Friday, December 17, 2010

amazingly, i'm chomping bears :D well gummy bears to be exact, but who cares? :D yeah. let's get you updated on my life.

wednesday: practically rotted at home? yes i did. almost. haha, just that lil more boredom and i'll die. yes, die. im using this particular word more often than ever now. not even mentioning threatening people, its to exclaim that i'm dying. seriously, epic irony here.

thursday: netball carnival @ kallang netball centre. anabelle woke up late so we ended up making our way there on our own. funny huh, i know. haha, her dad sent us, so thanks :) we played quite well? lost to east spring tho, won the rest.

TODAY: coach could have just let us rest right? stoooopid. anyway had friendly cum training with dunman people today. i couldn't use the word awesome cause it really isn't. we practically died running that 10rounds of church hill+netball court. i would've died if not for the LUCIFER playing. i think its sjab or ncc's doing :D but still, it motivated me. and i didn't die. hahah. so much for dying. then we went "changcheng" to run+jump up the stairs. major epic tiring. one of the dunman girl vomited. jiahui sprained her ankle. simone's leg got blistered. poor thing ): awwwwwwww. but yes. i didn't hurt myself no matter how much i want to LOL. so fiiiiiiiiine D: we played games afterwards. and sprinting. only sprinted for 4laps in total. coach was satisfied, sweeeeeeeet :D

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