Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hiie :D ugh , th rain & air con just now made me sick . & now im having a terrible fever .. :/ and a bad sore throat . still have to do project with belle later . so i must tahan till th end .. HAIZ D: i feel bad . awws . oh okay , belle cant come . good enough . i shall tell mdm norliza give us special time .. dunt know if will work eh ? im having totally no voice , but i strain it to make some sounds come out .. like ahhhh . LOL . Symptoms of tonsillitis include a severe sore throat (which may be experienced as referred pain to the ears), painful/difficult swallowing, coughing, headache, myalgia (muscle aches), fever and chills .. thts wht im having now and im feeling awful . mum says not to go sch tmr ? O: omg , i want siaa . i will recover over th night .. ! yay ! i know you wont want to view wht a tonsillitis looks like , but if you want , google it (; HAHA , alright , so th course was okay . th trainer was fun . it was entertaining , yeaa :DD . kay , dunt want post liao . countdown to my bday ! 2 more days :DD yipeeeeeeeeee . buhbye ! ;P

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hiie :D pwned netball :/ i want train laa alamak ! D: cause when running tht time , thn i tio gastric . walau , today dunno why damn pain laa ! D: HAIZ . thn run half way cannot balance . tiotiotio ! D: HAIZ . thanks loads to wanyi, jiahui, ANABELLE LIM, yanzhuang , jiaxue, praise, rachel, simone, shantel && loads more of netball seniors and friends . YAY ! manymany loves to them okay ! thanks netballers . :DD i love netball . HAHA . coach vien nvr come today , heng ! xD . i so bad . i also feel damn bad abt pwning training , nvms . i felt okay at one period of time ley !! HEHE . okay laa , go help belle do dnt liao , BUHBYE ! :DD

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hiie :D sch was as per normal laa , boring old stuffs xD . HAHA . thn blabla . first period was geog , did presentation . thn was .. err .. ohya ! english ;D supposed to do like procedure stuff . me & belle paired , we're gonna teach ppl how to make a blog ! YAY ! isn't it cool ? i know i know ! :DD HAHA , dunno if will succeed not siaa . but i really hope it would . yipeeeeeeeee ;P thn aft sch went to eat with wanyi , jiaxue , yanzhuang & belle . eateateat , joke loads too . thn saw vanessa , go home tgt . with my cupwalker bubble tea ! :DD yay ! HAHA , went home , paa going work , maa going work . all going work , now alone at home . aiya , sian . but got com , my best friend :DD . yay ; birthday coming liao . countdown : 4 more days ! xP . whooooooo ~ me want pressies ! HAHA , okay buhbye . go watch bangbangtanggggg . :DD

Sunday, March 28, 2010

yay ! singapore flyer xD .

baby ben ! damn cute rights !! ;P

disgusting . xP . yam paste mix with orange juice . made by me , emili & ivy . [:

uncle !! he so cute derh luh , HAHA . Loads of jokes siaa . :DD

so much leftover food rights ? HAHA !
Hiie :D im back from th wedding . during th wedding , sat w/ emily & ivy . thn blablabla . was kinda boring ! HAHA . cept for some parts laa . like baby ben . BENJAMIN YOU SO CUTE . we all love die him laa . (; HEHE xD . thns , aft th wedding , aunty susie brought us to suntec gaigai . walk till leg pain siaa . :DD but nvm . thn i went home liao luh . siansian ._. i wantwant presents on fridayyyyy . :DD puhleaseeeeee , LOL >< .

