Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hiie :D today decided to start my post with a picture ! isnt sara & wanyi just superrrr chioooo & cute ? ohmigosh , and im so ugly , i spoil the picture luh xD . haaaa , its a wonder that they still took it w/ me ! ;D lovediethem laa canzxc ?! their so cuteeeeee !! xP sara so chio wanyi so chio . wtf , haaaaa . xD . lucky class got them . and anabelle & szeming . then i can survive . lucky netball also got them ahr ! haaaa , okay laa . today morning woke up , watched KO.3ANGUO last episode . wow , it was damn sad can .. felt lyk crying when ahxiang killed xiu !! ohmigosh . sadsadsad . ); hahaaa , but the ending was good . but too fast end liao luh , haiz . ); havent finish enjoying it manzxc . awws ! haaaaa , then after finish watching that , watched my mpv valentine . [: its a nicenice show okayyy ! ;D i love it alot . got my yanxingshu inside , so shuaishuaiiiiiii ! :P heheee , okayyyy , now gtgs , buhbye ! :D

Friday, February 26, 2010

Hiie :D omgs , today elit test i almost cant finish laa . okay , start from starting of the day , did exercise . went back classroom for science . we laughed , yihong was damn funneh ;P then music liaos . aiyoooo , wanyi today so unlucky luhh , tio called to sing sch song , then accidentally said the whatever thing to mrs lai . ZOMGS . poorpoor wanyi . & smt else which i wont mention also happened to wanyi ! omgs . hahaa , so kelian laa . i almost thought that thing happened to me siol xD . gym was painful . did the lying down the sit up . the machine one . go dwn too fast , back is hurting lyk siao . went back home after gym w/ belle , wanyi , yanzhuang & jiaxue :D went 7/11 buy things , bused back . laughed & talked . it was sooooo funn :P next time we sit bus again ahr ! ^^ then went back whitesands , got macwings ! SPICYYYYYYY ! hawt . :D & cup walker . music now : HEARTBREAKER . :P

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hiie :D today geog test , actually still okay one luh . ;D but i lyk write the least luh . ahr , sad ! i so pathetic laa . haiz , im so depressed . chinese was boring as USUAL . her classes are always boring luh . almost wanted to sleep . wrote chi compo today too . xP it was kinda lyk fun laa . i LOVE compos . not that i lyk to make my hand pain or smt .__. hahaa . but yeah ! compos make my mind think and not sleep . [: pe was super boring again laa ! mr koh always ask us run three times around the field , netball & basketball court ley . sian , zz . then the distance is lyk , 1.4 km laa . ohmigosh ! 2.4 im so gonna pant lyk siao rights ? O: hahaa , nvm , i will jiayou ones . :D then netball training . today training was fun lyk shit ! im mean seriously veh fun laa . we bonded at the end of training . stand on swing & swing . waa , i tell you , SHIOK . but i stand , veh giddy seys . X: hahaaa , okok laa . then came back , whitesands , subway-ed with anabelle . her mum fetch us home . and byebye . :D tmr got ELIT TEST . and ZOMGS , am i prepared ? im so not ! :/ hehee , but i will do my best , AND MUST MEMORISE SCHOOL SONG . im so DEAD . X:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hiie :D sara's beside me now ! & we're lyk .. supposed to do the project . & then ? what happened ? guess !! we SLACKED . xD thats so lyk me right ? hahaa , i know , i know . today sch so boring luhs . haiz , siansiansian !! hahaa , but yihong today damn pervert . he point his hand at szeming's " nehneh " & say , : aim , and squeze ! yuck right , wtf sia . i was like , damn disgusted laa . then szeming .. so poor thing . cause hammond keep asking szeming to sex w/ him ! hahaa , playplay one laa . but also veh funny luh . then hammond horny laa . eew ! yuckyuckyuck .. ahhhhh ! LOL ! :D ya laa , thn stint , talked lyk shit . mrs chua didn't give a damn luh . good . [: hehee . okay laa , sian liao . dont want post liao . buhbye . :P

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hiie :D today sch quite fun laa . Dnt eugene got hongbao! cause his work veh fast maa . hahaa , good for him luh . chinese test got highest .. but so lan luh . :X lyk only 44/50 laa . mum gonna kill me luhs . hehee , but nvms . aiya , so sad laa . my standard drop :O okoks , dont care liao . then eng i fail , hahaa .. sianz . i confirm sikiaokiao . :X haiz , ohya , btw , today yihong damn pervertic . hahaa , then me , szeming & belle was lyk running away from him laa ! hahaa , lols sey . he go pock our stomach laa . wtf !! :/ hahaha , okok . now going watch show , buhbye :D ohya . btw , basketball w/ johnny belle & alisha was fun . ^^

