~ i want so many things for this christmas its a wonder if i'll even get any one of them :3 awww, but i got a feeling this christmas would be memorable. (i have this feeling every christmas!) christmas is such a wonderful time, although i'm not a christian. :)
oh and this is out to John Paul Koh who might or might not be reading my blog, HAHA I REALLY LIKE BEING WEIRD. (;

Monday, November 28, 2011

we found love in a hopeless place

ain't this cute? :3 HAHA. no flowers but some carrot-like thingy, aww this guy is sweet.
but my perspective of a relationship isn't changed, HAHA I WILL NOT CAVE IN.

i feel so restless now cause there's training tomorrow and on thursday i have my appointment omg omg. i need to go back to CGH to check my ankle and hopefully it'll be fine, my mum really wants the doctor to give me an MC. but how long can i really run away from my problems? rather i face it head on (: i'm supposed to be like doing heymath cause tomorrow must hand in all the homeworks. i'm dead, seriously.

i want and need so many things for christmas! i hope santa loves me so much he buys it all for me. pretty pretty plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
and we're standing side by side.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

the one that got away

hahaha i'm quite pleased now because the open house was somewhat a huge success! :3 yay in the end i was in charge of english so the chinese script was like.. for nothing x) but i'm so happy now hehe and i bought bubble tea to treat myself! yesss i'm a happy girlzzzz. (: i really need to start doing homework and start training myself cause i know i'm not fit, as what coach said :(
you better run, run, run, run€€ :b

Friday, November 25, 2011

rumour has it

okay i'm feeling super uneasy and queasy now and i don't really know why. i'm really really starting to slack a lot, i haven't been doing any studying which is treachery in my dictionary. no actually its because tomorrow's the open house and i haven't memorized the script. i am freaking out. i have about 4 pages to memorize which is basically 4000 words?! that's a lot really, and on top of that my maid just totally left us and i'm at home alone with my bro cause i have to babysit him, which really isn't my niche but i don't mind :3

rumour has it.
okay i really need to start memorizing and i'm gonna skip training tomorrow because of the open house, i feel super guilty and i maybe i should just like.. go for training? x) -guilty- shit sia x.x i'm about the worst kid ever.

complain brings about the worst feeling ever.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

hold on til the night

okay as you can tell, i've decided to change my blogskin, hahaha its really an impulse kinda thing and i'm also starting to regret :3 anyway i'm blogging from my blackberry now so it might seem a little weird but its actually okay :) anyway i haven't finish doing the tagboard and i haven't linked anybody, i will do it tomorrow. oh man, its getting late. i have no music now, since my mp3 spoiled and my parents refuse to purchase a new one cause they say i'm rough and can't take good care of it etc etc. but i can :( oh well, good night babes. oh, and christmas will be real soon, excited excited!

don't wanna go home

YOU DOPE. you actually believed she was so nice to grant you your wish, ha in your face you got owned by an old woman who unbelievably looks like a witch and acts like one too.

i've been keeping busy all the time, just to try to keep you off my mind.
oh and some juniors, namely chloe&faith (ha if you ever see this, hello!) suggested that i should change my blogskin and i don't see why shouldn't i, so i might. these few days. when i get inspirational cause i tend to change EVERYTHING about that blogskin wth wth. i know i'm just so fussy. OH and some netballers are going overseas soon y'know. -whines- i wanna go too, have a break from training but i'm just this poor fellow here cause i'm financially disabled. :(
technically i should be surfing the net for some awesome books to hunt but haha i recently have loads of books :3 like 5 more for the week and its more than enough since i take average one book per day! i realize that i have nothing to do so i shall go hunt for blogskins. now i have more people to stalk. MORE PEOPLE = CHLOE AND FAITH HAHAHA.

if you ever see this dear, i'm not abnormal, i'm just bored.

can anybody hear me.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

gold forever

okay i have to admit that this guy is so damn bloody hot. :) BUT TONIGHT I'M LOVING YOU.

had self training in the morning and i almost died during the run, lousy pok. forever. and there's like 8 rounds tomorrow and like what, 5 sprints on the hill outside of school, the extremely steep and tiring one. OH WELL. fitness session remember, improve my physique and build a strong built! oh yeah, must build my arm and calf muscles alr!!!!!! i need to improve my stamina and my passes and my grip and my shooting. oh damn, that's a lot of work.