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hiie :D im back from bellebelle's hse luhs (; . actually also didn't do much things laa , just some here & thr . unproductive too . ); walking to belle's hse is interesting , saw alot of ppl . mostly ex-meridians & juniors . waa they all see me first reaction is smile like hell . saw sammi , two others dunno name & aleem . LOL >< . HAH , thn finished work at her hse , come back home . tmr need go wedding lunch at singapore flyer ON MY OWN sia . i dunt wantt i dunt want . HAIZ D: cause must ownself take mrt to city hall .. ;X later i bored to death ahr . aiyooo . so tmr PLEASE SMS ME MANYMANY ! thankyous . so i not bored laa . tmr wear wht eh ? idk :/ omgs , i dunno wht to wear . aiyaa , nvm , tmr thn see baa . okay , buhbye ! :DD

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hiie :D today im in a good mood , idk why . dunt ask me why ! i just in a damn good mood , im not crazy okay ! ;X HAH ! :DD . see i good mood right . today no gym , woots ~ sch had th earth hour , wthh . was damn hawt , towards th end cannot tahan liao luhs . waa , sian siaa . thn aft sch , went to kfc to eat w/ belle . cause recess neh eat anything , thn was freaking hungry D: aiyooo , thn aft eating , i went home . & sleep ! HAHA yeaaaa , i slept for like one hour luhs . thn mum wake me up cause she going out . :/ so i woke up , and started playing com until now . i so pro rights ! i know i know ;P HEHE . xD . HAIZ D: my mum nagging for me to sleep lerhs , so early siaa . nvms , i shall be back tmr morning ! :DD buhbye !

Thursday, March 25, 2010

that is eugene , HAHA ! picture done by : wanyi , yanzhuang , jiaxue & jiahui ! picture taken by me . hand abit shaky laa , cause eugene was trying to erase it , & th rest were blocking him , i was bursting with laughters yeaa ;D thats why ! ;P but its fun laa . today training , omg . we had gym , tmr no gym , whooo ~ yay rights ! but today veh tired . we did like gym every set siaa muscle aching . thn ran upper sec block th stairs run . wthhhhh . i was damn tired , pain & i wanted to pee badly you know . HAIZ D: so i kinda like slacked th whole way , i scared th pee come out !! HAHA . thn today dunno is unlucky or lucky siaa , cher change moniter & monitress . me & jonh tio siaa . i so daomei , every year sure tio monitress one laa ! HAH , but i have authority now ? is tht a good thing ? idk :/ hahz , so yeaa . tmr no gym , i still cant believe . can go home early whoo ! iLOVEit :DD . come back aft training , trained w/ belle to whitesands , went to subway to dabao . belle bought oldchangkee ! ;D actually i did too O: i bought like everything , im currently bankrupt ! ); sadsadsad . okay laa , i go watch show liaoz , buhbye ! :DD

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hiie :D waa i just cried , damn . cause mum made me watch th damn show , & it was so sad laa . biggest loser . thn it was elimination .. thn one out of two ppl needs to be eliminated , thn it was th two brothers .. thn they crycrycry , until i also want cry liao luh ! wth siaa . thn rights , they keep saying , bro you're th best of smt .. ;X HAH , now's funny , just now sad . aiyoooo . today sch ended at 11 . stupid mr ong released us at 1130 liddat luh , hate him , so naggy . :DD && OMG . MY FATHER JUST TOLD ME THT YARON'S FATHER IS HIS BEST FRIEND FOR LIKE 10 PLUS YEARS . wth right ? omgs siaa . i dunno how face myself xD . HAHA so funny lor . okay laa , buhbye now !! ;P watch bangbangtanggggggg . lovediethem .

