Saturday, January 1, 2011

because you loved me.


well, hello! :D let's update you! hehe. yesterday went ecp with 6CHARITIANS. had fun :) ANOTHER ONE! ^^ yeah, so.. went ecp, started to rain, so we made our way to parkway. then sean realised he left his ez-link in ecp. so he, laiwei and ruben went back. we waited at parkway, then bought KOI. omg, i drink until wanna puke, too much pearls until.. :x yeah, then we met with sean they all, took bus back to bedok :) the bus ride back was funny! then went e!hub~ wanted to watch the tourist. but didn't, went superdog to eat! then went arcade. the guys was like playing daytona. laiwei super pro ley o: yeah. RUBEN EPIC FUNNY. HAHAHAHA. keith almost lost his wallet, but aloy found it for him ^^ and his wallet same pattern as mine siaaaaaaaa o: yupyup, then made our way back home. on the bus, decided to go gwen's house for sleepover. went home and ask mum, she agreed. :D awesome, so i ate dinner, bathe, then went up. watched teeveeeeeee. :b sleptttttttttttttt~ woke up at 9plus receiving an sms from my mum, saying they wanna go out, if i want come with them, better come down soon. hahaha, so i went down. LIKE LOL. another 1 more hour then go out. super LOL. went century square, cause my mum wanna eat the korean cuisine thingy, so we went, LIKE LOL. ate, then shopped around. went comics connection to buy shinee&jonghyun pictures! :P whooooooo (Y) but i only have 2bucks. too bad for me D: anyway, then went to eat frolicks (L) frolicks is da love! yesyesyes, hahahhaa! then went home. and here i am, POSTING! :D

kthxbai. my life IS boring.

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