-don't know where we going, don't know who we are, i can feel your heartbeat

butterflies butterflies we were meant to fly, you and i you and i colours in the sky

i just hope tomorrow will be fine.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

what if

life is so full of shit. i'm so busy nowadays with god knows what. okay actually its mainly netball, netball and more of netball. i mean, i don't mind, its fitness training for me eh? i'm so tired i can just fall asleep without a bed. okay maybe not. -tired-

see i don't even have time to read anymore! took 3 days to finish "one day" when i could have finished it in one day! one day is over rated, really, the book is confusing and idek. and i dislike cliffhangers, oh c'mon, JUST GIMME THE DAMN ENDING. but it is still a technique, so whatever. i'm so inspired by the main character to pursue your dreams. the best of relationships blossom from a friendship.

Sometimes you are aware when your greatest moments are happening, and sometimes they rise from the past. Perhaps it's the same with people.

Monday, November 21, 2011

someone like you

nevermind i'll find someone like you, i wish nothing but the best for you too, don't forget me, i begged, i remember you said, sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead
I totally adore girls who read. :) Oh, I saw this awesome book when i was google-ing nice books reviews. :) Looking for Alaska by John Green. Its so awesome, you just have to read it yourself. The book is actually divided into two parts and its rather suitable for our age group, so GOGOGO. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Looking_for_Alaska I swear you'll enjoy it :)


I wanna introduce another good book that I read in like sec 1 but I've recently found it again. :) Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson. He is one of my top favourite authors, I totally adore his Alex Cross series. :3 -gushes- Oh, Sundays at Tiffany's is basically talking about this girl who had an imaginary friend when she was young, she fell in love with him ever since (vice versa), but ironically, she met him again when she was much older. They remembered each other and fell in love once again, but it wasn't suppose to happen cause you can't actually suppose to remember your childhood friend. All in all, its a great love story. Oh, and the guy Michael slowly regains his humanity and they lived happily ever after. :) If you're wondering why Sundays at Tiffany's, well its because when Jane was young, they used to eat ice cream at this shop called "Tiffany" with Michael every Sunday :)

you and I

Thursday, November 17, 2011

i can feel your heartbeat

without you.

Okay holidays are extremely fun BORING BABY.
training take up most of my week and its like, okay i'm just being socially awkward
i've been doing a good lot of reading and i'm very proud of myself :b
okay besides being very self absorbed, i'm also self indulgent, i rock your ass bby
oh and i realized they finally updated blogger, LIKE FINALLY. one in a million
i'm getting my books tomorrow and i'm super excited to start studying

stop trying to steal my heart away

zac effron is about the hottest guy on earth. well, besides alonso that is

Saturday, November 5, 2011

one in a million

"Let's take one step at a time, there's no need to rush, its like learning to fly, or falling in love."
No baby i don't want you here, no baby i don't want you to go away, no baby i don't not like you. STOP ASSUMING. Learn to absorb and just move on. C'mon, its the 21st century baby!

Friday, November 4, 2011

just a dream

I was thinking of you, thinking of me, thinking of us, what we gonna be, open my eyes, it was only just a dream. How many times in life we wished we were someone else. Yet in someone else's life, they would wish you too. But yes, oh how i wish i didn't give you any hopes, how i wish i didn't even start texting you, because at the end of the day, i'll still hurt you in one way or the other.

I'll just let nature take its course.
They might say hi, i might say hey, but you shouldn't worry, about what they say cause they got nothing on you baby, nothing on you baby.