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hiie :D today training abit tiring , but huh , you know . sports is liddat derh . so i .. HAH , you know ? just accept it & jiayou ^^ . so our coach is confirmed alre luh . ? HAH , idk anything :/ aiyaa , damn hungry now sey .. nth to eat at home , guess wht ? my maid sleep liao siaa . wtff . LOL . ;D thns just now after training went to drink bubble tea , green apple ice blended . whoooo ~ i go cook magiiiiiimeeeeee :DD buhbye !!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Okay , im so pissed now tht i want to punch someone . My wonderful geog teacher submitted th damned green form siaa & now i have a freaking demerit point cause of my fucking socks ? wth . from my language you know i cant friggin' control it . & i didn't bring back geog textbook to revise for tmr . like hell . IM SO GONNA DIE TMR ? okay , im trying to control . like wth rights , just for the socks . its a serious offence babe . wow . im so impressed w/ her manzxc . first time in my life , i love a teacher to this extend yeaa . bimbo , fucker , you suck , loser . fat ass . think you can slim down ? no way , you so fat , go die laa bomb . short & fat . cow . pig . i seriously wonder how many students love her as much as i do . you know , i totally loathe her . she sucks to the effing core k . okay , chills . i shall not bother so much alre . since i alre have it , i shall accept th fact , tht i have such a lovely teacher teaching me my fav subject geog . wow . okay fine , im sure im gonna suck at tmr's common test .
Common Test results : suckish .
Maths - 27/30
HMT - 43/50
Currently only know this two , but this two alre sucks to like , th core ? okay , i accept the fact tht im dumb . HAIZ D: i hate her . bimbotic bimbo bitchy bitch fucking fucker suckish sucker . no life . :/ enough scolding , ! i feel loads better , HAHA . :DD okok , ciaos . gtg do dnt project . (;

Friday, March 19, 2010

Took neoprints ;D isnt belle chio ? jess also .. i have excessive fats sia . wtf .
i still look fat ._. HAIZ D:

cemetry , jess act cute , HAHA . belle also abit . my pose abit weird . dunno wht im doing , praying ? xD . LOL !

they two princess laa , im so NOT . [:

saw meridian boys pic . took it . (; for fun only luh . :DD
Today class gathering luh , not say very fun , its just like every normal outing . SPAMMING ARCADE ROCKS . i feel my initialD getting better each time , xD . HAHA . cause its like .. you know ? nvr so often hit th sides liao luh . pk w/ jess . i won . by like .. abit niaa i guess . LOL . thn we took neoprint w/ gwen . bought cupwalker . strawberry soda . its so nice sey . iLOVEit . HEHE . we played like mostly basketball , datona , jubeat & initialD luhs . [: but its fun , spamming arcade totally rocks . gonna spam again tmr ! ;D w/ sara i guess . YAY ! i kinda love today . but got some ppl damn extra siaa . like zhihan luh . i playing drum , he go anyhow hithit . hit wht shit fxck laa . no life dog . so childish . like young children , think he so young meh , old liao laa , ahpeh . :DD its fun letting out my anger , it feels better this way . dunt you think so ? ;P HAHA . tmr sara & soonching coming my hse , to do th dnt project . HAIZ . i havent finish holiday hw . holiday alr going over liao luh . aiyoyooooo . D: sadistic sey me . ;X okay baa , buhbye ! ;D miss me yaa .

Thursday, March 18, 2010

maths project i know it sucks . cause i did it , HAHA ! ;D
this is my AHS netball c'div 2010 teammates , only some tho ! ;D lovediethem ! ♥ they rock .

me & bellebelle . camwhore with her rocks yeaa ;P

isn't this familiar ? YEAA ! the stadium we went today is the one tht we went on p5 sports day ! xD .

yeaa , another one . HAHA . and we also saw the bird in the hole . anyone rmbs ? ;D HAHA !
SEE . today is such a good day ♥ i totally love today right ? yesssss , ohyes ! ;D suddenly when i run in this stadium , i felt so close to it . & i wasn't tht tired liao . :DD hehe , okok . buhbye ! next time post more pics . (;

