Tuesday, December 28, 2010

hello :D well, havent been posting for a few days. chionging watch shows :b haha, not HOMEWORK. i'll do my homework some other day. ahhhh, time is running out. D: i am sad. okay, alright. training was kinda fine today. HAHA, MUSCLE ACHES THO! D: okay, gtg. BYE! :P

Friday, December 24, 2010

the nature of jade

i'm still mourning over my class allocation. although i'm not sad, i'm still.. not happy. well, losing anabelle isn't always the best thing in my life. haha, i sound crappy. shit, i haven't done ALL my homework. i swear, havent even touched any of them. and i reallyreally dont like doing last minute work. but i dont get why i'm still doing it. doesn't feel safe anymore. i dont know how to even use that toondoo thingy thingthing.

i'm not getting much christmas presents; i'm not happy about it.

i realised the younger you are, the more presents you get. the older you are, the more difficult it is to find you a present. so i guess i should just face reality and accept it and move on, living my life happily to the fullest. I SOUND LIKE AN IDIOT.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

time is love

well yeah, we got our class lists alr. hmm, lemme tell you all my classmates.

brenda, jiamin, junel, jesslyn, jiahui, wansin, zixuan, xiaoyu, ester, megan, wisia, szeming, xinlei, pearlyn, kaling, wanyi, xiaoxuan, siyu, me, vivian, jinchao, brendon, bryan, caleb, jeremy, zhongkai, kevin, denzel, yihong, irwin, john paul, daniel, baichen, jiajie, calvin, zhengjie, soonching, travier&yaron.

yes a total of 39 people, with actually 26 1respects in it! :D awesome? :P yeah. kinda.

okay, ANABELLE IS NOT IN THE SAME CLASS ME. FUCK THAT. i'm sorry for the vulgarities. i cant help it. i'm so so so so so so so so so so sad. D:


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

a murderer

you think this is training, i think this is murder. if making all of us come home after every single training with muscle aches, yeah, you've achieved your goal. well done. LOLS. anyway, went chij toa payoh to play with IJ, dunman, and um, ourself? LOL. yeah, so.. it was, hot&cold. at first it was hot, then the wind suddenly started loving me, so the wind blew like crazy. then i told the wind enough, and then i ordered light raindrops to fall on me. boomz right? :D i know. LOL. yeah, so.. after that, there was a bus that took us back to anglican. and then we me&belle went to meet wenyi go MJC jogjog. i only ran 1.6km luh. SIAN. cause belle have to go home, then we might as well go tgt xD after that went west plaza wait for mummy to finish her work :D bought me bubble tea! (Y)

i wish this is all a dream.

anyway, p6s got their school postings alr! hope people come to AHS :D

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

when love arrives

hello :D i almost died today :D yay much? LOL. anyway. so we weren't late you know! its just that we arrived in front of coach. well, so we ran 10rounds around dunman sec right after2.4 run. i know right. coach loves us so much. like so much. HAHAHA. anyway, tmr to CHIJ toa payoh. jiayoujiayoujiayou. and paisey to netballers today. i played like shit. PEEASSSSSS! :/ ah, nevermind. i should have a grateful heart and appreciate what coach did to us :D yes, coach rocks. so badly. ah, vhutever :D i'm gonna watch some show nao, so buhbye! :D

Monday, December 20, 2010

love buffet.


ah, watched the first series and immediately got hooked into the show! aaron is damn cute, i swear. anyway, THERE'S XIU! omgomgomg. and the first episode i saw loads of "终极三国" actors as guest lah. but seriously, they are like.. BOOMZ. so kyaaaaaaaa :D ahem, yes, you look at that pic! the guy with guitar, yes, that's xiu. yes, XIU! zomg, he's awesome. everyone should just go watch this show lah :D . oh, i have nothing to say currently.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

spring brings me hope.

went to buy school bag with belle :D its YELLOW. i know its boomz alright :P haha, seriously. its like supah bright, its good. hahahaha, yeah. when sch reopens, look out for it ;D LOLS. anyway, i went longkang fishing. blehh. :/ longkang fishing with my bro sucks. i'm sorry, but it really does! D: anyway. yeah. i changed my blogskin (Y) LOL. obviously. i have nothing to say. training on tuesday and wednesday. HAHAHA. training just like, takes up most of the hols? yes. oh, i wanted to do my heymath. but i didn't in the end. cause of some irritating stuffs. when i first opened the file. i saw david beckham. and my heart did flutter (L) i swear a male teacher did this lesson alright. oh so much for being in love with soccer. but anyway, nichkhun is the current love.

