Saturday, December 31, 2011

who run the world; girls!

Awwwww :')
jiaxue so cute :3
beloved sec2s. :)
failed attempt :b
Simone's new hairstyle, like a cool only! :3
Qiqi :)
Chloe! :)
individual shot!
qingyi :3
jumpshot :3
amused by myself man! why am i so funny................................

HAHA OKAY SO. the netball bbq was quite successful, unlike our 2F class outing *ahem ahem* hopefully it will really be during june, i have this weird feeling it will be postponed after o's! back to the main topic, the bbq was really fun, i have really fun loving seniors and really anti social juniors :3 anyway i almost died cause i had cramps last night, hey i really hate periods ._. i'll rather become a guy seriously. and the glee website died on me so i can't watch any glee now, HEARTBROKEN. Anyway, happy new year's eve! I'm all ready to complete all my new year resolution, 2012 here i come! :3

"its time to try defying gravity, i think i'll try defying gravity, kiss me goodbye i'm defying gravity, and you won't bring me down"

Sunday, December 25, 2011

all i want for christmas is you


Hey everybody, its Christmas time! :') This christmas has been quite wonderful for me, spent it with my family and it was really really nice :) and received some presents too from friends/family/mum friends and i really love them THANKS SO MUCHYYYYY, love you guys a lot a lot a lot, words can't articulate it :3 I haven't been running these few days, during the christmas break and i'm gonna die like really bad on tuesday, but it'll be worth it. :3 christmas is a time about enjoying commemorating reflecting giving and sharing. :) once again, a merry merry merry merry merry merry merry christmas to you!

and high up above or down below, when you're too in love to let it go, but if you never try you'll never know, just what you're worth :')

Saturday, December 17, 2011

i just didn't know where to go

Dayum they're hot :3 JUST LOOK AT LIAM AND ZAYN AND HARRY GOD NO. :3 hahahaha i have no idea why disaster-jojo is stuck in my head, its a song yo. and need i remind myself that school is starting soon and the pressure's building, i'm in serious need of someone to motivate me to study, like now :( oh man, i have a lot of things that i need and have to do by... christmas? x) go christmas shopping soon i hope :x I NEED TO BUY A LOT OF STUFF FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE CAUSE ITS A THANKSGIVING SEASON. :3

i saw this questionnaire on the web and i thought it was cute so i'll do it now :)

Favourite Glee episode: Season1, regionals. :3
Favourite girl in Glee: Santana <3
Favourtie guy in Glee: Blaine. :3
Favourite couple in Glee: Sam and Mercedes omg omg omg!
Best couple in Glee: Rachel and Finn. :3
Most disliked girl in Glee: QUINN, THAT BITCH.
Most disliked guy in Glee: - HAHA NOBODY CAN YOU BELIEVE IT.

okay i'm done, xD there are some other questions too but i found it pretty meaningless so i just skipped those questions. christmas is coming soon, have a happy holiday people!

No happy ever after, just disaster

Monday, December 12, 2011

i kissed a girl and i liked it

HAHAHA BARNEY. I'm constantly amazed by how funny this guy is! He is legen, wait for it, dary! HAHAHAH. Laughs like a mad girl and go back to spazzing over "how i met your mother" wth wth. okay and i love cimorelli. in case you guys don't know them, they are sisters who make covers of famous songs, and they recently had their own single!!! okay, here it is!! watch it, like it, favourite it, and subscribe to their facebook channel cause i love them so much. :3 Okay so I've basically very bored now and not motivated to start reading the textbooks and i'll prolly do it only when i have to, which is next year xD But I've been doing a lot of reading and i'm really proud of myself hehe.

shot me out of the sky, you're my kryptonite.