Hiie :D lovedie today ! ♥ HARHAR . morning went for 2.4 km run . i was first , praise super closely behind ! then yixiu , & anabelle ! nice run eh guys ! ;D THEN , we decided to go out . so after ms noriff talktalktalk . we went home , changed . & meet again at whitesands thn go e!hub tgt . first go eat . SUBWAY-ED with netballers is fun , & unglam ! HARHAR . everyone was trying to cover their big mouths eheheh . [: HAHA . thn took group photo . SMILE , cheekscheeks . (; then went toilet camwhore . we were lyk blocking everyone's way ! OOPS . sorreh eh ppl . HEHE . thn ho jinjia dunt rmb me liao sia , dai ! wtff , i same class as him for six years . he forget me in 3 months . ? hellohh ? HAHA , nvm . then we took neoprints . & went back whitesands took another time neoprint , totally screwed the last one siaa . HAIZ D: nvms , thn me , belle , praise & simone went arcade . i was car-racing , they were basketballing . netballers also can play basketball one okehh . xD . HARHAR . after two rounds of winning in car racing , went to join them in basketball . IT WAS FUN LAA . [; heheeee . thn went home liao . ohya , bought alisha ; elmochiosist bday present ehs . secret ;X HAHA . okay , buhbye ! LOVE AHS C'DIV 2010 NETBALLERS . YOU ROCK MY CCA . ;P thankyous for the funfun day . & tmr CLASS GATHERING . cant wait also ! ;D okay , ciaos . miss me yaa .


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hiie :D today went szeming hse . HAHA . meet belle at bus stop . then went whitesands tgt . go library . meet wanyi . :D then went tamp to meet szeming liao . went to macs . then went szeming's hse . xD . her hse to nice . then we do workwork . & fashion parade . HAHA ! ;D so fun rights ? we major slacked ehs . HAHA , okay laa , buhbye . ;P

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hiie :D every trip to eugene's hse is always UNPRODUCTIVE . guess what me & bryan did at eugene's hse . we SLACKED :/ lame rights ? i know , but yeaa , cant help it . im a major slacker . (: my mum is damn PISSED w/ me ehz , cause my phone bill is like $362.70 . my phone is on the verge of being confiscated . walauehz , damn scary just now . i want my phone derh luh >< ! i dunt want it to be confiscated leyz . HAIZ D: my phonephone . alamak . then she was like , im not gonna sponser your gathering on friday O; OHMYTIAN . then how ahr ?! am i just gonna die like this ? HAIZ . freaking pathetic ehz . HAIZ . fine laa , i go dig out all my money see whether got 300 plus . WTF ?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hiie :D hahaaa , just now went giant .. AHR I CANT STOP THINKING ABT MY NEW NEIGHBOUR YEAA . he is 15 and he looks like his from korea . walau , damn shuaii ;P but im not interested in him .. HAHA . waa , yesterday his mum & him & his sist came our hse . and say like what hello and stuffs . OMG . then i open the door you know . and i was like damn shock . ohmygod ? O: HAHAAA . cause he and his sist damn hawt and chio . alamak . i still dunno their info laa , i only know the sist hp number . good enough xD . hahaaaa i cant believe it yeaa . ahr ahr ahr . okay fine . ;D i shall stop thinking abt him . ^^ . now trying to do my eng writing . ;P okay , buhbye !

Friday, March 12, 2010

I promised yeaa , dedicate a post to martians if they won . and they did win , so here's the dedications yeaa :D tho i also dunno what to dedicate laa , but just happy for you guys eh ! well done huh . you've done mr idham & all the other chers proud . like , WOW . xD . hahaaa , okay laa . im so happy for them yeaa . ^^ . its cool & like . aiya , nth to say . haha , i so bad ! okay , LOL !! kk , buhbye ! btw after sch kinda like played with teresa sammy zoey & shihua . OMGS I DONT FRIGGIN KNOW HOW TO SPELL THEIR NAMES . ;P

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hiie :D today i also forgot what happened ._. lalala ~ okok . tmr sports day . JIAYOU . buhbye . lame siaa this post . damnn shortttt . [:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hiie :D HAHA . i dunno ley , but today damn funny siaa . :D very fun nowadays . HAHAAAA , in class we always playplay one luh . and then dont care cher . aiya , today vehh goodgood . RAINED . xD . finally manzxc . [: HEHEEEEE . i so happeh , then it was like damn cooling but its also good for sleeping . almost wanted to during chinese leyy :X . aiyoo . thens , tmr got chinese test . shuyi ; jiayou ahr ! i didn't study ><" . im so pathetic rights . HAIZ . i know D: sadsad . i hope i dunt minus so much marks . btw , friday sports day so yeaa . MARS JIAYOU ! ;D i know you guys can do it . go juniors . do your best kay . i will dedicate one post for you guys after sports day eh ! ;P hehee i know i will ! YAY ! [: hahaaaaaaaa , okok . now damn tired siaa . just now went out . going for 6 CHARITY GATHERING ! ;D hope to see more 6C'09 peeps , i miss you guys loads ahr ! lovediediedie !! x3 heheee , i so high today . guess why ?! CAUSE I PASSED MY ELIT RETEST !! HAHAHAAAA . im proud of myself yeaa ! okay , ciao ! ^^ .