Friday, December 17, 2010

amazingly, i'm chomping bears :D well gummy bears to be exact, but who cares? :D yeah. let's get you updated on my life.

wednesday: practically rotted at home? yes i did. almost. haha, just that lil more boredom and i'll die. yes, die. im using this particular word more often than ever now. not even mentioning threatening people, its to exclaim that i'm dying. seriously, epic irony here.

thursday: netball carnival @ kallang netball centre. anabelle woke up late so we ended up making our way there on our own. funny huh, i know. haha, her dad sent us, so thanks :) we played quite well? lost to east spring tho, won the rest.

TODAY: coach could have just let us rest right? stoooopid. anyway had friendly cum training with dunman people today. i couldn't use the word awesome cause it really isn't. we practically died running that 10rounds of church hill+netball court. i would've died if not for the LUCIFER playing. i think its sjab or ncc's doing :D but still, it motivated me. and i didn't die. hahah. so much for dying. then we went "changcheng" to run+jump up the stairs. major epic tiring. one of the dunman girl vomited. jiahui sprained her ankle. simone's leg got blistered. poor thing ): awwwwwwww. but yes. i didn't hurt myself no matter how much i want to LOL. so fiiiiiiiiine D: we played games afterwards. and sprinting. only sprinted for 4laps in total. coach was satisfied, sweeeeeeeet :D

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

yes, i went to the day camp. got myself like so supah tired and i still didn't get to know coach better. ohwait, i already knows she yells at people like some crazy shit, so it really isn't getting to know her better. well, i shall not talk about depressing stuffs! D: anyway, i missed star golden bell today. its at 5pm! coach only released us at like what? 6pm, oh well. i should have trusted coach to do this to us anyway, figures! anyway, i'm still quite angry with her. not gonna reveal the convo she said to me. some crap, yes. demoralizing my confidence the moment i stepped in Singapore, back to training? that's what she's capable of! i'm sure. of course, i wouldn't mind to change coach but that means the school's gonna waste money&we wont have a coach. in fact, hahah, i dont want that to happen. so im just gonna continue enduring her crap :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

i didn't post for a few days. oh, i'm gonna change blogskin soon. alot people same blogskin as me, and someone told me i copied her, so vhutever, i'm gonna change. its not because i scared of you biatch, it just that i know 忍一时,风平浪静;退一步,海阔天空 alright! dont think you big you can playplay ah. yesterday went mum's friend's baby's 1st month. wow. okay, i ate the red eggs! supah cute ley! haha, seriously. daddy stayed home, watched football. and all he did was to push me there to entertain people while he watch teevee at home, rawr daddy! D: well, i forgive you. :D oh, yes! chelsea drawed tottenham, i.am.happy :D HAHAHA, let's just hope man utd does a good job today :D poorpoor man utd! first arsenal, then chelsea. you poor awesome lil thingy ^^ ahhhhh, tmr, "day camp". what comes to your mind if someone says day camp? games and movies and fun things right! guess what we'll be doing tmr? training for the whole day. yes, day camp -.- seriously, i dont wanna get to know coach better, i dont need to, dont have to, dont want to! :/ so well, i'm still going, LOL. okay, end post. byeeeee!

the day we met was like a hit and run. (lovedrunk!)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

i'm living in a world of complications.

i.am.fainting. -i have no idea why- maybe its because i was spazzing over jonghyun for the past 2hours? yeah, maybe. high possibility. but get this right, i dont spazz over him always. its just that i feel like it now. so i'm doing it. i'm getting crappier and crappier; never seen someone as crappy as me. maybe then we could be goodfriend? (Y) ohyeah. cousin's off to beijing alr, wish him good luck for his one month stay there (?) oh, this sounds weird. but, yeah. i'm back to training. more like, muscle aches? yeah, coach doesn't have a bloody heart. *that's not vulgar okay! our heart is bloody!* okay, yes. i'm watching some show now. and i'm enjoying it (L) errrrrrrr, i love jonghyun? OKAY LOL. i love alonso? okay, everyone knows that. you know. i know. god knows. hell knows. hell wont dare to snatch alonso away from me cause hell's gonna get it from me? LOL. i shall end the post.

when life is full of complications, feign ignorance.

Friday, December 3, 2010

hello :D imma back. thanks belle for posting for mua. AH. my plane got delayed like 3hours.. :/ idiottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

i dunno what to post.
i come back finding everyone being a kpop fan o:
i come back finding loads of people snatching jonghyun and onew from me.
oh, awhs. :P