Saturday, August 8, 2009


shiok uhs! hahah.(: just came back from outs with eunice and aunty usha.xD first went aunty usha's hse.eunice still having tuition. so i waits. they finish. cabbed there.walk around century square. cannot decide what to eat.(: then in the end go PIZZA HUT.(: we ordered a hawaiin pizza and mango tangos!;D aunty usha ate chicken wings. woo-ahah. then aunty usha must buy food for her son. so we went basement. saw a couple quarrelling. siansian. listen for a while.heheh. then went to century square again for HAAGEN-DAZS.(: yumyum. very nice. me and eunice ate the same. just the sauce differant. mine was cameral , her's was strawberry!;D and then, melt. eunice's was like a capsized boat luhs. mine was like cone with honey(: heheh.lools seh. then cabbed home again. alighted at the playground. goodbyes , then went home.(:

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