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hiie :D back posting yahs . HAHAAAAAAAAA , EUGENE'S HSE WAS DAMN FUN & FUNNY LAAAA ! xD . and im really serious . it was sooooo funny ! hammond , haaaaa ! hammond cut hair waa .. i tell you ahr , like 4 year old kid siaa . haaaa , omgs . and he's totally scared of like . what ? guess !! ;P WATERRRRRRRRRR . HAAAAAHAHAAAAAA , you can laugh your heads off . we actually like spent loads of time then he go inside the pool siaa . waa , today so funny , i laugh until bo voice ley :\ heeeeheeeheeeee , damn funny xD . walau , funny canzxc . then go home .. :X . go whitesands . saw peeps . ^^ . then went back home , play com ! heeheeee , cant wait to see hammond in sch tmr with his newly haircut ! ZOMG . funnyfunny . ;D okay , ciaos . gtg , buhbye ! ;P ( ps , hammond changed name to harmmone . ) HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA .
hiie :D going eugene's hse liao ! whoooo , see his hse how big . heee , gonna bring my laptop so yeah . buhbye :D come back and post okehhhh ! CIAO .

Friday, March 5, 2010

Hiie :D today dunno why no GYM siaa , i was like damn zai canzxc . cause me & belle was lyk walking , then i suddenly said , i think today no gym siaa , gotta feeling . haaa , then damn zai , really dunt have sey :X whoo . i rock . :D haaa , whoo . in class was like damn boring siaa , you know nots ?! music test ; flunked baby . i suck at differentiating like all the sounds siaa ! HAIZ . D: then recess , same normal things , ate , went back class . then elit , ms nisrin mood swing siaa , suddenly like so angry . then say we all tough to teach wth . where got luh o.o we so guaii !! xD . hehee , actually is not guai at all laa , but nvms right . ;D haaa , then went back home w/ praiseeee ! [: she's sucha nice kid . hahaaaa , talked luh . xP . then went to anabelle's hse . ate magimee . :D whoo . yummy . watched shows , YAY . :D then went bronto . but i had no mood , so i went back home , started playing com , haaaaaa ! okays , buhbye . CIAO . ^^ .

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hiie :D aiya , today alot of chers all nvr come siaa . good or bad ? idk . science was lousy . dont wanna talk abt it . awws . lousy mans . bball with szeming & sara quite fun , buhbye . no mood seys :X

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hiie :D Hahaa , ANGLICAN HIGH SCHOOL WON THE FIRST FOR BOYS & SECOND FOR GIRLS IN EAST ZONE BASKETBALL COMPETITION . waa , we watched match today , instead of lyk , training ? O: hahaa , when running , i gastric . waakao , damn pain sey :X super pain . i eat medicine liao , still pain sia . wtfffff . xD then the seniors so good , bought milk for me siaaa . waa , so good seys . [: waa i so proud of them !! xD . then damn zai laa . we ( netballers ) scream until so high , also nt we win luh , then we still over thr screma so loud , if you see us screaming , it is so damn extra . hahaa , ppl screaming shengzhong , shengzhong . we over thr , whoooo , whoooo , whoooooo ~ hahaaaaaaa ! xD . damn funny sia , isabel . (; wah , netball so good uh . xD heeeee , and science test was a flunk . i mean , im gonna flunk it . awwwwww ! cry me out . ;D hahaha , LOL ! waa tired liao , buhbye . :D