those things don't last forever.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

oh, this is gotta be a good life

Charlene Porima!
Yu MeiLing. ;)
Cassandra Soh :3

Hi! I'M BACK FROM NATIONS CUP. And I really enjoyed myself thoroughly throughout this whole week, i've learnt a lot from these super zai players, got closer to the netballers and we rock. (; HI FAITH IF YOU SEE THIS I'M STILL VERY HYPER. :3 my mum say i very noisy cause i keep chanting "qingyi qingyi qingyi qingyi qingyi qingyi" hehehe. the finals ended with 51-41, fiji winning singapore! But Singapore put up a great fight and i'm super proud of the girls. hehe. and after everything, seniors, jiaxue and anabelle left :) after the prize presentation, we went down to take photos with the players!!! Simone left early awww, then left me&faith, and faith's friend, Dorothy i think. :D We took pictures with them, (as above) and they are really friendly and sweet and cute and nice. Oh and coach vivian recognized us!! Cause she was the one who told us we could go down and take pics with the players. That's just so...... AMAZING. Seriously.

-i'm really a very happy kid- HEHE. oh and faith! i decided to preserve that cover that Qingyi signed, hehe MICKY AHHH~ then i buy new cover hehehe.

one of the best days of my life :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

brighter than the sun

Rachel Crow, you are wonderful, don't let them bring you down. You have an ultimate future. DAMN I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY THEY VOTED YOU OFF. You are amazing dear! Don't ever give up, your voice is an inspiration. America will regret for sending you away, and so will Nicole. The sky's the limit baby.

Darling, you're brighter than the sun. :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

every teardrop is a waterfall

Okay hi, i'm back to blogging hahaha. I'm so bored now and idk what dramas to watch so i'm spamming Ellen! :3 hehe, she's awesome. :) watch watch, its the "Ellen Siri Commercial" so its basically her talking to siri and its hilarious. :3 HAHA so i went to toa payoh stadium yesterday to watch the nation cup. :) singapore is so good!! love cassandra, shelby, jean and QINGYI. :) okay so i'm going back there to watch again, its awesome yo. :) anywayzzzz, holidays is gonna be over really soon, i need to start preparing for school next year, i'm gonna be serious and really study. :)

tell me why, you're so hard to forget, don't remind me, i'm not over you.

Friday, December 2, 2011

i have nothing

omg i really hate it when you have cramps and you have to complete the beep test and your centre of gravity shifts downwards and you need to bend down :( -uncomfortable- yay, i survived today's full day training yay yay yay :3 i'm so happy, but it was certainly quite slack and all so yeah x) oh and nations cup is coming soon omg omg in like 3 days! :) i wanna watch and get season pass and slack my ass off there and hopefully know the sport better :) from now onward, we would have to do the mandatory 100 for 5 sets after every drill and plz give me the honour to remind you how tiring that is :( :( TIME FOR ME TO IMPROVE MY STAMINA.
i feel really sad that the judges namely LA REID, NICOLE AND PAULA sent DREW home, they sent home such a wonderful and beautiful and naturally talented girl. this is their lose, seriously. all they wanted was to go against simon, let me tell you this, YOU LOST YOUR FREE ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE REST OF THE SHOW. her vocals and range is amazing, but all you guys do is crush a girl's dream. hey, you seriously think marcus canty is better? i hope when you wake up in the morning you receive hate emails and letters and calls and no company wants to sign you and all you just die. i'm really sad. :(

Thursday, December 1, 2011

when you say nothing at all

hi faithsy don't you think spongebob squarepants is cute? (; hahaha i mean seriously. :) ahhh i'm feeling quite uneasy now cause there's full day netball training camp tomorrow at dunman and that is something very worrying. :( it'll be physical and all, we'll be like doing long runs and suicides etc. okay wish myself good luck.

christmas is around the corner! :3

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

something 'bout love

i'm feeling reluctant to throw away all my homework throughout this year xD i feel somewhat attached to them, okay -weird- :3 anyway training was fine today, ran the new route and did some physical stuff but overall its still acceptable. i've gotta keep improving my stamina, this won't do. :( and afterwards i ate with faithsy in subway HAHA had some meaningful talk with her ;) she's so cute. (: and then now i'm back to not knowing what to do and i'm kinda bored. being a babysitter really ain't my forte but i'm trying real hard to tolerate my bro. guess i should receive an award for this.

