Friday, January 21, 2011

haha, this picture so cute! :D anyway, yeah im updating! LOL. like finally. wanyi asked if i still update my blog today and i realise ive been neglecting it for quite some time :P WELL YEAH I GUESS SO. jiayou AHS c'div&b'div netballers! shenzhong whoosh! :) GET EAST ZONE TOP4~ loveeeeees ♥ .

Saturday, January 15, 2011

love fades. mine has.

it doesn't matter that i sprained my ankle or not :) hahaha, yeah, it got worse. cause i walked too much, exerted too much pressure than an sprained ankle should take. but what can i do about it? its not my fault that my classroom's at the fifth floor. like, what? yeah. the walking up is alright, the prob lies at the walking down. it hurts. but i have to shake of that pain and continue walking because i am causing a traffic. what logic is this! o: nevermind, anyway, i getting my ankle guard tmr i guess. i will have to wear it even while walking. i mean like.. yeah. im sad. i should protect my ankle. shouldn't let it sprain or anything anymore. i will protect it, i will. okay, bye. im posting for the sake of posting. that isn't right huh. nevermind. BYE :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

heyhey! havent been posting for quite some time huh. yeah, haha, i guess its the start of school alr and i'll be blogging only when i'm extremely free and suddenly feel attached to my blog. haha, neither xD oh, we changed sitting arrangements today! extremely suay lah. at first sit with szeming one, then cher go change again. sitting with john paul. like seriously, john paul. yes, JP. can you believe it? no you cant, so cant i. ah, why is teachaahh doing this to me D: i mean like.. yeah. tmr's training, im not going~ yay much? haha, LOL. i mean, im not suitable for training lah, no matter what coach says about it. im not gonna train. if she makes me run, im gonna sue her xD haha, that seems pretty epic, even for me :P well im just crapping, as usual. anyway, brendon&brenda got selected for class chair, haha, GOOD LUCK. :D not like they will read my blog or anything :P HAHAHAHAHA. im bored. yeah, kinda :/


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Awesome Paika :D

haha, back from netball training at dunman. saw yingru and wenyi! haha. yupyup, iceeeeee bath. nothing much. sprained my ankle, blehhhhhhhhhhhhhh. nevermind, i shall forgive the ball. LOL. but anyway, the ice bath was damn cold, but it helped reduce the swelling so i dont mind it that much. HAHAHA, wait till you try it. its icy cold man xD haha, then after training went to west~ seeeeeeee chinese docter, AH HE SAW MAYBE FRACTURE. hahah, cause of awkward landing position. :/ i believe in my ankle alright, its only a sprain. but i will be a paika for a few days. wearing slippers to school, LIKE WTF. i'll look sososo weird! x( extremely saddening. other than all those, training was fine. i hate the lunch. BLEH. she made us finish everything. hahahaha! okay. im so bored. better get prepared for school soon mannnnnnn. :P like hw sucks? :/ yeah i know. okay, BYE. :D

Saturday, January 1, 2011

because you loved me.


well, hello! :D let's update you! hehe. yesterday went ecp with 6CHARITIANS. had fun :) ANOTHER ONE! ^^ yeah, so.. went ecp, started to rain, so we made our way to parkway. then sean realised he left his ez-link in ecp. so he, laiwei and ruben went back. we waited at parkway, then bought KOI. omg, i drink until wanna puke, too much pearls until.. :x yeah, then we met with sean they all, took bus back to bedok :) the bus ride back was funny! then went e!hub~ wanted to watch the tourist. but didn't, went superdog to eat! then went arcade. the guys was like playing daytona. laiwei super pro ley o: yeah. RUBEN EPIC FUNNY. HAHAHAHA. keith almost lost his wallet, but aloy found it for him ^^ and his wallet same pattern as mine siaaaaaaaa o: yupyup, then made our way back home. on the bus, decided to go gwen's house for sleepover. went home and ask mum, she agreed. :D awesome, so i ate dinner, bathe, then went up. watched teeveeeeeee. :b sleptttttttttttttt~ woke up at 9plus receiving an sms from my mum, saying they wanna go out, if i want come with them, better come down soon. hahaha, so i went down. LIKE LOL. another 1 more hour then go out. super LOL. went century square, cause my mum wanna eat the korean cuisine thingy, so we went, LIKE LOL. ate, then shopped around. went comics connection to buy shinee&jonghyun pictures! :P whooooooo (Y) but i only have 2bucks. too bad for me D: anyway, then went to eat frolicks (L) frolicks is da love! yesyesyes, hahahhaa! then went home. and here i am, POSTING! :D

kthxbai. my life IS boring.