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hiie :D okayy , today sian . Went macs in the morn' . [: hehee . okayy laa , post more tmrs . buhbye .
Hiie :D hahaa , so cool huhs . Today siansian . Morning wake up , also nth to do derh luh . Btw , wangzi's bro ; maodi , is so freaking cute . Dunt understand why he & wangzi dunt lyk each other . & they look alike somemore sey . :D bonus point . hehee . Watched szeming's play basketball on youtube . Not bad ahr , hahaha . [: okays , buhbyes for now . :P

Saturday, February 20, 2010

hiie :D back from watching valentines day w/ belle . [: was quite okay laa , the movie . although some parts , i mean most parts are disgusting , but yeah , its worth it . couple seated w/ ah belle . after movie , went arcade , jubeat . ahr , i suck at that . :> rawr . hahaa , then went pastamania . ohya , saw clavin w/ two other girls wor , woot . lol , then eateat . finish , bused back to west plaza . drizzle :/ then buy bubble tea , home sweet home . (; music ; i dont care , 2NE1 . its quite nice actually . and g-dragonnn suddenly seems handsome to me O: hahaa , of course i still want my kyu .! :D ciaoz . ;P

Friday, February 19, 2010

As you can see , im damn bored . Yeah , so im blogging luhs . Blog abt my classmates !

ANABELLE : Nth much to say leyy :/ know her so long , okay lovedies !
TANWANYI : HuaiXiaoHai ! [: hahaa ! damn funny , thanks for all those laughs ahr , lovedies !
SARACHONG : CHIOBU , (; hahaha , must smile moremore ahr ! lovelovelove !
VIVIANPEH : YOOOO ! okay , talk must talk softly ahr , dont kena scolding alr ok ! loveya !
ONGSZEMING : BASKETBALLER ahr ! pro ahr ! hahaa , THUNDER ! [:
WISIA : Must interact moremore okays !! [:
JUNELSEET : HEY CUTIE ! (; Hahaa , talk moremore ahr !! lovedies .
XIAOXUAN : YOYO ! hahaha , go back meridian soon ahr ! :D
PANXINLEI : vice-chair , [: yooooooo .
YIHONG : Dont playplay ahr ! Hahaha , lols !! [:
EUGENE : Aiyo , kor , dont sms liao in class !!

To the boys : Dont be lazy anymores ! [: must ownself walk up to put music ahr ! hahaa , but i will still help laa . (; good boy! LOL ! :D
& guess what ? hahaa , i just changed my blogskin ! (; congratulate me ah , hehee . ohya , btw , going basketball court now ! so yeah , buhbyes ! :d miss me ya ..


back from basketball court ! was funfunfun , hahaa , played luh , assisted wenyi . anabelle keep jumping ball , i keep defending ppl . then kenneth & junann so sweaty sey , mark until my whole hand filled with their sweat luhs ! aiyo , but nvm , the momont i reach home , i bathe liao . wah that bath , shiok ahr . (; hahaa , now sian lo , tmr dunno if can go out watch VALENTINES DAY with belle not . haiz , wish me lucks ! buhbye . :D

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hellos ! :D hahaa , im back blogging agains . Hahaa , miss me mah ? :/ so bhb ! hahaa ! nvm lahh , once in a while niahs . :) okay lah , today went sch to put contacts . THANK YOU ANABELLE WANYI VIVIAN & SZEMING LOADS ! lovedies , :D they help me put my contacts , until they late worhs ! lovedie them okay ! x3 hahaa , love my sec sch friends alotalot . meridian also laa ! ;P hahaa , then so fun sia , we late for class cher nvr even say anything . hmt cher rocks !! xP hahaa , woots right . then recess guess what ? NO FOOD SEH !! total defence .. haiz :> so sway right ? haha , then end sch liao , went bball court find gwen and eunice lo . cause they come ah . so shiok sia . alot ppl come ah uh ! hahaa , so good lo . hahaha , cny coming liaos . our sch siaosiao one , ask us wear home clothes sehs . abit prob right ? hahah , i know !! hahaha , okay lah , that day play truth and dare with friends . boy + girls .. damn fun . laughed like hell . john paul make yaron fuck the wall sia . then yaron go flirt with the wall sia omg !! hahaha !! funny , okok , bb ! :D

Thursday, February 4, 2010

hellos :D teeshuyi in the hse worhs . :P hahah , just now went to dunman sec go see match . we lost by 5 .. awws right ! hahaa , nvm . now still helping belle with maths luhs . heheee , so fun . okay lah , gtg liaos . bb . :D