Saturday, May 5, 2012

all the memories we made

sudden remembrance of fond fond fond fond memories. :* god knows why am i so embarrassing and childish HAHAHA

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

once upon a time

"i wanna hold the world in our hands"

 Pretty pictures make me feel a whole lot better :) somehow hahaha. tumblr's a good good friend in a bad bad day. ok not really bad just pissed off city seriously didn't deserve to win.. and idek. stressed maybe? oh and i'm damn hungry, going back to sleep soon so the hunger pangs would disappear, make sense? nope i know haha gotta start revising for bio and chem tomorrow. i hope. ok i'm determined to actually make the best out of these few days, do some serious studying. and for eoy, i'm gonna start revising early, plan my time well and don't let bad time management kill the shit out of me. ok good plan. start working, stop talking you bitchhhhh.   i would  have to come up with an excuse to not go out with daddy and mummy tomorrow, i need to stardeeeeeeeeee. :3 i am actually quite excited for midyears. OH THE JOY. 
hsm :') zac effron is so adorable i can't even................