i wanna do something special for the netballers this christmas but i don't know what to do, should i or should i not~ i want so many things for this christmas its a wonder if i'll even get any one of them :3 awww, but i got a feeling this christmas would be memorable. (i have this feeling every christmas!) christmas is such a wonderful time, although i'm not a christian. :)
oh and this is out to John Paul Koh who might or might not be reading my blog, HAHA I REALLY LIKE BEING WEIRD. (;

Monday, November 28, 2011

we found love in a hopeless place

ain't this cute? :3 HAHA. no flowers but some carrot-like thingy, aww this guy is sweet.
but my perspective of a relationship isn't changed, HAHA I WILL NOT CAVE IN.

i feel so restless now cause there's training tomorrow and on thursday i have my appointment omg omg. i need to go back to CGH to check my ankle and hopefully it'll be fine, my mum really wants the doctor to give me an MC. but how long can i really run away from my problems? rather i face it head on (: i'm supposed to be like doing heymath cause tomorrow must hand in all the homeworks. i'm dead, seriously.

i want and need so many things for christmas! i hope santa loves me so much he buys it all for me. pretty pretty plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
and we're standing side by side.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

the one that got away

hahaha i'm quite pleased now because the open house was somewhat a huge success! :3 yay in the end i was in charge of english so the chinese script was like.. for nothing x) but i'm so happy now hehe and i bought bubble tea to treat myself! yesss i'm a happy girlzzzz. (: i really need to start doing homework and start training myself cause i know i'm not fit, as what coach said :(
you better run, run, run, run€€ :b

Friday, November 25, 2011

rumour has it

okay i'm feeling super uneasy and queasy now and i don't really know why. i'm really really starting to slack a lot, i haven't been doing any studying which is treachery in my dictionary. no actually its because tomorrow's the open house and i haven't memorized the script. i am freaking out. i have about 4 pages to memorize which is basically 4000 words?! that's a lot really, and on top of that my maid just totally left us and i'm at home alone with my bro cause i have to babysit him, which really isn't my niche but i don't mind :3

rumour has it.
okay i really need to start memorizing and i'm gonna skip training tomorrow because of the open house, i feel super guilty and i maybe i should just like.. go for training? x) -guilty- shit sia x.x i'm about the worst kid ever.

complain brings about the worst feeling ever.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

hold on til the night

okay as you can tell, i've decided to change my blogskin, hahaha its really an impulse kinda thing and i'm also starting to regret :3 anyway i'm blogging from my blackberry now so it might seem a little weird but its actually okay :) anyway i haven't finish doing the tagboard and i haven't linked anybody, i will do it tomorrow. oh man, its getting late. i have no music now, since my mp3 spoiled and my parents refuse to purchase a new one cause they say i'm rough and can't take good care of it etc etc. but i can :( oh well, good night babes. oh, and christmas will be real soon, excited excited!

don't wanna go home

YOU DOPE. you actually believed she was so nice to grant you your wish, ha in your face you got owned by an old woman who unbelievably looks like a witch and acts like one too.

i've been keeping busy all the time, just to try to keep you off my mind.
oh and some juniors, namely chloe&faith (ha if you ever see this, hello!) suggested that i should change my blogskin and i don't see why shouldn't i, so i might. these few days. when i get inspirational cause i tend to change EVERYTHING about that blogskin wth wth. i know i'm just so fussy. OH and some netballers are going overseas soon y'know. -whines- i wanna go too, have a break from training but i'm just this poor fellow here cause i'm financially disabled. :(
technically i should be surfing the net for some awesome books to hunt but haha i recently have loads of books :3 like 5 more for the week and its more than enough since i take average one book per day! i realize that i have nothing to do so i shall go hunt for blogskins. now i have more people to stalk. MORE PEOPLE = CHLOE AND FAITH HAHAHA.

if you ever see this dear, i'm not abnormal, i'm just bored.

can anybody hear me.